
Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
Kaz trailer was definitely my favourite so far but I think all of the trailers have been cool. Still want to see actual matches to see the flow and what matches are like with the new mechanics but so far it seems really interesting and it's the most dramatic change Tekken has had in a very long time.


Skittles, Taste The Rainbow
Jun 17, 2007
Kaz trailer was definitely my favourite so far but I think all of the trailers have been cool. Still want to see actual matches to see the flow and what matches are like with the new mechanics but so far it seems really interesting and it's the most dramatic change Tekken has had in a very long time.
I hope they put Lucky Chloe back in this game just so I can see the melt online


No Longer a Noob
Jun 29, 2017
Somebody bloody tag me in this thread when we get our long-awaited Lucky Chloe trailer.

I really liked Kazumi in T7, but I'm not expecting her to come back. It's definitely more likely that there will be a new successor character (probably from the Hachijo clan) to inherit her moveset.
As long as it's still a pretty lady, I'll play her. [face_mischief]


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
King was one of my T7 mains and he looks so sick in this game. Each trailer continues to show that this will be the most dramatic change for Tekken in 20 years.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
Been a big fan of Jun since Tekken 2 and it's surreal seeing her in a mainline game again after so long. Loved her interaction with Kazuya. Jun and Kaz will likely be the two characters I play most when the game launches.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 29, 2017
Fun fact: I've never played Jun, I somehow managed to skip every Tekken game she was playable in. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
I like that they actually made her look older. Tekken really is moving forward. Her moveset has some carry over from Tag 2 but also quite a lot that is different from past iterations. I like that there's some of Unknown's moves in there. Cool that they still acknowledged it in some way.

Fun fact: I've never played Jun, I somehow managed to skip every Tekken game she was playable in. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I could see how that would be easy to do if you never played the Tag games because outside of those two she's only in Tekken 2. It's one of those funny things where she's ultra significant in Tekken but actually has had very few appearances and was absent for a very long time.
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Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
As someone who mained Xiaoyu when Tekken 7 first launched, I think her trailer was easily one of the most disappointing. She's had almost the least amount of changes and new additions of any character and her rage art is generic and underwhelming.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 7, 2009
As someone who mained Xiaoyu when Tekken 7 first launched, I think her trailer was easily one of the most disappointing. She's had almost the least amount of changes and new additions of any character and her rage art is generic and underwhelming.

I agree I saw a lot of the same from her. At least I don't have to re-learn her. lol


Skittles, Taste The Rainbow
Jun 17, 2007
Since Lidia was final DLC I hope they add her into T8 as she was quite fun to play with

Also, she had the classic Tekken theme which I absolutely loved.


Skittles, Taste The Rainbow
Jun 17, 2007
Already seen the talk on that from Harada awhile back. Seems pretty obvious what they're going for. They don't want drawn out battles they want action because general population likes to actively be aggressive and see tons of cool shit happening. The system makes sense. The health system seems like Tekken Tag's system. Anything that rewards rushdown players is fine by me which is what this system seems to do. The average Joe players is going to be rushdown mashing buttons anyway. It's still very likely you have to be strategic in how to use it.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
Today's previews from Spag, TMM, and IGN definitely haven't made me less concerned about the overall direction of the game. It really continues to make it seem like this will be a game aimed at more casual players who just want to mash buttons. Some of the overall system changes are just very weird and concerning to me like making it that rage arts are no longer launch punishable. Why would you not have any risk for a player throwing out a rage art when the reward for doing so is absolutely massive? That just seems utterly braindead to me. In general it seems like they are removing risk for thoughtless players. They have also made it that get up kicks no longer knockdown. Also one of Kazuya's heat abilities is that the player no longer needs to do the motion and timing correctly for a perfect electric. Seriously rolled my eyes at that one.

I know that ultimately advanced and seasoned players will still have the advantage and will ultimately be better but I don't like that some of the new mechanics and system changes seem to be trying to get those players to play the game this way. I like the look of so much about the game but some of these things are pretty concerning to me.


Skittles, Taste The Rainbow
Jun 17, 2007
Today's previews from Spag, TMM, and IGN definitely haven't made me less concerned about the overall direction of the game. It really continues to make it seem like this will be a game aimed at more casual players who just want to mash buttons. Some of the overall system changes are just very weird and concerning to me like making it that rage arts are no longer launch punishable. Why would you not have any risk for a player throwing out a rage art when the reward for doing so is absolutely massive? That just seems utterly braindead to me. In general it seems like they are removing risk for thoughtless players. They have also made it that get up kicks no longer knockdown. Also one of Kazuya's heat abilities is that the player no longer needs to do the motion and timing correctly for a perfect electric. Seriously rolled my eyes at that one.

I know that ultimately advanced and seasoned players will still have the advantage and will ultimately be better but I don't like that some of the new mechanics and system changes seem to be trying to get those players to play the game this way. I like the look of so much about the game but some of these things are pretty concerning to me.
They also appear to be copying SF6 on how they're implementing a streamlined combo button system. It has the classic or casual control scheme exactly like SF6.

I think they're going to wait to release this game and we don't know enough about those mechanics yet. I still think it will be a risk vs. reward design point. They'll refine it and likely won't see this game until 2024 anyway. Only way we'll know for sure is get our hands on it. Hopefully they have a beta.


Skittles, Taste The Rainbow
Jun 17, 2007
I really like what they doing with Asuka. She has more character and distinction to her but also you can still see some similarities between all the Kazama's yet they all look different. None are clones.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 29, 2017
Leroy's got some real goddamn drip and it doesn't surprise me to see him come back. Obvious T7 balancing issues aside, the guy's character and design is simply too good to waste.

Not a big fan of Asuka's new outfit personally, but her stalker Lili shouldn't be far behind now.


Skittles, Taste The Rainbow
Jun 17, 2007
Leroy's got some real goddamn drip and it doesn't surprise me to see him come back. Obvious T7 balancing issues aside, the guy's character and design is simply too good to waste.

Not a big fan of Asuka's new outfit personally, but her stalker Lili shouldn't be far behind now.
I'm surprised Asuka even made the cut just from a story perspective. Her popularity probably contributed to that though.

TBH though, there's absolutely nothing worse in a fighting game than to dictate rosters based on story. I hate this shit and it's way too common in fighters. Like in MK you can't have a roster of villains because they're not in the game's story. They have to give them an opportunity to shine. Shang Tsung is an exception because they made a big ass expansion built around him. You might get lucky and they end up as DLC otherwise you have a good guy vs. bad guy roster. They either make the cut or don't by place in the story.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
I thought the Asuka trailer was sick. She has some really cool new moves and they've emphasized her personality even more. That's something T8 is doing in general and I really like it.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 13, 2013
E1M1, Phobos
I really hate how much there mimicking the effect street fighter has where everytime you make a hit the actions stops for a split second to give a sense of impact, just ruins it for me. Ah never mind. Street Tekken, Tekken Fighter 8.

I hope the side characters actually have stories or are atleast better incorporated into whatever "main" story line they have. I didn't mind the main story in Tekken 7 but the way the retrofit heihachi into be a kind of anti hero just felt really inconsistent (something of an accomplishment given the series story xD ) with his character. We know why heihachi threw his son off a cliff, it was because he saw weakness in him. Then they try and say oh no actually his mum was a demon and heihachi was just trying to rid the world of evil, after spending the last 6 games trying to extract the devil gene from his son and grandson to become a devil himself... Yeah, right. He also imprisoned his father and took over the zaibatsu by force turning it into more of a military organisation, before throwing his son off a cliff. I just don't buy the story and it just felt hard to believe as someone who has followed the series since the beginning.

Atleast if they do side character stories give us a little cinematic instead of one battle and then the character posing with some stupid text. Tekken 7 was the first game in the series I couldn't be asked to do the side character stories because they weren't really stories. Heres how howrang lost his eye, which doesn't matter at all because in Tekken 8 his eye is back... plus he looks like steve now.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 13, 2013
E1M1, Phobos
Watch the video for information. If you register, you can have the chance to participate in the network test.

i think it will happen someday (god knows how long though) but once their able to make skin look realistic it will be interesting to see how the characters look. Obviously they look pretty good but still suffer from the plague of plastic/rubber that all real time techniquies are currently capable of.

It doesn't detract from my enjoyment as i enjoy playing the original Tekken but as a fan of the series it would be cool to see them actually look realistic. Yeah some games don't have to look real, but Tekken is a game thats always been trying to attain a level of realism to make the fights seem believable.


Skittles, Taste The Rainbow
Jun 17, 2007
Signed up for it but doubt I'll get in.
I signed up with 2 emails and used a VPN on second one. If I get 2 I'll give you 1 if you don't get in.

@Monkey_Fun linked this on Discord. If you sign up for 30 days you can get a VIP code to input for the beta guaranteeing it. Just sign up and cancel if you don't mind spending a $1 or w/e it is.
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