
SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008

Jeffybug said:
Today, multiplayer will be restored to Borderlands 1 on PlayStation 3 in both North America and Europe (and Japan is coming soon!).

Upon launching Borderlands 1 on PS3, you'll be prompted to download an update that enables the new matchmaking system. This update also contains a few other changes:

-Within Borderlands multiplayer, you can sort your friends list in a few different ways:
-Who is playing Borderlands
-Who is online
-Alphabetical order

-The “And They’ll Tell Two Friends” Trophy will now grant correctly
-Improvements to voice chat

Note that if your save was previously stored in the cloud instead of on your PlayStation 3 hard drive, some settings such as screen brightness, Y-Axis invert, etc. may need to be reset.

If you have any trouble, visit http://support.gearbox.com.

Thanks to everyone for your patience as we worked to find a solution, and special thanks to the folks at 22nd Century Toys for helping to make this happen!
Gamespy used to provide the servers for PS3, but they were bought out by Glu Mobile- a mobile gaming company- in 2012. They shut down servers for many older games back in the summer of 2014, including Borderlands. But now, Gearbox has reached a deal with 22nd Century Toys to provide online play for BL1.

If anyone else has missed playing BL1 online for PS3 like I did, go download the update and get to playing with some friends again! :D


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
Microsoft didn't use Gamespy servers with Borderlands 1, so online play for the 360 was never affected/disabled.