
Almost Almost Not a Noob
Mar 23, 2005
I don't think we've had this thread yet. Come everyone and share the story of how you started watching a cartoon for little girls.

I first learned about the show from watching Friendship is Magnets.
Dikekike was the backup account of Kroboproductions, a celebrated pooper, so I had been subscribed to him for several years. I wanted to hear the full version of Giggle at the Ghosty so I searched for it on youtube, and was surprised that it had a shitload of views and comments. So I watched the first three episodes, then skipped ahead to Stare Master because even then I knew that Applejack episodes were going to be as boring as fuck. The scene where Fluttershy stared down the Cockatrice pretty much left me with no choice but to watch the whole show. I managed to watch all of the episodes in time to watch Best Night Ever on the day it aired.

cliffnotes: I watched a youtube poop with ponies in it


No Longer a Noob
Oct 29, 2012
PEDSamus silhouette Rarity icon =P

Without even knowing the show existed, I somehow knew that it was from My Little Pony. I don't really know why, but I decided to watch a random episode of the show: Winter Wrap Up. I liked it enough, but didn't continue watching anymore episodes.

Then one day I was really bored, and I saw PEDSamus' icon again. This was back when she was a regular in the Wii lobby CT. I decided to watch the pilot. It was pretty meh, if not downright bad. But for whatever reason, I watched the next episode (Ticket Master). The episode introduced the ponies much better than the pilot did, and help really give some character to them. And out of a mixture of boredom and genuine interest in the show, I watched the next episode, then the next episode, then the next episode. Then it was 5 AM in the morning and I had just watched several hours of MLP in a row -_- I don't remember exactly when this happened though. I think Secret of My Excess was the latest episode to air, so I guess that's when I officially became a brony.

I didn't even fully grasp just how big the fandom was until much later.

Cliffs: PEDSamus icon got me to watch the show
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I H8 CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!
Aug 4, 2004
I saw several pony threads pop up on /b/ when I got bored enough to go there. When I found out what it was, I was just like "internet gonna internet" and just ignored it. After a while, someone posted Pony Swag on the Vesti and I watched it. That kind of made me want to check it out so I watched the first episode on YouTube. I wasn't repulsed by it like I thought I would be so I kept watching episodes. I ended up watching the whole first season in about 2 weeks. Luckily for me, Season 2 started soon after so I didn't have to wait long for new episodes to come out.


The Wildcard
Jul 18, 2008
I was sick one day in March 2011, and so at 8pm I got bored and decided to watch the first episode after seeing some pony related stuff on memebase.


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
Found out about it through the vesti in spring 2012, then one very bored week in summer 2012 I saw that the first two seasons were up on Netflix in HD so I figured, "Eh, why not?"


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 12, 2006
I'd heard about "bronies" and thought they must be gay or pedo's or something, so I mocked them.

One day I was bored and after watching something on youtube about MLP, figured I'd watch an episode or two so I better mock it's fans as an informed hater. Was not expecting I'd be endeared by the show this much.... [face_worried]



No Longer a Noob
May 10, 2003
I remember there being "pony posts" over in the Legend of Zelda Off-Topic thread here on IGN a year or two ago, but I didn't actually become a fan of the show until just several days ago; since then, I've watched nearly the entire first season on YouTube (although I have to skip around the channels to find all of the episodes). How did it happen? I think I just randomly looked up the first episode on YouTube, but I don't remember there being anything that directly caused that, be it an article or a pony photo. Anyway, the first episode has two parts, so I decided to watch both, and then the titles of the subsequent episodes compelled me to watch them as well; I think it only took three or four episodes for me to become hooked! [face_tongue] It's a really good show, and I enjoy the Mane Six's unique personalities (I think the writing is very well done); the humor is pretty good, too. I can't decide on a favorite character just yet -- I can relate to Fluttershy's shyness, but I also admire Rarity's formal manner of speaking and etiquette (oh, and Twilight Sparkle being a bookworm, too).

I wish I knew what it was that influenced me to watch the first episode... perhaps there was a parody video on my YouTube homepage? I don't know... I'll end by posting the full (?) theme song, because it's awesome:

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