Sep 22, 2010
Hi! I hope you don't mind but I badly wanted to play this game (Yu-Gi-Oh) 5Ds Tag force 5 but the instructions in the game are a bit confusing to me. Do you have any tips for someone like me who is entirely new in card games? I've been burning hours with trial-and-error gameplay just to get used to everything but i still don't get it :(

Thank you so much for any tips I could get from you guys :)
Apr 19, 2010
best i can tell you is to youtube yugioh episode and watch them till ur eyes bleed and you should pick up on it
try yugioh gx


MMSF3 Battler
Jan 4, 2004
i'm pretty sure there's a rulebook on what to do and etc on konami's website for yugioh... or you can google up tips on how to play. it's out there dude. the games not that overly complicated and you'll get more and more used to it after like 30 minutes or so.