
Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
You know when you click on your laptop in your house and go to MyTDULife, does that work for anyone. Mine just sits there and does nothing. It shows my avatar standing in front of the computer and the little rotating loading circle comes on, but nothing else happens. I've left for over an hour to see if it was just really really slow, but no luck. It just will not load for me.

Now I'm assuming this has to do with the widespread online issues the games been having since relase, but if it's only effecting me, then I guess I'll end up emailing or visiting the tech support for Atari.

So, is this issue effecting everyone, some, or none?


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 24, 2009
Well if your just simply clicking on your laptop, then that would be the 1st i've heard of this problem. However, if your clciking on your laptop and trying to access yout TDU2 Life, then its simple. TDU2 Life is ran on the same code as the Clubs are. Clubs are offline, hence TDU2 Life is also offline.

Here is verification if you'd like to check for yourself.


Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
No thanks, I trust you. I am clicking on the laptop and then on MyTDULife, so it must be a server problem. I haven't tried any of the clubs yet, I'm still just driving around trying to adapt to the controls and how the steering sucks, so until then I won't be trying much online. I can't decide which of the 3 driving models to use: hardcore is normally my style in other racing games, but the steering is just too loose in TDU2. Hopefully I can get used to it or they patch it, cuz it really sucks spinning any car for just touching a curb.


Dec 9, 2009
IF you know you're going to hit a curb, take your foot/finger off the accelerator ... the steering isn't THAT bad - I think it's pretty good actually