
Oct 14, 2003
Spengler56 said:
No kidding. I guess Starcraft is so popular that no other strategy games exist.
Either that or there is something about this game that we dont know.One would think that the RTS crowd would be eager to devour up this in wait for almighty starcraft 2.


Future Overlord of Earth
May 6, 2003
When developers know the game is fail, early review copies don't go out. Given the sheer lack of information on the single player game and after the massive changes they've done to the gameplay, I can only assume its average at best. My guess, they got too serious (unlike red alert) with the cut scenes, but the acting was worse than usual, and people really just don't like the new gameplay in their single player.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 29, 2008
The game only seems to be average at best. It averages 70.50% at gamerankings. I'm waiting for IGNs review but I did read gamespots review and I think I'm gonna wait for a huge price drop for C&C4.
Mar 17, 2010
I was a tester of the game in beta and a true C&C fan that is up until this game came out I was sent a copy of the game from a friend and let me just say that this game ruined the C&C universe for me. The game play is confusing as hell, you don't get xp until the third mission, and it logs you into game servers to play it. Honestly the only reason I will finish the game is to see the "EPIC" ending. Even for a free game I wouldn't waist my time! Hopefully Westwood Studios will get back into business and beat the crap out of EA for ruining their game franchise!
Mar 19, 2010
C&C 4 barely shows up on the fun scale at all. They changed the entirety of the game, I'm on the verge of taking it back. And I've played every one of the games from the beginning. This is the only one that I've been disappointed in.
Feb 27, 2010
I too bought this game and am soooo disappointed in it. It's not even good enough for me to give to a friend. The whole thing feels like Warhammer. If I wanted Warhammer I would still be playing it now because it is a hundred times better than Command and Conquer 4. The whole gameplay has been ruined in C&C 4. I hate the capturing and holding nodes, the unit cap totally based on command points, no base building, sending a slow moving crawler around the map (OMG, it's slow!), and I also really, really hate how you can't even play the game if you aren't connected to the server, not even an AI skirmish. Whoever thought that up was a real moron. The only thing this game has going for it is some cool units. But they really aren't better than anything in other RTS games. I just played RA3 today after not playing it for a long time. It was actually fun compared to C&C 4. As for the campaign, it's stupid and boring. At least RA3 has some good acting and a fun storyline. I am still playing Command and Conquer: Generals. It's the best thing out there right now, I think, and it's already 7 years old. If you want a new RTS game until Starcraft 2 comes out, try Supreme Commander 2 because it's much better than C&C 4. I sure miss Westood--at least they knew how to make a game that would last a long time and hold the fan base. EA, what the hell were you thinking?!!!! Guess it comes back to the old addage: If it works, fix it.
Feb 22, 2005
I love the C&C series and this game is an absolute disgrace. They have completely changed the gameplay and have taken away any sort of strategy there was to the game. It is a single structure base, limited units (usually about 10), and no smooth play at all. It is as if the producers decided to take out everything that made C&C what it was, and change it into a unit based action packed constant dying...thing. I have played every C&C game and this just let me down. I have played for about an hour and I have already lost interest. 2 out of 10 at best.