
Apr 21, 2005
And if the Spoilers prefix didn’t already warn you, there are spoilers ahead!

I love Kingdom Hearts. It was my first PS2 game. I attribute nearly all of my posts on IGN to this board as well, having talked about it for years with people who probably don’t use IGN boards anymore.

That being said, I felt as though they rushed this last story. So many incredible points that could been fleshed out just a bit more. Towards the end, I realized I didn’t know enough about Kingdom Hearts lore because I didn’t play Kingdom Hearts Ux. I expected my playing all the other games sufficient—apparently not!

The battles leading up to the Xehanort finale were pretty easy on the highest difficulty (unless I was just over-leveled). Xehanort’s battle was cool, I thought it was well-done. However, having been the main bad guy for 9 games (albeit behind the scenes in certain ones), when he suddenly gave it all up after one fight with Sora and the reappearance of Eraqus? There was no preface, the chess game flashbacks aren’t enough in my opinion.

I haven’t dished out money on Re:Mind, but it seems like seeing what Sora did to find Kairi should’ve been included in the original. :/ I expected more in this finale of Sora’s life. This was the fastest of all the games to complete and 100%, which is kinda disappointing. I guess that’s life though, lol.


The Knight of Zero
Jun 2, 2009
And if the Spoilers prefix didn’t already warn you, there are spoilers ahead!

I love Kingdom Hearts. It was my first PS2 game. I attribute nearly all of my posts on IGN to this board as well, having talked about it for years with people who probably don’t use IGN boards anymore.

That being said, I felt as though they rushed this last story. So many incredible points that could been fleshed out just a bit more. Towards the end, I realized I didn’t know enough about Kingdom Hearts lore because I didn’t play Kingdom Hearts Ux. I expected my playing all the other games sufficient���apparently not!

The battles leading up to the Xehanort finale were pretty easy on the highest difficulty (unless I was just over-leveled). Xehanort’s battle was cool, I thought it was well-done. However, having been the main bad guy for 9 games (albeit behind the scenes in certain ones), when he suddenly gave it all up after one fight with Sora and the reappearance of Eraqus? There was no preface, the chess game flashbacks aren’t enough in my opinion.

I haven’t dished out money on Re:Mind, but it seems like seeing what Sora did to find Kairi should’ve been included in the original. :/ I expected more in this finale of Sora’s life. This was the fastest of all the games to complete and 100%, which is kinda disappointing. I guess that’s life though, lol.

its not the end for Sora. the series is continuing which is the purpose of Re mind. there is going to be another game.


Apr 21, 2005
Really? I thought Nomura said this was Sora’s last game. With the new Kingdom Hearts Dark Road exploring Xehanort’s youth, I’m guessing his character arc will make more sense. However, I had no idea there were going to be other Sora games.

I’m not so much as concerned that we won’t see Sora again. It’s more like I wish they fleshed the story out to be an epic finale for the Dark Seeker Saga. I’m excited for future titles though, especially exploring who Xigbar/Luxu is and what’s been going on in that realm.


The Knight of Zero
Jun 2, 2009
Really? I thought Nomura said this was Sora’s last game. With the new Kingdom Hearts Dark Road exploring Xehanort’s youth, I’m guessing his character arc will make more sense. However, I had no idea there were going to be other Sora games.

I’m not so much as concerned that we won’t see Sora again. It’s more like I wish they fleshed the story out to be an epic finale for the Dark Seeker Saga. I’m excited for future titles though, especially exploring who Xigbar/Luxu is and what’s been going on in that realm.

just based on how Re:mind went it lays a ground work for a Riku quest to save Sora. So i cannot see that being the last game to feature them.


Apr 21, 2005
just based on how Re:mind went it lays a ground work for a Riku quest to save Sora. So i cannot see that being the last game to feature them.

That’s awesome. I’m considering buying Re:Mind, I’m just hesitant on its current pricing, especially with the deal going on for all 10 games for $30. Is $30 really justified for this DLC?


The Knight of Zero
Jun 2, 2009
That’s awesome. I’m considering buying Re:Mind, I’m just hesitant on its current pricing, especially with the deal going on for all 10 games for $30. Is $30 really justified for this DLC?

depends on how big a fan of the series you are. it gives you some fights where you can play as Kairi ect, sora going to save Kairi, and running into this new guy and a final end scene that sets up what i was talking about before. if you love the series a lot, then get it. if you are a more moderate fan of it then you could wait for a price drop. But i wouldn't say its not worth it. it more depends on how big a fan you are on if it will be worth it to you


Apr 21, 2005
depends on how big a fan of the series you are. it gives you some fights where you can play as Kairi ect, sora going to save Kairi, and running into this new guy and a final end scene that sets up what i was talking about before. if you love the series a lot, then get it. if you are a more moderate fan of it then you could wait for a price drop. But i wouldn't say its not worth it. it more depends on how big a fan you are on if it will be worth it to you
I get ya. I really do love the series, I’ll have to get it


Apr 21, 2005
Sorry for the double post, but without Re: Mind, KH3’s felt very underwhelming. The DLC was definitely needed the ending Much better!


Dec 23, 2018
I beat it on launch on the hardest difficulty in about two days.

The story goes absolutely nowhere until the last world, it's insane. It has some of the worst pacing in the series. Part of this is because all of the games in the past explained everything you needed to know that it was obvious what direction it was heading in. There a few surprises for some, sure, but basically the story of KHIII was Birth by Sleep, Dream Drop Distance, etc.

KH I and II handled their narratives much better. KHII obviously you needed to play CoM, but CoM did not explain everything that was going to happen in II.

By the time you played BBS, DDD and the others, it became clear what was going to happen.

-Aqua was going to be brought back from the realm
-Ventus was going to be restored
-Terra was going to return

Like, all of that bullshit happened in the final moments of the game. So stupid.