
Mar 13, 2005
This game is pissing me off. At first it was good. i started off with a Celica and was winning all the time. then after a while i started losing cause the Celica wasn't as good as the other cars. So i decided to sell it and buy an RX-8. After making it very powerful, 2.9secods 0-60, 175 mph, 580 hp, 250 torch, and 36 kn. So i try it out in a race and it starts out great, its super fast. Then as i hit a turn i break and turn and m car spins totally out of conrol. OK so i keep going but then it does the same at the next turn and the next turn and holy sh*t every single turn. my celica never used to do that, whats wrong with the car? i turn with it exactly the same as i did with my celica and the celica stayed in control but this car is way better and there is no way to turn. I cant win anything with it. some HELP!
May 20, 2005
the problem is you gotta learn how to drive the high powered rear wheel drive cars and dont think you have to do the cars up heaps either my favourite car is the nissan Z i bombed it fully naturally aspirated and it kicks arse and you also get $5000 for street challenges against the skylines. Different tyres handle differently aswell experiment and see which tyres spin out the least