
No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
I have made this thread as i thought this board deserved a CT for evryone to talk off topic about things!!

this board isnt the most active board and because DX1 + IW are really good games i think it should be up there with all the most popular boards!! :)

so i hope people come here oftenly and just enjoy it really!!

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]


Sep 16, 2000
DX-IW was definitely a great game. Big ups to the community thread. Before I visited these boards I had no clue that IW was a sequel. Mostly because I dont do any computer gaming (I have a fossil for a computer) and I dont own a ps2. Speaking of which, the irony is that my store buys used games, and someone sold back a copy of DX for the ps2 and I almost wanted to buy it but then I realized as I pointed out earlier that I dont own a ps2 and I would hat having to go to my neighbors house just to play it.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
hey black, hows it going man??

unluky about the whole not having a ps2 thing!! i have an Xbox but ive got DX:IW for the PC!!!

come on poeple lets make this board active again, get some people over here and get this CT going!! :)

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]
May 17, 2003
Thanks for making this CT. I was going to make a CT yesterday, but I didn't have time. I want to do the same thing as you: Revive this board. ;) :)


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
You should definitely play the 1st DX, black. Even if you don't have a good pc, it still might run DX1 since it's a pretty old game. I think it came out around 1998, so I bet most current pc's would be able to run it. Find out what the requirements are and compare them to your pc.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
thnx man, ye i really want to get this board bak on its feet as well, i mean the DX series is as good as most of the other games, so why isnt this board one of the most popular ones??

well welcome to the CT SplinterMech, i hope that u decide to help me bring bak this board :)

we just need some more people on here now

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]
May 17, 2003

Thanks. I love Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Invisible War and I feel the same way about how more people should be posting here since they're both great games. ;)


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
thats good to hear Splinter!!

ive got to be honest, i havent finished IW yet, im in the exterior of the VersaLife base and im kinda stuck!! well not stuck but out of ammo and down on multitools, mainly b/c it took me a lot of ammo to kill those kind of robot things outside JC's sacntuary!!

oh well

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]
May 17, 2003
I had the same problem. I ended up going back to one of my saved games in Antarctica and tried to save as much ammo as possible. I realized that the best way to get past those armored templars is to use the speed biomod a lot. I eventually got past that part. ;)


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
oh right, thanx for the info!!

so u managed to run past all the armoured templars without killing them?? im going to install the speed biomod then :)

well so far this CT aint going too badly, wOOt!!

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]
May 17, 2003
No problem. ;)

I had the maximum level for the speed biomod so I tried to run past as many as I could. You'll probably have to kill some of them but it will save you ammo if you run past a lot of them. The aggressive defense drone biomod helps against the armored templars that carry rocket launchers but it doesn't help against the ones with mag rails. ;)


Sep 29, 2003
I have XBox so no first DX for me.

The AI in this game has great hearing. I come up to a hallway and I already hear the guards saying what was that before I even see them. I am not worried though because I waste them pretty easily and there are tons of ways to get health. I think the energy blade kills way faster than the guns. I don't think I have found a reason to use the flame thrower yet.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
i can put the new biomod in and upgrade it to level 3 as i have loads of canisters, lol

ye i had to use the aggressive defense drone as well against the ones with rockets launchers and i used all my spiderbots as well to kill them, thats why im so low on evrything!!

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
welcome to the CT j_m_min!!

unluky about u not having DX1, its a great game, even if the graphics do look at bit dated now!!

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]
May 17, 2003
That's good that you have plenty of biomod canisters to use, since the speed biomod wouldn't help as much if it's not at level 3. [face_silly]


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
ye i have so many biomod canisters for some reason, lol!! i think its b/c i never change the ones i already have, i have the healing one (eye slot), the one for hacking computers (cant remember what its called), the aggressive defense drine and the health sucking drone!!

how fast do u go with speed at level 3??

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
thats pretty kewl!! i think i might go and try and do that bit again then, lol :)

i wonder how mant people post on this board, we should get them all to post on this CT, that would get it going again a bit!!

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]


Sep 29, 2003
I am thinking about getting a new game. I think Pandora Tommorrow will be pretty much the same as splinter cell 1. Then there is Ninja Gaiden or Prince of Persia. Both got great ratings. ANy ideas?


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
They give you extra biomods so you can change your skills throughout the game. Like the defense drone biomod someone mentioned above is great for the Antarctica level and the levels after that, but it's virtually useless before that. The neural interface (hack) biomod is just the opposite; it's great in the beginning and middle, but not too useful after Trier.

Don't feel like you have to stick with your first biomod choices. I don't mean to change them constantly (since you don't get enough to do that) but if you get them all, you'll have enough to change everything at least once I think. By that I mean get them all maxed out then change them all to different ones and have those maxed out. Of course some of them like cloak and vision enhancement are useful the whole way through, but others are primarily useful in certain parts of the game and not so much in others.

By the way dg, good job with creating the CT. Hopefully it will encourage more people to come to this board. Both of these games are among my favorites.

Edit: The only one of those games I've played is Ninja Gaiden j_m, but I'd highly recommend it. If you liked Devil May Cry, then you will like NG. It is hard though, so if you get frustrated easily, maybe you shouldn't get it.
May 17, 2003
we should get them all to post on this CT, that would get it going again a bit!!

Yeah. That would help bring this board back. We'll also need to get some more people to post here as well. I'll try to find some Deus Ex fans over in the CT of the Halo board where I normally post. I'm surprised no one else had made a CT for this board yet. I'm going to get my friend whose played through Deus Ex and is currently playing through Invisible War to start posting here once he gets farther in the game. He's only at the Mako Ballistics Lab back in Seattle. ;)

I'm surprised that no one else had made a CT for this board until now.

Edit: I have Pandora Tomorrow and I love it. [face_love] If you thought Splinter Cell was a good game, then I recommend this game. By the way, Ninja Gaiden is a good game, too. I played it over at my friend's house. ;)


Sep 29, 2003
I think I'll give it a try. DXIW is too easy, almost to the point where I am getting bored. I like the RPG's but there doesn't seem to be that many on XBox. I went Morrowind, Star Wars KOTOR, GTA, now this. I guess I am stuck waiting for Fable.

I don't know what Devil May Cry is but I don't mind a hard game, as long as there are saves not too far in the past.



Sep 29, 2003
How much different is Pandora from Splinter cell 1? I never played 2 but I feel like I would be playing 1 over again with different missions?


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
no probs on me making the CT, this board deserved one :)

ye i think i will def change my biomods around a bit, thanx for the advice guys!!

Splinter, im liking your profile man, its awesome :D

i liked splinter cell, i think its a well good game, i dont know whether i will get PT or not though!!

SW KOTOR is on of the best games for Xbox imo, did u enjoy it j_m??

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]
May 17, 2003
Splinter, im liking your profile man, its awesome

Thanks. ;)

How much different is Pandora from Splinter cell 1? I never played 2 but I feel like I would be playing 1 over again with different missions?

It plays a lot like the original but has some new features, like the addition of the SWAT turn (which kicks ass) and the ability to hang upside down and shoot someone while you're rappeling on a pipe. Plus, it has even better graphics than before. Besides that, the level design is great and there are some cool experiences that you'll get from playing through some of the levels in the single player campaign. For example, the train mission is fun and the Jeruselem mission tests your spy skills. If you have live or have a friend with Pandora Tomorrow, you can play the multiplayer mode which is really fun.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
ye im thinking about getting PT, it got a good review and from what people have been saying it sounds pretty good! also its selling quite cheap where i am :)

i think i will WUL al the people that post on here on my WUL account, dark_WUL

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 20, 2003
heys guys, I'll try to help bring this CT to life too

I'm also thinking of either buying Splinter Cel PT or Ninja Gaiden. I dont have Live btw ;)
May 17, 2003
Hey cm. I'm glad you're helping out. I just got back from playing SC[face_tongue]T.

Btw, I don't have live either. I can still explore all of the mp maps by myself and go through the mp tutorial. It helps me prepare for when my friend buys a system link cable. :D


Sep 16, 2000
The next game Im playing is Splinter Cell. The first one. I've had it forever but never played it. Now PT is out and I want to play that but I want to beat the first one before I start the new one. Then I gotta finish RS3. I'll probably buy PT before I do that though. Man I gotta start playing the games I have though because I have Freedom Fighters, Halo, and Vice City still to play. I played the hell out of the GTA games though and IMO Halo is only entertaining to me for the Multi (please dont flame me, it's a beautiful game but for some reason I cant get into it. I actually have more fun watching my roomates play it than actually playing the Single played mode), and Freedom Fighters is a pretty cool game too but I kinda think it is too easy.

Anyway, thanks for the CT because I dont think I have seen so many posts in this game board in a while. Lets keep it up.



No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
no probs black!! im just glad u all decided to post here instead of letting it die :)

btw Splinter, Black, j_m and andrew u have all been WUL'd on my dark_WUL account!!

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
ye thanx for that Splinter :)

so i take it that u like Halo Splinter??

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]
May 17, 2003
so i take it that u like Halo Splinter??

Yep. And the first board I ever posted on was the Halo message board.

[face_love] Halo [face_love]


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
sorry about me making another CT bob, i never knew this board had one :(

shall we keep both going??

i have a seperate WUL account b/c i have run out of WUL soace on my darkgamer account!!! u can only WUL 100 people and then its full!!

i like Halo as well, but i dare not post at the Halo board in case i get flamed!! No offenese to the board but ive just heard they flame a lot!!

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]
May 17, 2003
I think we should keep this one going since it already has a nice amount of posts, and the Halo board won't flame you if you introduce yourself in the CT and be polite to the people who go there. ;) (most of the time)


Sep 29, 2003
KOTOR is the only game that I ever played through twice besides the first nintendo metroit to see her helmet come off. I remember how cool I thought that was and how lame it would be know.

I liked KOTOR a lot, it took me like 60 hours the first time through. That Jade Empire is coming out but I don't know if KOTOR was cool because it was Star Wars or if it would be as cool without the star wars theme. But after playing it light and dark, I think I might sell it and move on.

I think I might skip PT and try something different like Ninja Gaiden. There are soooo many games and not enough time.

When I play these games, I always look for everything and try to do everything on every level, instead of doing the minimum to win it. So it takes me a while. I just got to Cairo in DXIW, first time through, and I am about 8 hours into it. It sounds like that is long compared to some of the other posts on the board.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
thanx Splinter!! well i suppose both will stay up if people post in them!! i think that if both are up then the board will be more active!!

ye KOTOR is one of my favorite games along with DX, IW, Halo and Max Payne 2

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
ye people keep saying that Morrowind is a great game, should i think about buying it??

what do u think about the whole 2 CT thing andrew??

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]
May 17, 2003
I love KOTOR, too. The first time I played through it, I went to the Dark Side. [face_mischief] I had a dark jedi robe and a breathing mask. :D


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
i went light side the first time i did it, i dont like being mean to people [face_tongue]

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 31, 2003
i come from the KOTOR board, I'm a friend to darkgamer. You guys need to get more regs at this board to really take off. I don't play DE but I've heard good things.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
hey thanx for dropping by rev, thats kewl :)

ye thats just what this board needs, more regs!! im surprised this isnt one of the popular boards as the game is awesome!!

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]
May 17, 2003
I do admit that I felt really bad about a lot of the things I did. :(


Highlight to read...

I especially felt really bad about killing Jolee. He was my favorite character besides HK-47. He was in my party when I found out that Bastila had gone to the dark side so I was forced to kill him. :(



No Longer a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
ye that was a sad moment!!

when i did play dark side though it was fun and i liked to see how the charcters would react!!

come on guys this is good, lets keep this board moving :)

[hl=#00FFFF]~[/hl][hl=#09FFF5] [/hl][hl=#13FFEB].[/hl][hl=#1DFFE1] [/hl][hl=#27FFD7]d[/hl][hl=#31FFCD] [/hl][hl=#3AFFC4].[/hl][hl=#44FFBA] [/hl][hl=#4EFFB0]a[/hl][hl=#58FFA6] [/hl][hl=#62FF9C].[/hl][hl=#6BFF93] [/hl][hl=#75FF89]r[/hl][hl=#7FFF7F] [/hl][hl=#89FF75].[/hl][hl=#93FF6B] [/hl][hl=#9CFF62]k[/hl][hl=#A6FF58] [/hl][hl=#B0FF4E].[/hl][hl=#BAFF44] [/hl][hl=#C4FF3A]g[/hl][hl=#CDFF31] [/hl][hl=#D7FF27].[/hl][hl=#E1FF1D] [/hl][hl=#EBFF13]a[/hl][hl=#F5FF09] [/hl][hl=#FFFF00].[/hl][hl=#FFFF00] [/hl][hl=#FFF400]m[/hl][hl=#FFEA00] [/hl][hl=#FFE000].[/hl][hl=#FFD600] [/hl][hl=#FFCC00]e[/hl][hl=#FFC100] [/hl][hl=#FFB700].[/hl][hl=#FFAD00] [/hl][hl=#FFA300]r[/hl][hl=#FF9900] [/hl][hl=#FF8E00].[/hl][hl=#FF8400] [/hl][hl=#FF7A00]1[/hl][hl=#FF7000] [/hl][hl=#FF6600].[/hl][hl=#FF5B00] [/hl][hl=#FF5100]5[/hl][hl=#FF4700] [/hl][hl=#FF3D00].[/hl][hl=#FF3300] [/hl][hl=#FF2800]5[/hl][hl=#FF1E00] [/hl][hl=#FF1400].[/hl][hl=#FF0A00] [/hl][hl=#FF0000]~[/hl][/link]