May 28, 2001
Well I was just browsing the OGame board and noticed a few people mentioned the Auric got banned for scripting. Just checked and he is banned in vacation mode and has been dropped to rank 3610 from 30 whatever. Sad to see, why is what I was wondering. Maybe he was just sick of Uni 27 & wanted to focus on Uni32, but maybe he is scripting there too. Anyways, just thought I'd throw that out there, and perhaps there is a good reason behind it, but cheating is definitely not kosher.


May 24, 2004

Makes me feel better after he banned me a few weeks ago. Shame because I was trying to build up enough to try and crash him one day.
Oct 17, 2003
I just searched some ogame scripts... and not all of them are cheating really. Someone of them give you commander-like features and stuff. He may not have 'cheated'.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
"Hey, great example your setting for all of us."

He's not your Dad or anything, he's just a guy playing a game, give him a break.


Lord High President of Gallifrey
Dec 6, 2002

That took them so bloody long

I'll explain in a few, trust me I made it obvious to see if they really cared which clearly they don't

Alright I just wanted to wrap up a few things before I explained.
I pretty much figured people who were scripting and knew most of the top players were. So I decided to look into it(this was when I was ranked in the top 200 or 300). I found that most of the scripts that would create top players were in russian or turkish(etc) which is why IMO you never find americans highly ranked. Most scripts that could make you a top player did a whole lot, everything from scanning to attacking actives(which IMO is BS and I never did BTW). After study of these(what I could find that I could read that is) I pretty much decided that most if not all top players scripted, including Hector who I called on it here long before I checked. I believe he has at least a scan script and likely an auto fleet save. Combine that with all officers, no moral code, and clearly no job and you have a guy who is unbeatable. BTW if you don't think he is automated check out the silly ninjas he keeps getting from that chick who hates him. If he was online he would be safety probing. And she's not the only one he's lost stupid attacks to.

So about the time I reached the top 150(I think that's where I was when it started) I had left the vesti and was about ready to quit. I knew if I tried really hard I could make the top 100 and truthfully at this point I don't even remember if I did make the top 100 before I started my experiment. The easiest, and I mean so easy that I suspect many people are using it, to find cheat is called (PM me if you care or wanna try the L_A experiment for yourself to prove that the GOs don't check crap). This cheat basicly automates the game I was playing already. As you know I was raiding inactives and nothing else since I started. I played the let's get ignored game. So i found a program which basicly ran a database of inactives, probed the ones who should have the highest resources(based on distance as well like a real person) and then attacked them. Something I had been doing manually for a while. So basicly all I had to do was log in once or twice per day to spend my crap. 100% detectable, hell I didn't even use a timer progrom, I left it running 24/7. That's right 24/7, no one is on 24/7(flag much people).

So basicly I used this program, I hoped to be detected within a week, didn't happen. I expected to be detected when I made the top 100, nope didn't happen. I went for grav, expected to get ACS'd for the HOF, didn't happen. I attacked with a death star, I expected to get ninja'd, didn't happen. I posted the ninja, expected to get HOF'd, didn't happen. I also expected to draw attention to myself from it, and get banned, didn't happen. I started posting a lot on the forum to get attention, expected a HOF or to get banned, didn't happen. I made the top 50, figured at this point someone would look at my log, come on, scanning the top 50 each day would take what? 30 mins? And that's just looking for obvious crap like I was doing. Nope hell I may even have made the top 30, I really stopped giving a crap. Hell the last week I was building RIPs because I would only log in every 2 or 3 days. And by then I would have enough to build another, I had 5-10 by the time I got caught today. Hell at this point I'm curious what tipped them off. It seems that the only way they check is if someone complains, and even then if you cheat smartly they can't catch it. Say if I only ran this program while awake, basicly started it at random time X in the morning and shut it down at random time Y at night. Still looks weird but not too much. Even better I could be working or surfing the net and have the program running, ie only run it while at the computer, and check the game every few mins, thus I would catch any weird messages and such so the program wouldn't go into a loop. Which should be a red flag and isn't BTW, the program got stuck in a loop, at least a dozen times and never got me caught. In fact I think one day it was in a loop for 16 hours. Did I mention how great the programmers are to have put in the most basic cheat catching systems? Oh yeah they didn't.

So my experiment lasted what? 2 months? How long ago was that? I mean seriously wtf, do they even check anything or have reports? Hell they changed the log-in page to stop such bots and I had a new version of the bot up and running in under 48hrs. And i don't even know how to program in python or I could have been up again like others were within mins. The reason people play this game is that it's incredible biased. In an ACS universe no one can build enough D to keep up with top alliance HOFs. Turtles can and will be destroyed. Phalanxes coupled with "legal" programs that tell you when to launch to get a 2sec window mean that anyone who knows how can crash anyone under them easily, plus if you go automated then you can remove human error. Hell add in the probe attack bug which has isn't fixed and harms legal players by letting people use the bug against them and also by not allowing them to send last min ninja's which can be timed to the second as well with a little automated help. No fleet save can protect you 100%, though if you can time yourself right the deploy fleet save is close. Minus the fact it makes the fleet useless again for blank hours and you better be home in blank hours(most people have lives so that doesn't work). The rule of this game is you will be hit if profitable. So never build any major fleet. Rule 2 is that if everyone played as a turtle the people in the top spots wouldn't be so they can't let that happen. So they have created the false belief that turtling is poor playing and they crash most turtles before they get too big. And if they get too big they team up, sometimes at a loss to take them out. So the safe game isn't safe. Rule 3 is that there are no rules. The fact that the vesti players even great ones like colton are ranked so low proves that point. Almost all the top players IMO cheat in some way. Most just are not as abvious as me. But they crash people, thus using their cheating to hurt other's games. I didn't attack actives. The only people I hurt may have been others going to inactives but considering how few I actually hit, ie the same few over and over, there were loads lower on my list for them that my program never got to attack because the big ones stayed juicy and moved back up the list. Did I cheat? Hell yeah I did. But I didn't harm anyones game play. You got people all the time diving n00bs from the game, hell if they didn't my program would have been useless. The game is designed for long term play but the way it works only the top will play long term and then they will complain about no people and leave. Design flaw IMO.

So my great experiment is over and due to it I've discovered something else. GO's don't talk to each other, simply pathetic. Yeah I tested a new experiment and it's running right now. I've handed over the alliance in Uni32(figured I'd give it the boost that our uni 30 alliance never got) and don't plan on actively playing it. I gonna post a poll with what you all want me to do with it. I'll either quit or leave the program running if you wish. I kinda wanna leave it running to see if I get banned in the next month. Hell I'm using the same name, email, and had the same alliance name. I made it obvious.

So take all this how ever you want. But it proves a point that sniper brought up on the ogame boards. Shouldn't the top players be checked? If the point of cheating is to make the top 100, 200, or 300. Then check them. No one will cheat to get to the top if it means you get permabanned. And BTW I think they should permaban my IP but GF won't do that because in the next universe I might buy officers. Plus if they ban me while I have officers it will be hard to cancel(ca-ching). After cheating I shouldn't be allowed to play and yet right now I'm "playing". Simply pathetic. I could go get someone to give me a top 300 account and I could make it top 100 again within a month by doing this all over again. Where are the checks and balances?


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 15, 2004
I'm sure scripting is rampant in the top ranks. I'm glad you got caught Auric only because you got so far. It's a big statement.


Lord High President of Gallifrey
Dec 6, 2002
edited the other post while eating and thinking of how to explain it.

And bingo my getting banned is a huge statement and if I cared enough I'd get banned on the ogame boards talking about how it proves a point.


Lord High President of Gallifrey
Dec 6, 2002
Andvari300 said:
Simply amazing. I have no chance in hell in this game but im still going to give it a shot.
Sorry to make it sound so bad but a clean player with a life will never be a top player

but have fun with it

I simply got bored


May 24, 2004
See, I have a better chance when I go in vacation mode when I work during the week. I noticed I get probed less during the weekend.


May 28, 2001
Ok, I've tried typing t=stuff, but I just got back from the bar, and realized I am far to drunk to make any sense o ttypr anything, so hopefully tomorrow I can say what I want and it will make sense. I did figure Auric was doing this on purpose or for a reason so it wasn't a huge surprise, but I didn't want to be a dick and just flat out start making a ton of accusations or anything. Yadda yadda yadda, time for tv & bed.

PS - Auric do you dislike me or anything? I know it doesn't matter, but I always felt like you didn;t like me or want to help me when I inquired. No biggie, just curious, tis only a game anyways.

EDIT: I never expect to be #1, only the best I can be. Like Auric said, I am sure many of the top players do cheat, script in some manner. Ogame really has little control over it, since they only check if someone reports someone. I have already forgot what else I was going to ask. Damn.


50 character limit. Markup codes are NOT allowed.
Oct 27, 2000
meh i know how auric feels.

i'm taking it easy only...

May 21, 2005
ok im here to admit it to, i cheated also

(it costs money now!!!)=(new login screen)
Mar 1, 2007
What is the point in playing if your going to cheat? If your going to cheat, at least do the vesti a favor and leave the alliance. I don't want to associated with that type play. If you are already cheating, please leave.

Auric, I'm glad you left to do your experiment. As far as not hurting anyone, you are wrong. Think of all the legit players that could have raided those inactives for profit. You basically just made any noob in the area stagnant because there was nothing for them to raid. There were probably quite a few of them that said **** it and quit because there was nothing to raid. There is always 2 sides to every situation. If you really want to make something of your experiment, use your results to see which players are scripting and get them banned. Thats the only way you will save face in my eyes.



Lord High President of Gallifrey
Dec 6, 2002
USNF said:
Auric do you dislike me or anything? I know it doesn't matter, but I always felt like you didn;t like me or want to help me when I inquired. No biggie, just curious, tis only a game anyways.
Nope I just litterally was useless to help others pretty much
Mar 1, 2007
This is really disheartening because I actually thought you did all that legit. What a big downer. I actually admired your ability to get ranked so high. But it was fraud. Oh well, glad you are done with uni 32 also. Give some of those legit players a better chance.



Almost Not a Noob
Jan 15, 2004
No Colton. There are others, and since that one costs money, I'm not going to use that one. I'm not going to use any of them. I want to see the one Auric used.


Dec 10, 2006
The wars of the future will not be fought on the battlefield or at sea. They will be fought in space, or possibly on top of a very tall mountain. In either case, most of the actual fighting will be done by small robots. And as you go forth today remember always your duty is clear: To build and maintain those robots.

That is all.
May 21, 2005
Silphy said:
No Colton. There are others, and since that one costs money, I'm not going to use that one. I'm not going to use any of them. I want to see the one Auric used.
the one i posted is the one auric used!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jun 1, 2005
Timesplitter123 said:
Silphy said:
No Colton. There are others, and since that one costs money, I'm not going to use that one. I'm not going to use any of them. I want to see the one Auric used.
the one i posted is the one auric used!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah that's why i told him there was a link to it above him, i guess i didn't make it clear that i knew what auric used lol
Mar 1, 2007
A rhombus has 4 equal sides and 2 sets of equal angle's. Not to be confused with a parallelogram which has 2 sets of equal sides and angle's.

How bout an icosikaihenagon...... I guarantee you will have to google it.



Feb 4, 2005
Timesplitter123 said:
ok im here to admit it to, i cheated also

(it costs money now!!!)=(new login screen)
Hmm, maybe I should use this bot... I haven't played this game in months and I might as well try this thing out seeing as I don't care if I get banned.

My new username is: Youallsuck.
Mar 1, 2007
ok im here to admit it to, i cheated also

(it costs money now!!!)=(new login screen)
Hmm, maybe I should use this bot... I haven't played this game in months and I might as well try this thing out seeing as I don't care if I get banned.

My new username is: Youallsuck.


Dont use it near me or I will report you asap.
Mar 1, 2007
How bout an icosikaihenagon...... <<

Honestly? Sounds like an attack from Dragonball Z.


DBZ eh? All of those attacks are easy to say. It's when you get to kenshin.. Those are some tricky ones. Like (i think this is right) Anakakarou rio-nohiromeki. Thats a mouthfull.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 15, 2004
Are we talking the OVA's or the series? This is turning into a broken dam of confusion.
Mar 1, 2007
LOL. This thread sure has gone to whack. Starting talking about L_A the cheater. Now its this. [face_tongue]

Who know what we are talking about? Isn't that teh vesti way?


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 15, 2004
Stems from the fact that people expected some code of conduct on the internet. It's comforting to see until my it turns into a mini circle jerk.