Feb 15, 2006
It's in the mission "Roland" or something like that. A sniper appears, I injure him a bit and I get a call saying: "Get to the crane"

I go to the crane, but every time I get in control, Roland dies, How the hell can i prevent him from dying?


Apr 11, 2005
uh i think you have to save rolands butt. after u do that u have to go to the control room and start the big machine thing. after which you have to save rolands butt once again.

ughhh that was freakin me out how he used to die on meh.
Apr 26, 2007
u have to make sure that there arn't that many SWAT when u leave to the crane, if u leave a bunch of SWAT, roland will prolly die cause he can't protect himself worth crap. Also make sure the grenader is shooting at u.... and then don't get hit obviously, if he shoots and roland he gonna die, cause roland stands there and shoots at nothing. happened to me.


Feb 25, 2007
Simple. Go under the window were the sniper is shooting.Make sure you focus evade to dodge his grenades.He will have a hard time hitting you there.Some Swats will come over to you some have shields flip over them then silent takedown them from behind.Jump up to the window and occassionly shoot at the sniper.Eventually the operator tells you the crane can be used as a weapon.Jump onto the crane then onto the control platform press the white square then chocks away the crane takes out the sniper.Take out the rest of the Swat then its home sweet home.