Jan 9, 2018
About to start what I believe is my 8th full playthrough of the trilogy. Is that weird that I've played the same three games so many times before? Am I alone in this? [face_thinking]


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
Ha! No my friend.

These boards are pretty dead now, me and [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/jwb82.2762543/']@JWB82[/URL] are about the only ones that come around on a regular basis. You know, to feed the Varren... Others come by every now and then like relatives for the holidays. Back in the day though, it was pretty active and most posters had several playthroughs.

I've probably played through about 8-9 times and am in the middle of another right now. I usually do a Trilogy PT once every year.