
NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006

Can someone tell me what's wrong with just calling it Kirby's Dream Land 4? Why the terrible title? It's like Donkey Kong Country Return except slightly worse.

Whatever, still getting the game.
Apr 21, 2012
No one would care about Kirby's Dreamland 4, because no one cares about Kirby. The only way people would care about Kirby is if the devs pretended like the filthy normies ignoring the Kirby series in favor of their waifu metroid series and freshly jerked zelda series somehow means Kirby in general was absent the whole, so a "Return to Dreamland" is basically pandering to those fucks because it's saying, "wow so remember Kirby from ur childhood? Yeah it's come back!!!DAE nostalgic tears XDDD". Fake nostalgia is literally the only thing that would get these lowlifes to acknowledge Kirby rather than see it for the modern cutting edge daily-pumped raw fueled energy series that Kirby is.

THAT'S why it's called "Return to Dreamland".