
No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
Did one of these when the last game came out. People had alot of good ideas to share and it's never too earlier to start saying what you'd like to see from it.

I have the game but I haven't played much of it yet so I'll probably think of more ideas when I get further in.

1. Story: Storm 4 will probably come out in 2015. Unless the series unexpectedly gets a timeskip and a new arc I'd be surprised if the manga didn't finish this year.

It seems like there's only going to be a few battles left so there wont be enough content for Storm 4. So I think the game should cover the entire series.

If you've played the previous games you'll notice there's a huge difference in the quality of the storytelling, Storm 1 wasn't done very well and left parts out, Storm 2 had cutscenes and was much better but Storm 3 followed it much more accurately so if they could redo the whole series with that level of storytelling it'd be quite good.

That way they could add bosses for the Part 1 fights, include the Land of Waves Saga, the fights with the Sound 4 and add the other areas to the world map to explore.

2. Characters: There's still plenty of people they can add in. Iruka, Gaara in his mini Shukaku form, Sound 4, Konahamaru, Other Path of Pain members, Edo Kage, Sage mode Kabuto, the Jonin that were at the Kage Summit, Young Madara, Hashirama, Tobirama etc

3. The open world: While it would be nice if the world map was more free roam like the first game but Skyrim's size with all the locations from the series, it's unrealistic to hope for. But they could bring back the free roam Leaf Village and the areas outside it would be more RPG like. They'd need to add more things to the Leaf Village though because there wasn't much in there.

4. Create a Ninja Mode: Take a leaf out of Ultimate Tenkaichi. Let the game have a Hero mode, where you could create your own ninja's appearance, his fighting style Fast or Strong, with or without a weapon, his/her voice, perhaps what clan they belong to, what Chakra Nature type they are and what moves they'd use.

Then the mode would have it's own story where you were a ninja that had just graduated from the academy and you worked your way up. This mode could have more of a focus on the quests and finding and doing things rather than fighting, let the character level up to Jonin status and so on. It doesn't have to be an amazing story but it would be an original story.

Anyone have any other idea's?
Mar 23, 2013
I'm a huge fan of Naruto and the Storm series are fantastic and set the standards on how an Anime should be like if it ever hit the gaming universe. Back on topic though.

What I hope to see that I wish was in 3 are these following things:

- Fillers. I hate MOST of them in the Anime,but I feel like it would fit better in a game rather than the show itself. Deliver us some neat stuff like explain how each of the tailed beasts were captured (2-7). They only show clips of a few of them,but never the full fight. Explain the back story behind each one. So on and so forth. Why haven't they brought any of the story lines from the movies?! I mean the Bleach game did it and it wouldn't hurt to add that in.

- Characters. The roster should have been huge in the 3rd,but I found it disappointing. No Edo Kages,Seven Swordsmen,The Golden Brother (Ginkaku and Kinkaku),Pakura,badass Gari,Dan,Edo Kakuza,etc. I can go on forever. I was especially disappointed at how WEAK the 1st and 2nd Hokage were made in this game,but of course we didn't find out how powerful they were till later in the Manga when *SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER* Orochimaru brings back the Hokages with a better version of Edo Tensei.

- New/More combos. I would like to see more flashy combos than the ones I have seen a million times already.

- Overall story is my main idea. They could expand so much with it since the universe and characters are so rich and some aren't even fleshed out for example (each of the Seven Swordsmen. Would like to know how each were founded and more back story behind them)


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
Another thought I have is that the buttons should be arranged so that O was a light melee attack and [ ] was a heavy melee attack so you could mix up the combos a bit more than simply mashing O. Does anyone really use the shuriken that much? I find them to be mostly useless, so it could be made to be L3 or something else.

With UNS4 I hope they include the Stone and Mist villages also, but make all the other villages (besides the Leaf) about twice as big and give us more of a reason to go there, maybe include more missions there.

Also have the missions have more variety, I know they're sorta limited with this kinda game but missions aside from just fighting would be good.
May 9, 2013
First, custom characters! make it like hero machine 2 but with naruto gear. you can pick your fighting style and your jutsu, but obviously be limited, like if you take sharingan then you don't get to use jinchuuriki or a rinnegan or something. So be able to customize the look of your character and their abilities/awakening (like do you want instant awakening or one requiring a lower health gauge?). ALSO have the ability to make mayb three to five custom characters so you can experiment a little more.

Second, i think they should make the first hokage have an awakening that utilizes the wood style like edo madara did, only faster cause it's his unique ability. And also to make him stronger to reflect how he actually was (one of the strongest ninja ever)

Third, more characters than in storm 3.

Fourth, have a hero mode where you fight in the war but as someone who assists the main characters.

Fifth, the way that the ninja war was fought in the campaign was interesting, but i think they should make that type into an online experience. like there is this territory, and there are smaller units making up that territory. you pick a few characters to serve as your army, and then you move them around until youve captured all areas. your opponent also wil do this and when you move for the same tile, those characters will fight. ALSO if you place one or more characters on a tile for a fight, then you pick the primary and set up the other(s) as your assist characters. AND you can use custom characters for this.
Feb 6, 2012
Ive been thinking about this a lot. I would really like them to add a jounin and hokage uniform for naruto just because it would look bad ass and maybe a "what if" version of Sasuke, if only just giving him a jounin uniform as well, although it would be great if they gave him a different skill set, as though he went back to the leaf after killing Itachi and never obtained the eternal mongekyo sharingan.


Oct 16, 2014
STORY MODE : They should have the complete story, since it's the last game to come out. Maybe make it like DBZ, click the character to view their life's story and unlock characters like that instead of RYU. Maybe make the format to pick stories like the Ninja Escapades in Revolution.

CHARACTERS : EVERY character, even the ones who appeared in one episode. Like star village and alot of others. I wanna play as everyone who ever fought in the show.

BATTLE : some characters aren't hurt as much by Tai jutsu and hurt more by ninjutsu, maybe have some characters ( like choji ) get more resistant to Tai jutsu, and characters like kakashi, naruto and other amazing people balance in defense, and some more effected by Tai jutsu and less effected by ninjutsu. The life bar, I would like to see 3 bars, Green, yellow, red cause I feel the fights are too quick. Maybe 5 bars of substitution since the extra bar. Keep the Ultimate Jutsu, Awakening, and drive type.

MORE JUTSU : I love the whole hold up or hold down and attack, you do a different combo then just attacking. But add more jutsu, Y B ( xbox ) does one jutsu, Y Hold B does another, why not make the special triple Y B, and add more jutsu to double Y B and Double Y hold B. ( just what I'd like to see ;p )


CREATE A Ninja - You can have this as a alternative game time, people customize a ninja, appearance, jutsu ( I prefer a big list to chose from, have premade jutsu like rasengan and made up ones too ) let them have a voice, go on a mini journey and unlock new jutsu and apparel maybe. In the creation, if they choose to have sharingan or rinnegan, have a premade back story. If they want a beast inside them, make up some animals they can transform into, like a dragon, some crazy looking creature, idk get creative lol and have a basic background story set to what kinda ninja they want to be.

CREATE A CLAN - introduce a 3v3 ( real players all on the battlefield at the same time, switch targets like in when you fight to gather orbs. But just fighting to KO the other team ) and you can have a clan and the clan gain XP and this is for created ninjas so that way people can use their own that they made and that'll definitely be something people would wanna play besides the original story.

These are just my thoughts, I love this show and game, one of the best fighting games and one of the best shows. I would love to see my ideas used.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 23, 2008
Would love a create a character story line where you don't have to be from the leaf (good or bad) and follow some game made story line with rpg elements (I wouldn't say RPG bc gants asking soo much and would ruin the fighting game elements bc it's a lot to do for 1 company on 1 game sadly) .

I still want a bioware mass effect styled NARUTO/bleach/DBZ/Dc comics GL/other games ...I love the idea of using already established mythical worlds and then giving us an open world free roam game to explore it and have it be based on new stuff and your own character of course .
Dec 3, 2015
I'm new here. Been a lover of the series for years. My idea isn't too cool but it would be awesome if they implemented scenario KO's
Like tilt finishers, grab finishers, Jutsu finisher animations etc.


Mar 6, 2016
I think that on story mode when you talk to people they should actually say somthing because people don't like to read and if they don't read it they wont know to do next so that should be fixed