Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
Did anyone see that video of the guy who cracked the Saturn's hardware? It's super recent, but someone got banned for posting the youtube link. Just look up Sega Saturn cracked

The thing I like most about it, is it addresses the lasers dying on the console, allowing you to still play your games without it!


No Longer a Noob
Oct 29, 2012
Yeah, I saw that

Since emulation still is wonky, it pleases me to know I'll have options in the future
Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
I made a video showing the differences of the Pit II fatality from Mortal Kombat 2 on the 32x. There's a video that compares all versions, and shows the emulated 32x version, which is glitchy. Everyone was making fun of it, so I made this to show the real 32x version!

It's not a perfect port, but definitely worthwhile!
Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
A little sad to see the Wii Virtual Console go down, given all of the SEGA goodness they had on there.

How do they play? I saw Allen Soldier but wasn't sure after the Steam version debacle. I still have plenty points on there lol.

I mostly have Turbo Duo games, and Phantasy Star 1. I remember reading that they fixed the max level glitch in Phantasy Star 4, but I own that game so many times already haha
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