
Mar 22, 2013
When Ellie was in the back of the truck waking up after drugged Joel tells her that there were others like her. But when she thought about what had happened she probably came across the thought that if there were others like her and she was not needed then why was she drugged. So after thinking that she then asked Joel if he told the truth, and he says yes, but she actually knows that it was a lie.


Jun 27, 2013
His lie is also very unbelievable. The fact that they just had this very epic, desperate, dangerous quest across most of the USA that was all about getting this one girl to a Firefly lab makes it a little hard to believe. The only thing one could think to doubt that it was a lie is that they haven't had any contact with any Fireflies for almost a year.


Mar 22, 2013
I know but I was thinking logically and how if she thought about it she could have figured out it was a lie, without having any doubt it was a lie


Jun 27, 2013
She could have not known she had been drugged. She went from almost drowning to waking up in a hospital gown. He admitted they found the Fireflies, so they could have saved her and said they didn't need her anymore and Joel took her, still wearing the gown...for some reason. I think the biggest reason she doubts him is because she got no closure where as Joel did. As I stated in another thread, I was very conflicted about the ending just because he lies to her and I think I just found out why. Thank you sir for questioning me. :)


Mar 22, 2013
First of all Joel does tells Ellie that the drugs are wearing off when she wakes up, and my point is that without emotion she could have figured it out, and by the way I feel that the ending was not what we wanted but it is more realistic, Ellie pretty much becomes Joel's daughter for him, and think about it if you had a daughter would you want to sacrifice her even 'for a good cause , and if Joel gave up ellie he would have no one and be alone. By the way i'm not trying to question you, just trying to show my point.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 12, 2013
die Staaten
I think the reason she doesn't call him out on his bullshit is because she probably knows all the shit he's been through by now. I'm sure that between some of the time they've travelled together (especially from winter to spring), Joel's told about his life before the outbreak.
So she probably understands how he see's her as his daughter, and what he had to do to get her out of the hospital.
I mean, imagine how Joel would feel if Ellie told him to screw himself after all the deaths he went through (mainly Tess, Sarah, and possibly his wife), what he did to protect her, and the fact that he's finally opened up to someone. He'd probably go insane.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 20, 2003
In the comic books that you collect throughout the game -- the very last issue found in the car (or was it a truck?) -- it mentions something about the male hero dying a martyr or something like that, but the female hero knowing "the real truth" but accepting it and staying quiet about it.

All of that was paraphrased, and the comic book summaries of course don't match up exactly to the events in TLoU, but they had many parallels that seemed to summarize the previous TLoU chapters, or eerily foreshadow upcoming ones.

I guess it's ND nice way of saying Ellie has chosen to coexist with this lie from someone who rescued her. In order to survive in that post-Apocalyptic world, this is the new price of living in it.

In terms of this impact on Ellie's psychology, it's hard to say if this doesn't worsen her survivor's guilt even more. But that's what makes the open-ended conclusion of the game fascinating -- imagining how things go long after the credits roll...
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Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010
I think she knew. But how can you be mad at someone for saving your life, you are going to be appreciative in some way. Even with the consequences with her cure.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 15, 2005
I got that same feeling too felt like a set up for a sequel with the whole " swear to me its the truth" and the way she said "ok" funny how Ellie said she doesnt like cliffhangers and the game ends like this


Nov 13, 2011
When Ellie was in the back of the truck waking up after drugged Joel tells her that there were others like her. But when she thought about what had happened she probably came across the thought that if there were others like her and she was not needed then why was she drugged. So after thinking that she then asked Joel if he told the truth, and he says yes, but she actually knows that it was a lie.

I think she suspects it, she could of been drugged for other reasons, I mean she has no idea what happened. But if she's smart she obviously knows something is up. I don't think Ellie was ever told that she had to sacrifice herself to save humanity, a lot of people assume that she was, but when was she told that? And just because she was feeling guilty and depressed towards the end, doesn't necessarily mean she was ready to die, I mean for most of the game she seems full of life and eager to learn about the old world. Then towards the end once spring starts, she suddenly seems very down and depressed and we are never really told why. I thought there was still a lot the game didn't tell us, especially about Ellie, we pretty much know where Joel is coming from but Ellie is very a interesting and complex character. In my opinion this game was left wide open for a sequel or two or three.
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Nov 13, 2011
When Ellie was in the back of the truck waking up after drugged Joel tells her that there were others like her. But when she thought about what had happened she probably came across the thought that if there were others like her and she was not needed then why was she drugged. So after thinking that she then asked Joel if he told the truth, and he says yes, but she actually knows that it was a lie.

I think she suspects it, she could of been drugged for other reasons, I mean she has no idea what happened. But if she's smart she obviously knows something is up. I don't think Ellie was ever told that she had to sacrifice herself to save humanity, a lot of people assume that she was, but when was she told that? And just because she was feeling guilty and depressed towards the end, doesn't necessarily mean she was ready to die, I mean for most of the game she seems full of life and eager to learn about the old world. Then towards the end once spring starts, she suddenly seems very down and depressed and we are never really told why. I thought there was still a lot the game didn't tell us, especially about Ellie, we pretty much know where Joel is coming from but Ellie is very a interesting and complex character. In my opinion this game was left wide open for a sequel or two or three.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 9, 2010
Well she might never been awake. Remember, the fireflys find Ellies passed out. Marlene knew who she was and could have got her immediately to the doctors and prep her for surgery. Ellie could have just slept through the whole thing, I don't think neither Ellie or Marlene gave any indication of them interacting with each other at the lab/hospital


No Longer a Noob
Oct 17, 2000
When Ellie was in the back of the truck waking up after drugged Joel tells her that there were others like her. But when she thought about what had happened she probably came across the thought that if there were others like her and she was not needed then why was she drugged. So after thinking that she then asked Joel if he told the truth, and he says yes, but she actually knows that it was a lie.

I think she suspects it, she could of been drugged for other reasons, I mean she has no idea what happened. But if she's smart she obviously knows something is up. I don't think Ellie was ever told that she had to sacrifice herself to save humanity, a lot of people assume that she was, but when was she told that? And just because she was feeling guilty and depressed towards the end, doesn't necessarily mean she was ready to die, I mean for most of the game she seems full of life and eager to learn about the old world. Then towards the end once spring starts, she suddenly seems very down and depressed and we are never really told why. I thought there was still a lot the game didn't tell us, especially about Ellie, we pretty much know where Joel is coming from but Ellie is very a interesting and complex character. In my opinion this game was left wide open for a sequel or two or three.

Agreed. I don't think Ellie was ever under the impression she was going to die once she got to the hospital. Just from the fact that she was talking about she wants Joel to teach her how to swim, that shows she's looking forward to something post-hospital.

The RIGHT thing to do would probably to have woken Ellie up in the parking garage, sat down with her, and talked to her about her options, and let her make the call. Obviously totally understand Joel's decision, hell that's what I wanted to happen.


Aug 30, 2014
I think she suspects it, she could of been drugged for other reasons, I mean she has no idea what happened. But if she's smart she obviously knows something is up. I don't think Ellie was ever told that she had to sacrifice herself to save humanity, a lot of people assume that she was, but when was she told that? And just because she was feeling guilty and depressed towards the end, doesn't necessarily mean she was ready to die, I mean for most of the game she seems full of life and eager to learn about the old world. Then towards the end once spring starts, she suddenly seems very down and depressed and we are never really told why. I thought there was still a lot the game didn't tell us, especially about Ellie, we pretty much know where Joel is coming from but Ellie is very a interesting and complex character. In my opinion this game was left wide open for a sequel or two or three.

I assumed she seemed depressed once spring hit because they had just about made it to the hospital, and therefore she was realizing her time with Joel was probably coming to an end. She would latch on with the Fireflies, and Joel would leave and go back to his own life. That's how I justified her behavior at least.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2012
I think she did know, if not at first in the car, then at least by the end of the very last scene.

However, playing devil's advocate here, the fact that she was drugged isn't necessarily evidence that they were planning to use her for the cure. She had just been severely injured and almost drowned, Joel could have easily told her that the gave her morphine or something for her injuries.