
週末Not yet
Aug 1, 2005
Well fortunately another batch of threads from the old board just popped up, the real CT and manga thread should be in the works then.


Vesti Thread of the Year Title Holder '12
Feb 23, 2004
Woot, first page[face_dancing]

And I'm happy themightyme started it; better an established veteran then a n00bie Testi kid making it.

But screw the typesetting; each new line is making me have to re-imput the deeppink[face_frustrated]

I STILL NEED ONE MORE PERSON TO SIGN UP FOR THE USER?CHARACTER BATTLES!!![face_cry] Is there truly only 8 others willing to play with me!?!?!?!?[face_cry]
Aug 1, 2000
Woot, first page[face_dancing]

And I'm happy themightyme started it; better an established veteran then a n00bie Testi kid making it.

But screw the typesetting; each new line is making me have to re-imput the deeppink[face_frustrated]

I STILL NEED ONE MORE PERSON TO SIGN UP FOR THE USER?CHARACTER BATTLES!!![face_cry] Is there truly only 8 others willing to play with me!?!?!?!?[face_cry]
can my alter play too?


Vesti Thread of the Year Title Holder '12
Feb 23, 2004
Woot, first page[face_dancing]

And I'm happy themightyme started it; better an established veteran then a n00bie Testi kid making it.

But screw the typesetting; each new line is making me have to re-imput the deeppink[face_frustrated]

I STILL NEED ONE MORE PERSON TO SIGN UP FOR THE USER?CHARACTER BATTLES!!![face_cry] Is there truly only 8 others willing to play with me!?!?!?!?[face_cry]
can my alter play too?
Mmmmm, give it a bit; after that plea if no one else jumps on it I'll get back to ya
Aug 1, 2000
Woot, first page[face_dancing]

And I'm happy themightyme started it; better an established veteran then a n00bie Testi kid making it.

But screw the typesetting; each new line is making me have to re-imput the deeppink[face_frustrated]

I STILL NEED ONE MORE PERSON TO SIGN UP FOR THE USER?CHARACTER BATTLES!!![face_cry] Is there truly only 8 others willing to play with me!?!?!?!?[face_cry]
can my alter play too?
Mmmmm, give it a bit; after that plea if no one else jumps on it I'll get back to ya
was just kidding tho.... when I said alter I meant split personalities not alternate username (I don't have one.. of either)


Vesti Thread of the Year Title Holder '12
Feb 23, 2004


Dangerously Sane
Oct 23, 2004
Mighty, did you have to put the subject in all caps? That's just tacky. You too, swordslayer, with your manga thread. [face_tongue]

If we can't get our original threads back, I'd like to kindly ask LiT to edit the caps out of both of them. Any objections?

Also, did the person with the worst punctuation and spelling skills among us have to start the CT? No offense, Mighty. [face_tongue]
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Dangerously Sane
Oct 23, 2004
May I suggest "Naruto Community Thread Version 2" (since our last one was "Naruto Community Thread Version 1"). Harkens back to a simpler time; when the boards didn't go through drastic changes every damn year (it seems). [face_tongue]


Vesti Thread of the Year Title Holder '12
Feb 23, 2004
I doubt there is time to edit though. I say we post a new thread with that as the title and see if we all abandon ship for it, or end up staying here.

Aug 1, 2000
I made the CT quick... I hereby give LiT permission to change it as he sees fit.. if he wants to add in some ToS stuff and such for instance, if he doesn't feel like changing it at all.. I am fine with that too


Vesti Thread of the Year Title Holder '12
Feb 23, 2004
I made the CT quick... I hereby give LiT permission to change it as he sees fit.. if he wants to add in some ToS stuff and such for instance, if he doesn't feel like changing it at all.. I am fine with that too
But you're an '00, it's only fitting you start the new one, both the CT and the Manga thread. No offense swordslayer, I just think the Naruto manga thread shouldn't have all the info on other manga's. This is the Naruto board afterall
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Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Jun 9, 2004
We talk about all sorts of manga there, whether you like it or not. There is no reason that we shouldn't talk about them. Besides, it's not like you going to find a 'cage of eden' board, so how else are we suppose to talk about it except on the vague general manga board that none of us here go to anyway?


Eldritch Millennial
Feb 21, 2010
Baldur's Gate
I made the CT quick... I hereby give LiT permission to change it as he sees fit.. if he wants to add in some ToS stuff and such for instance, if he doesn't feel like changing it at all.. I am fine with that too
I can edit the title and whatever you like in the original post. Just let me know what you all want, and it'll be done. No problemo.

And yes, as mentioned, the old CT and manga threads are locked. It'll be a while before they can be unlocked, if at all. It's way low on the priority chain.


Super Star
Jul 18, 2006
Yay first page, glad this board migrated over. I'm real glad the community can keep going :D


Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Jun 9, 2004
I made the CT quick... I hereby give LiT permission to change it as he sees fit.. if he wants to add in some ToS stuff and such for instance, if he doesn't feel like changing it at all.. I am fine with that too
I can edit the title and whatever you like in the original post. Just let me know what you all want, and it'll be done. No problemo.

And yes, as mentioned, the old CT and manga threads are locked. It'll be a while before they can be unlocked, if at all. It's way low on the priority chain.
Since people are bitching about the caps, just put my in lower case. I didn't think it was a big deal, but whatever.


Vesti Thread of the Year Title Holder '12
Feb 23, 2004
I made the CT quick... I hereby give LiT permission to change it as he sees fit.. if he wants to add in some ToS stuff and such for instance, if he doesn't feel like changing it at all.. I am fine with that too
I can edit the title and whatever you like in the original post. Just let me know what you all want, and it'll be done. No problemo.

And yes, as mentioned, the old CT and manga threads are locked. It'll be a while before they can be unlocked, if at all. It's way low on the priority chain.
Since people are bitching about the caps, just put my in lower case. I didn't think it was a big deal, but whatever.
Not necessarily bitching, just commenting. It's not like we'd refuse to post in it just cause it's all in caps, or that there is info on other manga's in the Manga Thread; just noting that even though we end up talking about a wide range of manga anyways, it doesn't make sense to broadcast all the others when it is in fact the Naruto Manga discussion thread. Not trying to rain on your parade, just expressing my own personal opinion on the matter; no need to get hurt over a couple people's opinions[face_peace]


Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Jun 9, 2004
Not necessarily bitching, just commenting. It's not like we'd refuse to post in it just cause it's all in caps, or that there is info on other manga's in the Manga Thread; just noting that even though we end up talking about a wide range of manga anyways, it doesn't make sense to broadcast all the others when it is in fact the Naruto Manga discussion thread. Not trying to rain on your parade, just expressing my own personal opinion on the matter; no need to get hurt over a couple people's opinions[face_peace]

How do you define 'bitching' if not as 'complaining'? I don't attach any negative connotation to the word bitching, by the way. I wasn't upset with you or anything. I just think your opinion is stupid. Caps in a title is a stupid thing to bitch about, but it's also not worth arguing over, so if LiT wants to change it, whatever. And as for the manga thread, since we DO talk about all sorts of manga, it'd be false advertising to give off the impression that it is all we talk about is naruto. At best, you can say that we should name it the Manga Discussion Thread. And if you want that, again, fine, LiT can change it to that if he wants, but if we are going to be talking about other manga, there is no reason we shouldn't look as such. I mean, what do you think will happen, other posters from other boards will snicker behind our backs in their threads, going "Oh, those Narutard Board whores, can't even talk talk about their own manga, they have to stick their microphalli in everything else too, the dirty sluts? Ha ha ha."?
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Vesti Thread of the Year Title Holder '12
Feb 23, 2004
Not necessarily bitching, just commenting. It's not like we'd refuse to post in it just cause it's all in caps, or that there is info on other manga's in the Manga Thread; just noting that even though we end up talking about a wide range of manga anyways, it doesn't make sense to broadcast all the others when it is in fact the Naruto Manga discussion thread. Not trying to rain on your parade, just expressing my own personal opinion on the matter; no need to get hurt over a couple people's opinions[face_peace]

How do you define 'bitching' if not as 'complaining'? I don't attach any negative connotation to the word bitching, by the way. I wasn't upset with you or anything. I just think your opinion is stupid. Caps in a title is a stupid thing to bitch about, but it's also not worth arguing over, so if LiT wants to change it, whatever. And as for the manga thread, since we DO talk about all sorts of manga, it'd be false advertising to give off the impression that it is all we talk about is naruto. At best, you can say that we should name it the Manga Discussion Thread. And if you want that, again, fine, LiT can change it to that if he wants, but if we are going to be talking about other manga, there is no reason we shouldn't look as such. I mean, what do you think will happen, other posters from other boards will snicker behind our backs in their threads, going "Oh, those Narutard Board whores, can't even talk talk about their own manga, they have to stick their microphalli in everything else too? Ha ha ha."?

You misread; I said 'commenting,' not 'complaining.' I was merely making a comment, not bitching "OH MY GOD THIS IS SUCH BS WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!!!" And I agree at least with the second bolded part. If it's to be a general Manga discussion thread then cool, name it as such. But one thing I remember from the old Manga thread was checking in to discuss some Naruto stuff, and there to already be some big discussion on some other manga I haven't read, so when I throw my Naruto comment out, it's largely ignore for the sake of the current conversation. Hence why I started to post so little in it anymore; there was rarely any Naruto talk except maybe the day leading up too and the day of the newest release. And your wall of everything Manga just encourages that. Maybe some like that, I personally don't, so I was just stating MY personal opinion. I'm not trying to boycott your thread or anything, just stating my opinion. I don't get why (regardless of what you say) you seem so butt hurt about it. One user didn't like it. Why does it matter?


Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Jun 9, 2004
You don't need to as far boycotting the thread for it to be classified as bitching, nor bitching really mutually exclusive from comments or personal opinions. Honestly what you are receding to goes beyond bitching and into raging, which I never accused you of.

And I have started a naruto reread that I'd love for more people to discuss if you want that.
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Super Star
Jul 18, 2006
I love talking about Naruto, I remember getting somewhat annoyed that the Naruto discussion evaporated and other mangas took over because all and all I don't read any other manga all that much (although I caught up and love One Piece). After midterms I'm starting one new (off of the list mighty gave me), but Brandon if you want to talk about Naruto just bring Naruto up. I'll reply to it (along with someone), I mean, the discussion is there it just needs to be started. We can have multiple conversations going on at the same time, at the end of the day we are lucky to have a community of intelligent Manga readers so I say we talk about anything and just bring it up if you want to talk about it.

That being said, I think we're blowing the all caps thing out of proportion; however, I find it annoying personally. I'd prefer to have it like the last thread or something because we will be reading the thread title over and over and over again for God knows how many years on our "alert" button, so it would be great to not have the caps, but it isn't the end of the world if it stays there.


Vesti Thread of the Year Title Holder '12
Feb 23, 2004
And I'm sorry if I'm coming across grouchy; lost my job, had to move back in with my dad, hasn't been the best couple of months. That plus just prior to this got pissed off over what some people were saying about my icon in the Testi. I do NOT look like McLovin dammit >.<

Plus I really shouldn't even be saying anything considering my "~*~*~OFFICAL NARUTO BOARD CHARACTER/USER POLL BATTLE SIGN UP THREAD!!!!! ~*~*~" full caps thread.

And everything I was saying prior to when I thought you accused me of bitching/complaining was only done in an attempt to sound funny/witty. I can see how it would annoy you.
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Dangerously Sane
Oct 23, 2004
Not sure why this argument is even happening. If anything, Sword's comments should be directed at me (not Brandon) since I was the one commenting about the caps. Not sure why he's arguing about this topic with you. Not sure why he's arguing about this topic with anybody, lol. I wasn't even being that serious when I suggested it (I mean, I do think all-caps is tacky as hell, but whatever, lol). [face_tongue]
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Dangerously Sane
Oct 23, 2004
So, what's up with the old threads, LiT? Are they gone forever or are they recoverable?


Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Jun 9, 2004
Not sure why this argument is even happening. If anything, Sword's comments should be directed at me (not Brandon) since I was the one commenting about the caps. Not sure why he's arguing about this topic with you. Not sure why he's arguing about this topic with anybody, lol. I wasn't even being that serious when I suggested it (I mean, I do think all-caps is tacky as hell, but whatever, lol). [face_tongue]

My first post regarding the topic actually WAS to you, but Brandon posted while I was still typing it out. Then Brandon addressed me again in his next post, so he made himself a target. As for why I'm arguing at all, I refer to the story of the Frog and the Scorpion.
Aug 1, 2000
Not sure why this argument is even happening. If anything, Sword's comments should be directed at me (not Brandon) since I was the one commenting about the caps. Not sure why he's arguing about this topic with you. Not sure why he's arguing about this topic with anybody, lol. I wasn't even being that serious when I suggested it (I mean, I do think all-caps is tacky as hell, but whatever, lol). [face_tongue]

My first post regarding the topic actually WAS to you, but Brandon posted while I was still typing it out. Then Brandon addressed me again in his next post, so he made himself a target. As for why I'm arguing at all, I refer to the story of the Frog and the Scorpion.
so your arguing to attract a mate? or did somebody tell me a messed up version of that story? [face_worried]


Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Jun 9, 2004
No, to attract mates, I take inspiration from the story of the grasshopper and the octopus.


Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Jun 9, 2004
All year long, the grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter, while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV. But then the winter came, and the grasshopper died, and the octopus ate all his acorns. Also he got a race car. Then he came across a japanese schoolgirl unconscious in the middle of a snowy road. Be brought her back to his pad and nursed her back to health, and they became closer and the school girl impregnated the octopus. Then the octopus ate her head, revealing himself to be the grasshopper all along.
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Vesti Thread of the Year Title Holder '12
Feb 23, 2004
All year long, the grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter, while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV. But then the winter came, and the grasshopper died, and the octopus ate all his acorns. Also he got a race car. Then he came across a japanese schoolgirl unconscious in the middle of a snowy road. Be brought her back to his pad and nursed her back to health, and they became closer and the school girl impregnated the octopus. Then the octopus ate her head, revealing himself to be the grasshopper all along.
Aug 1, 2000
All year long, the grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter, while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV. But then the winter came, and the grasshopper died, and the octopus ate all his acorns. Also he got a race car. Then he came across a japanese schoolgirl unconscious in the middle of a snowy road. Be brought her back to his pad and nursed her back to health, and they became closer and the school girl impregnated the octopus. Then the octopus ate her head, revealing himself to be the grasshopper all along.


Dangerously Sane
Oct 23, 2004

Man, this movie is terrible. I should have trusted my instincts when I stopped watching 8-minutes in (with the intentions of not watching a second more). But then about 3-hours later, I thought "It was only 8-minutes. I didn't give it a fair chance." Now 1-hour, 2-minutes in... still terrible. I don't think I'm going to go any further than this. How can a supposed action movie be filled with so much inaction? Nothing happens. And when something does happen, it is so completely uninteresting.
Aug 1, 2000

Man, this movie is terrible. I should have trusted my instincts when I stopped watching 8-minutes in (with the intentions of not watching a second more). But then about 3-hours later, I thought "It was only 8-minutes. I didn't give it a fair chance." Now 1-hour, 2-minutes in... still terrible. I don't think I'm going to go any further than this. How can a supposed action movie be filled with so much inaction? Nothing happens. And when something does happen, it is so completely uninteresting.
clense your pallet by watching or re-watching game of thrones... new season starts on april 1st.... or if you want something with a similar look that is better you can watch tonight's episode of spartacus... have you seen it yet?


Dangerously Sane
Oct 23, 2004
The two previous episodes of Spartacus were great (especially episode 4; Mira is my new favorite character after that episode). This week's episode was a little slow (still good, but not as good). Can't all be non-stop awesomeness. Has to take a little break to address some of the many events that have happened in the past few episodes. And within this episode, some interesting things still happened.

Side note: Is it just me or does anybody else not care for new actress playing Naevia? There isn't anything particularly wrong with her acting. Something about her though. I'm just not sure what. Huh.
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Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Jun 9, 2004
what is the point of sleeping 12 hours a day if you still dead tired when you get up?


Dangerously Sane
Oct 23, 2004
what is the point of sleeping 12 hours a day if you still dead tired when you get up?
For some reason (I sure there is good scientific reason, but I don't know it), sleeping for that long has the opposite desired effect than one would expect. You'd expect to feel more rested, but you never do. Oversleeping (getting not enough sleeping) also supposedly causes health problems (in the long-term, not occasional bouts of over/under sleeping).

Side question: Is under-sleeping a word? Got oversleeping, but is under-sleeping one? Huh.
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Aug 1, 2000
on spartacus: yeah last week's episode was pretty epic, as for the girl... her breast aren't as awesome... I think that's it

on oversleeping: I occasionally oversleep to catch up on lost sleep throughout the week.. but I don't like doing it.. when I over sleep I wake up stiff and in pain... I feel like I have to remold my back for a few hours after oversleeping... though 1 time I overslept because I was having the msot amazing dream ever and didn't want to walk about... it was probably the happiest I have ever been in my life (in the dream) and I felt down the whole day afterwards because the dream was so awesome... it was nothing crazy or surreal... I was just in a relationship with the beautiful woman, and the dream was just like a stream of our entire lives.. and only the good parts... no work, no stress, just everything perfect... it was like 500 days of summer when he was reliving his relationship without seeing any of the bad parts