
Weekend Gamer
Mar 22, 2008
First of all... Loved the game ! Looking forward to the next one.

I was hoping that the ending would somehow involve her getting her famous "twin pistols". Mission accomplished !

One of my favorite moments was in that night forest. Seeing the goons in the distance with their flashlights and just quietly picking them off with my bow one by one was somehow quite rewarding... and the opposite feeling of [face_shock] when I go up those steps and ... DAMMIT !! WOLVES !!

And a bonus? It's the first time that I can remember being THANKED for finishing a game. :)

Your thoughts? [face_peace]


Sep 27, 2006
Love the game also. I liked the forest you are talking about, it was fun. So many memorable moments in this game.

I liked the wolves in the game overall, though it would have been nice to see them play an even bigger role in the game. The bear trap/wolf moment was pretty nice.

I also really liked climbing the radio tower as I thought it was quite tense.

The 'Descent' inspired swim in a blood pool was pretty gruesome but very cool.


Jan 10, 2011
Well being a girl who doesn't love the gore and stuff, I really loved the two epic escapes—one where you dropped from zipline to zipline and the other with the parachute and the river. I actually had to do that about 8 times I think until I got it right. I saw that death scene picture of her being gored by a tree branch a few too many times.

I also love the climb for the final chapter to get up to Sam and Mathias. That was super intense and required quite a bit of thinking. It wasn't hard if you understand how the game works, but it was just challenging enough to be fun and I think I only died once on that one.


Weekend Gamer
Mar 22, 2008
... I saw that death scene picture of her being gored by a tree branch a few too many times.

I'm with you there. It reminded me of playing God of War back in the day and everytime you die, you see the sign "YOU ARE DEAD". I'm like, "Ok, I get it !!!" Same in this game. "Dammit, Lara !! "


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
I think the grappling line (from Legend-Anniv-Underworld) would be the one gripe I have about the new TR.

No. The Rope Arrow doesn't count, because there's no free-swinging like in the older trilogy (for tomb puzzles and stuff).

Makes me [face_plain]


Sep 27, 2006
@sng-ign: Hopefully it will come back in the sequel along with an agility upgrade skill tree to allow for some of Lara's patented acrobatics as she becomes a more skilled tomb raider.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
The most memorable moment for me would have to be the dual pistols at the end. The game really kept us waiting for that moment and the payoff when it happened was excellent. It seemed that Lara was going to get the twin pistols when Roth died. The camera kept showing the dual pistols and then when Lara ended up with two, it seemed certain. However she gave one to Sam which then kept us waiting. I'm really glad it happened in the end though and it really helped make the ending special.
Oct 8, 2011
My most memorable moment was when I accidentally shot a rope-arrow instead of a regular one on an unexpected enemy and pulled him off a ledge. I found out later on a load screen that it is something that can be done all the time. But at the time, it shocked me and had me laughing at my "happy accident".


Jan 10, 2011
Oh nice!!! Shootz, I just had some baddies on a ledge as I'm playing through trying to get 100% and could have done that!! Funny as it was just before I had done the buoy thing to reach the cairn on the rock outcropping on Shipwreck Beach (where you use the rope arrows).


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010
Whole game was amazing. There's so many. To name a few:

First Kill.
Plane Crash/Slide.
Blood Swim.

But maybe above all.

Radio Tower. Quiet but tense moment in the game. You could see that Lara had the sense of achievement and self-belief when she got to the top. (Reminded me of the great 'quiet' moments in games. e.g Red Dead Redemption- Crossing into Mexico.)


Sep 27, 2006
Whole game was amazing. There's so many. To name a few:

First Kill.
Plane Crash/Slide.
Blood Swim.

But maybe above all.

Radio Tower. Quiet but tense moment in the game. You could see that Lara had the sense of achievement and self-belief when she got to the top. (Reminded me of the great 'quiet' moments in games. e.g Red Dead Redemption- Crossing into Mexico.)

Copy cat ;)


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010
My most memorable moment was when I accidentally shot a rope-arrow instead of a regular one on an unexpected enemy and pulled him off a ledge. I found out later on a load screen that it is something that can be done all the time. But at the time, it shocked me and had me laughing at my "happy accident".
i didn't realise this haha. thank you for letting me know.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010
Whole game was amazing. There's so many. To name a few:

First Kill.
Plane Crash/Slide.
Blood Swim.

But maybe above all.

Radio Tower. Quiet but tense moment in the game. You could see that Lara had the sense of achievement and self-belief when she got to the top. (Reminded me of the great 'quiet' moments in games. e.g Red Dead Redemption- Crossing into Mexico.)

Copy cat ;)
good taste. :D


Jul 3, 2003
[URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/bularae.3918381/']@BulaRae[/URL]: That's funny I just posted another thread about the parachute area. I died a LOT there also, way too much impaling for my taste [face_shock]
So do I. I died there many many times. The first time was shocking but after the 5th death it got old. I must have died 10 times at least.

The best moments...from the very begiining the mood of the game took me completely by surprise, I didn't expect it to be so...cruel, desperate, I don't know. I really really was on my toes most times, scared, watching every step, it was an awesome feeling, it's not easy to provoke something like that with a game.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
I marked the fuck out when she picked up the two guns at the end. Such a great callback to the other games and it was just the culmination of an epic final stage.
The best moments...from the very begiining the mood of the game took me completely by surprise, I didn't expect it to be so...cruel, desperate, I don't know. I really really was on my toes most times, scared, watching every step, it was an awesome feeling, it's not easy to provoke something like that with a game.
This pretty much sums up my experience with the game. It was so tense at times! It was also so rewarding to have Lara become more capable as the game drew on. I suppose it was a combination of her acquiring more skills and the player becoming more adept at utilising her abilities.