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Jul 21, 2006
okay we all know this game is freaking awesome but no game is perfect and every game has a few of their own screw ups so made this topic to point them out and debate them

lets try just one at a time so there s not too much complaining to read mkay? ;)

the thing that i hate the most is the in battle speed settings they re so awkward to use
if any of you (i assume most of you) have played ROME you would see the huge difference in how bad they are


Jul 21, 2006
have you played ROME its much better looking at practicality

anyways got another one!

i guess in medieval being an ally means you not attacking them and them betraying you when they dont have enough territory?

every single faction i ve ever been an ally with (that bordered me) have betrayed me i mean what s the point? the best ally you can have are the papal states they re the only ones that dont stab you in the back!


May 31, 2006
nodi333 said:
have you played ROME its much better looking at practicality

anyways got another one!

i guess in medieval being an ally means you not attacking them and them betraying you when they dont have enough territory?

every single faction i ve ever been an ally with (that bordered me) have betrayed me i mean what s the point? the best ally you can have are the papal states they re the only ones that dont stab you in the back!

Ok so First: What is the version of the game you are playing??? When it first came out it was 1.00 and then 3 patches came out.

You need work your relationship with your allies like a love story: Alliance marriages, paying tributes , helping them with common enemies, giving them your map information as a gift all of this helps alot.

My suggestion to you my friend is simple try the MOD LTC. I'm not sure the what version is out but the one I'm playing is 4.0, there is a better version out but I don't have the internet at home anymore so I can't download it.

Have a look here you will find it and also alot of other mods that are quite interesting.



Jul 21, 2006
im playing the completely unpatched version [face_tongue]

Im not playing with a legit version [face_worried]
ill buy the game as soon as I buy the new computer


Nov 30, 2007
what website can i get patches off that is free and needs no subscription?

Do i need to patch each patch Consequativly (1st patch then 2nd then 3rd) or can i just patch the original game straight to the third patch?


Jul 21, 2006
ever heard of google? just type in "medieval 2 patch 1" duhhh and yes you have to do it one by one it took me like all afternoon to download them and install them all


Jul 21, 2006
em... well done? now just figure out how to create teutonic knights with the cheat and ill thank you


Apr 15, 2005
I think the camera controls are woeful. A lot of the time I can't really maneuver my camera to see the alignments and positions of units. Basically the entire gameplay interface feels a bit clunky and dated. I don't like how there's no way to "group" distinct units together on the unit panel.


Jul 21, 2006
huh? what do you mean district units? you can group anything if you want if you master the key board controls it s quite easy to handle the camera
Jun 22, 2008
try the byzantines.
nobody likes them, and hungary, sicily and venice will attack all ur european cities within 10 turns if u haven't opened diplomacy w/ them, and 30 turns if u have.
and the turks will do the same.
and if u do manage to avoid all this and destroy the turks, the mongols invade and destroy ur best cities, pulling u into bankruptcy.
and then the black death hits and pulls u even moar deeply into bankruptcy.

fitting that the best civ is the biggest pain in the ass to try playing as.


Sep 16, 2006

Or you just can't play as them,
2X rapid response armies (~ 10 units a peice) in Macedonia handle anything any European power can throw at you early game, Antollia is impossibly easy to conquer, you surround it (1X army invades from Cyprus, attacking Tarsis, 1x from Trebizond attacking Ceasarea, and 2x strike from Nicea and Shymia east, works on all mods and crusade game in kingdoms), and the turks best armies are too far east to stop a blitz.
then its just a simple matter of conquering Italy and Judea, then theres no stoppping you, as you'll have the richest empire in the game, all achievable in far less than 50 turns, especally if the Byz. unit mod is used.

By the time the monguls hit you should have your own experienced cav. armies, and citadels on your eastern approaches

By this point I normally fall victim to the "oh, I've won, whats the point in carrying on playing?" side of things.
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