Mar 20, 2015
Hello, everyone!

For the last year, I've been working on a senior thesis at my university that explores parasocial relationships (relationships/empathy toward characters that do not exist) within the context of The Last of Us. Parasocial interaction/relationships have been heavily studied in reference to television or books, but not for video games, which is why I am very excited about this study.

I need people who have played this game to take a survey. The questions will be about things such as aggression, interaction, empathy, immersion, etc. It is entirely anonymous, so no information you enter into the form will be connected in any way to you personally. It's completely voluntary, of course, but it would really help me out if those who loved this game took 5 minutes to complete this survey :)

Here is the link to the survey on Google Forms:

If you have any questions, please leave them here and I will respond as quickly as possible. Thank you very much for your time! <3


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 20, 2010
Hello, everyone!

For the last year, I've been working on a senior thesis at my university that explores parasocial relationships (relationships/empathy toward characters that do not exist) within the context of The Last of Us. Parasocial interaction/relationships have been heavily studied in reference to television or books, but not for video games, which is why I am very excited about this study.

I need people who have played this game to take a survey. The questions will be about things such as aggression, interaction, empathy, immersion, etc. It is entirely anonymous, so no information you enter into the form will be connected in any way to you personally. It's completely voluntary, of course, but it would really help me out if those who loved this game took 5 minutes to complete this survey :)

Here is the link to the survey on Google Forms:

If you have any questions, please leave them here and I will respond as quickly as possible. Thank you very much for your time! <3
i was wondering if i could see my results for this survey ? i answered them as honestly as i could and im worried i might be a lunatic [face_silly]
Mar 20, 2015
i was wondering if i could see my results for this survey ? i answered them as honestly as i could and im worried i might be a lunatic [face_silly]

Hi, hawkenstien71! Thank you so much for taking this survey! It's a huge help. And don't worry, you're not a lunatic! :) No matter what you answered, the information is not meant to come to a conclusion on something like that. Your results will only show you your answers again; there is no judgement on you individually based on the answers you chose. What I'm hoping to do is see patterns of the same answers among may people.

Because all the information is confidential and the entries are anonymous, it would be difficult to find your specific results and show them to you. I would be happy to share my findings here once my thesis is complete though! Let me know if you have any more concerns or questions <3


Jul 30, 2017
Parasocial relationship is an AMAZING concept and I'm going to read about it now.

Please post the results of your survey, if you still have them. And I would LOVE to read your thesis, particularly since it's about parasocial relationships in TLOU. syshaq at gmail d0t com

...I only wish I wasn't talking to someone in the distant past.