
Jun 3, 2001

I've done everything and completely out of ideas. I don't have the rocket/grenade launcher and I'm starting to believe that is my biggest weakness. I even brought the turret to the battle with me and still he is no match.

And by the way I did get the chip upgrade earlier in the game. It sucks because I thought I would be rewarded for going out of my way to do something that was not completely necessary.

How did you guys manage to beat this guy?

Playing the game on Give me Deus Ex if that matters.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 5, 2010
Gas grenades, frag grenades after taking cover with a few shoots from a 10mm to the head for good measure. I got upgrade too, that screws you over during that fight too.


Jun 3, 2001
I only have 1 frag grenade and 3 EMPs. (do EMPS even work?)

I think I am going to save like a half hour or so and just run around again and again to I eventually finish him off. It just takes too long. Question to those who finish is he the last boss? I love the game but all these bosses are really making me pound my head.


Dec 5, 2008
ALL? There's only 4 and he's the 3rd. The last one is the easiest providing you have a certain code. Won't spoil it by telling you how/where to get it. Even if you don't have the code it isn't that difficult (my first playthough I had it but never saw where to use it#-o). Save those EMP's, or at least have a couple when you get to the end and it will be even easier.


Jun 3, 2001
firesq4014 said:
ALL? There's only 4 and he's the 3rd. The last one is the easiest providing you have a certain code. Won't spoil it by telling you how/where to get it. Even if you don't have the code it isn't that difficult (my first playthough I had it but never saw where to use it#-o). Save those EMP's, or at least have a couple when you get to the end and it will be even easier.

Yeah I know I'm complaining. It just that I love the game, but can't stand these bosses.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 5, 2010
Last boss is the easiest of them all. Since your out of grenades guess you gonna be best using biggest gun you got and keep on running and try lead him to the turret.


Dec 5, 2008
sng-ign said:
firesq4014 said:
The last one is the easiest providing you have a certain code.
Or 5 seconds of Laser fire. Which ever comes first.

[face_thinking]I can see that...I've only played stealth so far so I have never had more than the typhoon and a fully upgraded revolver (other than the tranq and trusty stun gun of course).


Super Star
Nov 3, 2003
i just made it to him last night... tried 10 times... hvn't beat it yet..

i got the chip....

I only have the Stun Gun and Tranq Gun, as well as 9 EMP grenades.

so after getting my ass kicked (couple time I though i was gonna beat him,but nope)
started to look it up .

so supposedly...if you use a Energy Bar druing the battle.. you can now use your Aug abilities.. which should make things much easier...

also heard that if you time a punch right as he is jumping over the wall its a 1 punch kill....

and there is a glitch that seams to work 50% of the time.. i almost beat him doing this but screwed something up.. but if you take cover by the wall to the left of him (looking at him) he will jump over that wall... in cover lean out and shoot him.. he will stand in place.. he will shoot his gun but it will hi the statue in front of him thus not hitting you, and you canjust unload on him...


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
^ Run around. Some of the stands have drawers in them. I found a shotgun hidden away (even though I already had one). When you're looking through them though, make sure you're not in his sights.


Oct 3, 2011
Spent all night (well last 2 hours anyway) on this guy and still haven't beat him. Getting seriously bored now, the rest of the game is amazing but boss battles suck. Might have to give up on this one if I can't kill him soon.
May 28, 2010
I'm on my third play through,once on each difficulty.I'm now on "Give me Deus Ex" and can't believe how quickly Namir got killed.

First thing I did was put a turret just outside the lift and made my health up to 200 with hypostim and painkillers and got ready with gas grenades and pistol with exploding ammo.

Enter the arena and fire a couple of rounds and throw a gas grenade and then run off quick,run round until the turret firing at him holds him in one place a while,chuck another gas grenade and a couple more exploding bullets and he's dead.

Could hardly believe how quick I finished him, looked at my health bar and it was down to 005 though,ought to have used another dose of hypostim or painkiller.

Doesn't make any difference whether you have the chip upgrade or not,I only got it on the first play through and didn't bother after that.



Nov 14, 2008
I literally spent HOURS trying to beat this bitch. So annoying. I kept on trying the "wander around" method but after like an hour of slowly shooting him, he would always manage to catch me off guard and destroy me.

I finally beat him with this dumbass strategy I read somewhere. Since I had a fully upgraded Combat Rifle (including lock-on targeting), as the battle started, I immediately used the statue to the right as cover and just whaled on him with cover fire once locked on. I didn't even have to peak out because of the lock on. He had no time to run away, even in reloads (well I did have super fast reloading).
Feb 10, 2010
I upgraded when I did this boss battle. SUCH a Pain in the ass. I had the heavy rifle and combat rifle and a few Grenades. I wish I had Typhoon made all the other boss fights so much easier. My suggestion is right off the bat emp, use a combat rifle to the head then run and hide behind one of the corner corpse statues. Keep him in the middle of the map poke your head around the corner hit him with one grenade and one burst then run and hide behind one of the corpses again. Remember if you get to chance to check the statue drawers as there is some useful stuff in there. I know I'm late to the party but I hope this helps someone sometime.


Dec 4, 2011
Beat him with a single punch on 'give me deus ex'

All you do is when he jumps off a corner in the inner rectangle
You go to the corner and he should go back off the corner to you
When he is mid air, press O and you SHOULD knock him out and win.
It is a glitch and may not work everytime


Feb 23, 2011
Use the Granade Launcher, 4 shots and you're good. If you don't have it use the laser and try to get him throught the walls. I know you can't see him but the granades he throws should give more or less a good idea of where to shoot.