
Mar 25, 2006
It's not great....
It's very fun to play but compared to the movies it's nothing. I enjoyed playing it, but if we look in few game details... graphics : Terrible. Faces were drawed terrible. The way peoples move in cutscenes are very bad too. The games that been made in 2004 even better looking then this one. Price is overrated. The only thing that dissapoint me HEre the most is that it's the matrix game. Matrix trilogy is kick ass two thumbs up trilogy in the world.. everything great. It deserves kick ass game too.And the game is 100% not a kick ass.. VERY ENTERTAINING BUT NOT WeLL MADE
Apr 14, 2005
I thought it was great. Here is my Pros and Cons list for the game:


Fighting system was fun to use.
Playing as Neo.
Agent Smith boss battles were fun.
Decent lifespan.


Framerate problems at times.
Chateau levels.[face_angry]

I could think of more pros and cons, but I can't be bothered at the moment.


Kind of evil
May 30, 2005
In my opinion this game is great! I don't have an problems with framerates and stuff because i have the Xbox version. I love the fighting and everything in the game is good enough for me!


Man Born Inside the Vesti
Dec 18, 2005
i was just impressed that the fighting system allowed you to actually put the fighting multiple enemies and matrix moves to use, which is all i was really looking for. couldve been better overall, but a great used pick up for me.


Jedi Knight
Sep 11, 2000
I think it made sense to focus most of their time and effort on the combat. That's one of the trademarks of the film that really needed to be fully implemented.

While the level graphics aren't anything to write home about and the characters look like they have wet noodles for limbs, the gameplay itself is fairly decent, if not too deep.


Jul 10, 2006
path of neo is a great game its funny when you use the cheat where gun shot reflect back at your enemies


Dec 28, 2006
Its definitely better than Enter The Matrix. Although I did enjoy that one as well. After all I am a big fan of the movies. I havent had a chance to play the online game though. But Id love to see a next gen Matrix game.


Feb 23, 2007
I haven't gotten that far in the game yet, I'm on the "rescuing morpheus" part. Playability is AWESOME. Graphics downright SUCK (for PC version at least). The way you kill the Agent on the roof, knock him towards a big transformer, and shoot the transformer, it electrocutes him (and you too if you get too close). That's as far as I got, didn't shoot the heli yet. I love the moves, the controls (all except TAB being action button, and arrow keys to switch weapons), the gameplay, the fact that you're Neo, the leveling-up system. But as I said before, the grafix SUCK. I'm running this on an AMD 64 3700+, Asus mobo, 7600GT OC edition (MSI), 2gb of DDR400 ram, grafix should be good for being a 2005-2006 game. Final Fantasy 7 had better facial structure...this reminds me of an old-school game like the original half life. AKA, this game is so good, no one cares enough about the grafix to get rid of it. (I only spent $3 buying it new on EBay)
Sep 23, 2004
I have the ps2 version. You get frame rate issues on the xbox one too I heard.

Also on the ps2 version Normal mapping shows no real frame rate hits due to it, they have none on charas this time around, and realy the game only slows down when too much activity is on screen. Like on the brawl level there isn't any normal mapping in the scene yet so much slowdown(also at light detail 0 you get the same slowdown). The engine needs a cleaning.

I think morpheous and some others where great and about silent hill2 quality. Neo's face was drawn a little different then the real life counterpart, chins pointy, so I agree with some of that. Otherwise it's not realy terrible. The animation is mo-cap looking at it, but parts do look bad and due to glitches making it worse(and timing errors).


Prime Member
Aug 21, 2005
I loved this game to death, beat it like 13 times and playing it again.

The Combat was F'ing fun! The Graphics were bad but when your playing a game this fun you dont notice, at least i didn't. the only big thing that bothered me was they said the "lvl up" system was going to be awesome, they said each time you played it you could do make neo way diff from the last time you played. Which was a complete lie! you only choose like 2 diff moves from the last time you played it through, pissed me the hell off they lied about that. but other than that the game was way to much fun! Buy it, Beat it, than Beat it again, and again, and again!
Apr 26, 2007
I like everything pretty much, graphics aren't great and the fact that when u are fighting somebody and randomly the game needs to load (on mine at least) pisses me off, then i get the crap beat outta me, it happened a lot when i was fighting the 3 "upgraded" agents after the captains meeting, it would load and they would all jump at me at once. i also don't like the leveling up. It IS an incredibly good idea, they did it well but it takes to long to unlock a lot of stuff. Some i understand cause it follows the story line of the the movies, but others shouldn't be kept until the last 4 levels, like Weapon Strip 3, i use the weapon strip a lot, and it made me mad that by the time u get the final upgradem u practically fight no one with weapons.


Feb 25, 2007
I though it was great but got a afew goods and bads

Goods:cool fighting system
Awsome focus mode
cool moves

Bads:crap graphics
Doesnt follow real story
doesnt make sense
the only real fighting one was the Burly brawl with tons of agents