
Jun 25, 2013
1) story mode- main story line.and story mode for all of the other kingdoms.
2)ambition mode-create your own characters and start conquering the entire china, computer npc gets smarter and start conquering lands as well.
3)free mode- choose sides of which ever battle you like and scenarios.
4)versus mode- versus players 1-4, and online versus players 1-16 in team battles or every man for themself to earn ranks for bragging and custom items for characters and created characters.
5) world mode- mmo online only, play with your created characters online and own a mount,house, farm, soilders, and a small castle. do missions and pvp attacking other players kingdoms. also make alliance, guilds. you must also choose a kingdom ( all other kingdoms are your enemies except for certain missions).
6) training mode- level up characters faster doing training mode and learn to play better doing objectives. survival and timed options are also located here where you can kill alot of enemies or get through an obstacle course to face opponents that are legendary like nu wa and fu xi.
7) character creation- create,customize, characters and bodyguards. also able to customize officers you have unlocked.
8) encyclopedia- learn about all characters and officers you come across.
9) equipment option- bring back items and mounts and weapon in the equipment option instead of seals.
10)officer option- allow officers to have talent tree skills,bodyguard options where you may use 1 non playable officer and 3 soilders of your choice with there own talent tree and skills.they can even use different seiges if they are at a higher level.
11) leveling- be able to level up characters(killing officers), weapons (for gold and killing enemies), spells(using charge attacks/spells),mounts(killing enemies on mount), and items(for gold) to level 100.

and of course a ton of new characters and even a new kingdom. and more of the other kingdom characters like yellow turbans and the nanman kingdoms.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
1) story mode- main story line.and story mode for all of the other kingdoms.
2)ambition mode-create your own characters and start conquering the entire china, computer npc gets smarter and start conquering lands as well.
3)free mode- choose sides of which ever battle you like and scenarios.
4)versus mode- versus players 1-4, and online versus players 1-16 in team battles or every man for themself to earn ranks for bragging and custom items for characters and created characters.
5) world mode- mmo online only, play with your created characters online and own a mount,house, farm, soilders, and a small castle. do missions and pvp attacking other players kingdoms. also make alliance, guilds. you must also choose a kingdom ( all other kingdoms are your enemies except for certain missions).
6) training mode- level up characters faster doing training mode and learn to play better doing objectives. survival and timed options are also located here where you can kill alot of enemies or get through an obstacle course to face opponents that are legendary like nu wa and fu xi.
7) character creation- create,customize, characters and bodyguards. also able to customize officers you have unlocked.
8) encyclopedia- learn about all characters and officers you come across.
9) equipment option- bring back items and mounts and weapon in the equipment option instead of seals.
10)officer option- allow officers to have talent tree skills,bodyguard options where you may use 1 non playable officer and 3 soilders of your choice with there own talent tree and skills.they can even use different seiges if they are at a higher level.
11) leveling- be able to level up characters(killing officers), weapons (for gold and killing enemies), spells(using charge attacks/spells),mounts(killing enemies on mount), and items(for gold) to level 100.

and of course a ton of new characters and even a new kingdom. and more of the other kingdom characters like yellow turbans and the nanman kingdoms.
All that is good, but they should keep the characters and weapons of Dynasty warriors 5 ,also the games are based on the ,Three Kingdoms, legend ,I always thought it would be good online, if each person could control a Dynasty ,imagine fighting your own battle one side of China and others fighting all over the rest !(of course Dynasties would be computer controlled if not selected by users ) We can only live in hope !


Find something, protect something.
Feb 23, 2010
1) story mode- main story line.and story mode for all of the other kingdoms.
2)ambition mode-create your own characters and start conquering the entire china, computer npc gets smarter and start conquering lands as well.
3)free mode- choose sides of which ever battle you like and scenarios.
4)versus mode- versus players 1-4, and online versus players 1-16 in team battles or every man for themself to earn ranks for bragging and custom items for characters and created characters.
6) training mode- level up characters faster doing training mode and learn to play better doing objectives. survival and timed options are also located here where you can kill alot of enemies or get through an obstacle course to face opponents that are legendary like nu wa and fu xi.
7) character creation- create,customize, characters and bodyguards. also able to customize officers you have unlocked.
8) encyclopedia- learn about all characters and officers you come across.
9) equipment option- bring back items and mounts and weapon in the equipment option instead of seals.
11) leveling- be able to level up characters(killing officers), weapons (for gold and killing enemies), spells(using charge attacks/spells),mounts(killing enemies on mount), and items(for gold) to level 100.

I would love to see these in the next Dynasty Warriors. Mostly 1, 3, 7 and 8.
Jun 4, 2013
1) story mode- main story line.and story mode for all of the other kingdoms.
2)ambition mode-create your own characters and start conquering the entire china, computer npc gets smarter and start conquering lands as well.
3)free mode- choose sides of which ever battle you like and scenarios.
4)versus mode- versus players 1-4, and online versus players 1-16 in team battles or every man for themself to earn ranks for bragging and custom items for characters and created characters.
5) world mode- mmo online only, play with your created characters online and own a mount,house, farm, soilders, and a small castle. do missions and pvp attacking other players kingdoms. also make alliance, guilds. you must also choose a kingdom ( all other kingdoms are your enemies except for certain missions).
6) training mode- level up characters faster doing training mode and learn to play better doing objectives. survival and timed options are also located here where you can kill alot of enemies or get through an obstacle course to face opponents that are legendary like nu wa and fu xi.
7) character creation- create,customize, characters and bodyguards. also able to customize officers you have unlocked.
8) encyclopedia- learn about all characters and officers you come across.
9) equipment option- bring back items and mounts and weapon in the equipment option instead of seals.
10)officer option- allow officers to have talent tree skills,bodyguard options where you may use 1 non playable officer and 3 soilders of your choice with there own talent tree and skills.they can even use different seiges if they are at a higher level.
11) leveling- be able to level up characters(killing officers), weapons (for gold and killing enemies), spells(using charge attacks/spells),mounts(killing enemies on mount), and items(for gold) to level 100.

and of course a ton of new characters and even a new kingdom. and more of the other kingdom characters like yellow turbans and the nanman kingdoms.

12) Battle planning/Creation- They attempted this on Warriors orochi 3, but I think just giving us the battlefields and letting us create really challenging custom battles that you can share and rate.
13)Hypothetical scenarios- And by this I mean Invasions from Mongolia and Rome, India. Giving the designers the ability to go crazy with weapon and character design.

15) In game battle command- set up Ambush, take garrison, fire attack, build siege equipment ect ect


Mar 17, 2013
I would love a more extensive "ambition" mode. You must recruit and try to get the best generals for you army, but have cutscenes similar to the story mode. Romance who you want. Basically, I would call it Fictional mode: create a new story with the characters.


Jul 8, 2016
I would like to revive this thread by adding in my own ideas.
I love most of your ideas, but there's just too much content. Maybe if they did multiple discs. But I'd like to think up some features inside of the fighting and looks of the game.
1) realistic costumes: I like the costumes for the most part but they are still just so rediculous. This idea doesn't have to be in it because I know people are going to hate me for it. But they should give the characters romance of the three kingdoms costumes or at a mix. Bare with me please, these costumes are more like Zhou Tai and Tashi Ci's current costumes and most costumes from older games
2) realistic weapons: most weapons are realistic already, and some aren't but are still cool. But some weapons are just so dumb. Like the ones added in the newest empires game(deng ai's weapon, shoes). Before saying all the move sets would be similar, I'll ask why? Why can't they have similar weapons but different move sets. Look at Zhao yun and Ma chao. Book have spears but different move sets.
3) bring back some older gameplay features: I don't know about you, but this whole switching weapons thing is dumb imo. I think there should be the arrows from the older games. Plus, as crappy as dw6 was, it did add some cool things. The dueling was intense and awesome, the siege battles were cool, and swimming being a thing you use is cool, too
4) keep the way the story is: well, maybe do a better job with it like in dw7, but I like the whole factions thing. If we're going to get the moshu mode, at least keep the story mode

Well that's about it, what do you guys think, if you're still around?