
May 27, 2008
I hate it so bad that I was right, I dont think NG3 is a bad game just misunderstood! but I just had that feeling it wasnt gonna be excepted well! Yeah we can say "the heck with the haters" , but will they turn a profit? I want more NG and I wanted this to be excepted, but Team ninja's failure to keep up in the modern gen, is costing them. Granted we all like NG but I seen extensive gameplay footage, and the game really dosent bring something new to the table! Something everyone else is looking for! The battle between hardcore vs casual was strong edvidence here! Here all the ney sayers hate the game and all the true fans love the back to basics! It seems action games gotta have a free roam in order to be excepted nowadays! just saying, but Ng is not the only game that gets this misunderstood approach! Dragon ball z games fall to reviews all the time but most of the people I know love the games! even more they criticize the story that is a huge improvment from the preavious one! No 1up on that! They might as well say the story is worst than NG2! really??? But the biggest thing i dont understand is why Team Ninja said they were looking to the casual crowd who basically is completly against you! Flake the casual crowd just make a good game! they except it or not only the true fans (of any game) are gonna be be in your corner, well at least with sound critque! You'll lose us to chase the casual! Really??? Look how they repay you!


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 9, 2006
I feel you on that. there were a couple of things I wish was in there, but a 3.0 is straight up bullsh*t. Ninja Blade got a better score than that and that game was 80% QTE. NG3 retro I love it a couple of modern things would have been nice but overall I'd give it a 8.5.


Jan 2, 2009
Well it is definitely different from the previous games, and if they were attempting to set themselves apart from Itagakis work they succeeded. This is not a bad thing though in fact i like the new approach into this series. In my opinion Team Ninja succeeded where the devs of Ninja Blade fell short. Im not even close to finishing the game, but the little bit of it i have played is really really good.


May 27, 2008
I'll say a 8.0-8.5 is fair! Watch when Devil's third comes out, you know it got DM so they gonna jump all over it! I'm looking forward to that game too though! I'm very curious of what DM's potential could be, and how creative they get with it! I mean no other game got that, only FPS have adapted some type of limb system. (shoot em in the leg and they will limp or shoot their armed hand and they shoot with the other!)but no OBT #-o and no other game in NG's genre got that, I really did like that feature, I think they should have explored it more! It wasnt broken, just a few tweaks!


Jan 2, 2009
Ninja Gaiden has always been a perfect game in my opinion, no other game has really been able to capture that clear the room badassery this game can do. Though i separate this game from others i still cant bring myself to call it the best. I have always loved this genre of gaming as a whole i have had so many great memories with games like Shinobi, Viewtiful Joe, Splatterhouse, etc.etc. Ninja Gaiden 3 actually seems to have done what i have always wanted from this series, and that's make the battles more dramatic while keeping up the high intensity. I like qte's in games and i maybe the only one who does. In the future i think all games including the next God of War should use Gaiden 3 as a blueprint.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 9, 2006
I whole heartedly agree @Gray, the QTE in this game works and no game captures that savage feel like NG does. I wouldn't mind seeing another Shinobi I badly want a Strider too. Grin was working on a new Strider but then they got shut down. I really hope the next NG installments are remakes of the NES version
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May 27, 2008
Word because the ninpos from 1 and 2 I think are better than this dragon one! I mean thats the only one right! Inazuma was my favorite, Thats a room clearer powered all the way up! Ya got to admit that the UT in NG1 and especially in 2 that were complety taken out of this game was whack! They helped you clear a room! Now NG3 has no DM, no decaps, no UTs. This game gotta be extremly hard! No items no powerups, no Muramusa shop, it gotta be impossible! But its not, Take 1 and 2 and take out everthing I just said. Impossible!!! there's no way! and the fact that you really cant use the ninpo anytime you want in 3 kinda sucks! I love the UTs kinda mad they're out! As far as QTEs are cocerned that is where Team Ninja did deliver some what! I always said instead of cutscenes that you just watch, some if not most should be interactive! Like AC, did they really even have cutscenes, I mean we have control during all of them didnt we? Only on cutscenes though or before a cutscene should you have a QTE! Never to represent the gameplay, but just to enter and exit a level! Now QTEs with options are way better! But I strongly think that the hero you control should just have abilities that are vast and in-depth that he controls and creates his own QTE, well I guess it really wouldnt be a QTE but doing something you cant normally just do in gameplay is a QTE! If Ryu can do the Gliding move anytime we want (you know part of the button scheme). Thats where QTE events fail though cause you do something awesome than ya get back to regular gameplay and its like boring now, so what do they do beriddle it with QTEs! No (smacks head with newspaper) dont do that! Just interactive cutscenes is where they belong and started for that matter! James Bond Everything or Nothing made QTEs the gameplay! Thats how you should do it, not random buttons but part of the actual button scheme! I just want more control over the guy than walk, LightA, HeavyA, jump, slide(roll), projectile! I've been playing thos since nes days! Time to update add more variety!