Deleted member 119

Original poster
Book it, he is done. He has no idea what he is doing and neither does his staff
Oct 14, 2009
Tim Biakabutuka is not walking through that door, fans. John Navarre is not walking through that door, and Tai Streets is not walking through that door.

Deleted member 4122256

Original poster
I don't like the blackballing of Kaep and think he deserves a chance, but I'd say it's impossible to judge anything about the dude's play when he's been out the league for two full seasons

but this isn't a Kaep thread, Michigan needs to hire Les
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No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2010
Doesn't kapernick weigh like 150lbs now? Hard to blame the NFL when you become a string bean
May 19, 2013
How the fuck did this happen
He doesnt have an all time great like Andrew luck.
He turned Alex Smith from a complete bust to a formidable QB. He made a shitty Kaepernick look like the second coming of Vick/Young. He's been successful everywhere he's went.. this debacle shocks me more than anything else in sports right now.
No... He didn’t make Kap. The read option being brought to the NFL made Kap a superstar.

He tried to change the rules to make the offense a mainstay in the NFL, but it failed. When he had Kap running a regular offense he was meh.

In short he’s never really coached up a QBs besides Alex Smith in a run heavy offense. He hid him well more than coached him up
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Super Duper Duder Cud
Nov 12, 2009
He doesnt have an all time great like Andrew luck.
He turned Alex Smith from a complete bust to a formidable QB. He made a shitty Kaepernick look like the second coming of Vick/Young. He's been successful everywhere he's went.. this debacle shocks me more than anything else in sports right now.
No... He didn’t make Kap. The read option being brought to the NFL made Kap a superstar.

He tried to change the rules to make the offense a mainstay in the NFL, but it failed. When he had Kap running a regular offense he was meh.

In short he’s never really coached up a QBs besides Alex Smith in a run heavy offense. He hid him well more than coached him up
You know who made Alex Smith the no 1 overall pick? Urban.


Super Star
Feb 21, 2004
this thread is disgusting

harbaugh is not a retard, he's an autist

Sent from my Calcucorn using Tapatalk


Liek dis if u cry evry time
Nov 29, 2003
He doesnt have an all time great like Andrew luck.
He turned Alex Smith from a complete bust to a formidable QB. He made a shitty Kaepernick look like the second coming of Vick/Young. He's been successful everywhere he's went.. this debacle shocks me more than anything else in sports right now.
No... He didn’t make Kap. The read option being brought to the NFL made Kap a superstar.

He tried to change the rules to make the offense a mainstay in the NFL, but it failed. When he had Kap running a regular offense he was meh.

In short he’s never really coached up a QBs besides Alex Smith in a run heavy offense. He hid him well more than coached him up
Who drafted Kap and knew how to utilize his talent? Harbaugh. What did Kap win without him? Not shit. The most significant thing he did since Harbaugh left was kneel for the anthem as a backup.

Deleted member 4122256

Original poster
the Niners team also got gutted immediately after Harbaugh left. Gore/Crabtree left in FA and that's the same offseason Patrick Willis and a couple of others retired out of nowhere.
Aug 20, 2011
i think everyone has underestimated just how devastatingly traumatizing two single plays + last year at osu was for the entire michigan fanbase

literally everyone has brain worms just off of three games


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 4, 2018
at the end of the day, people really going batshit talking about firing a dude with a 40-15 record for... who exactly

Americans don't think that far, they just react, then overreact, then react again.. Look no further than Tennessee football program, and now no one wants it...


♪ Your delusions are yours, and not mine ♪
Oct 14, 2001
Parts Unknown
I get the anger. 3 blowout losses in Michigan's last 5 games. It all felt pretty hopeless at 35-0 vs Wisconsin last week, disappointing especially with the bye week to prepare. That was ultimately Bo Pelini's undoing at Nebraska. It wasn't the winning %, it was the fashion of the losses, usually blowouts in games where the coaching staff looked completely inept.

But with just this season in view, pre-season, Wisconsin was mostly expected to just be an also-ran in the conference while Michigan was expected to win the East because Urban is gone. Problem is, Ohio State still has the most talented team in the conference, and Wisconsin seems to be a lot better than most thought. UM's offensive transition doesn't appear to have gone smoothly at all, and it'll be very interesting to see where it goes now. The game with Iowa on October 5th will be a big one.

It's actually kind of crazy that Harbaugh has been at MIchigan for 5 years now, doesn't seem that long.
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The Great Bacon Bomb
Feb 19, 2003
How the fuck did this happen
He doesnt have an all time great like Andrew luck.
He turned Alex Smith from a complete bust to a formidable QB. He made a shitty Kaepernick look like the second coming of Vick/Young. He's been successful everywhere he's went.. this debacle shocks me more than anything else in sports right now.

Harbaugh and Chip are on the downhill of the career. Both can't get out of their funk and reinvent themselves.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 4, 2018
Michigan had the whole game in hand, and still could never run the ball against even a tired Rutgers D. Michigan still has at least 3 more losses coming from that issue alone

Deleted member 119

Original poster
To our many Michigan fan friends on this forum, I sincerely apologize for this thread. I was hoping this would bring you similar good fortune to what was bestowed upon Dabo and Clemson. Frankly, I should have just waited for Ramma to make this thread unironically. I never wanted it to turn out like this.

Please forgive me, and may God have mercy on my soul. [face_praying]
Oct 14, 2009
There's probably only a ~15% chance that Michigan could make a better hire than Jam. If Michigan didn't have to play Ohio State every year, their fanbase could realistically hope to be jobber to the stars like ND and only lose by 17 to Bama in a CFP.

A this point I think Michigan fans should look at Nebraska and be content with Harballz. It can be worse. It's not 1997.
Aug 20, 2011
the longer this goes on the more i just want and would give my left nut for a 2016 shirtless at a satellite camp harbaugh to come back

no college team has ever made a more of a slam dunk sure thing hire than michigan did in 2014 and this is what it's turned into

what an eternally doomed program


Super Star
Feb 21, 2004
sure looks like harbaugh is coming back on a low buyout incentive laden contract

honestly more interested to see how arizona does with jedd and don brown than what michigan does next year. it's hoke all over again lol.
Aug 20, 2011
the new guys could all be fine but they kept the worst position coach on staff and now there's a huge lack of experience on that side of the ball

neither dc has ever called plays at any level before, so even if everyone is amazing at recruiting how does that help the huge cliff that is next year or even the year after

would be a lot more assured if there was literally just one dude that was a crotchety old guy that played with a bar in the middle of his facemask during the 70s


Super Star
Feb 21, 2004

alright i'm there i would be immensely surprised if this program doesnt dramatically crash and burn would love to see it
this kinda piggybacks off your post about the defense, but if they hired bellamy to coach wrs and everyone on staff are hot shit recruiters then why keep gattis at oc who has been in charge of two terrible offenses?

feel like they have to let mccarthy play qb, bring in a top 8 class and go like 8-4 to swindle another year for harbaugh based solely on hope.
Aug 20, 2011
Yeah, you don't want to see that. Trust me.
i meant would love to see this all somehow work bc it's one of the wildest constructions of a coaching staff i've ever seen

it's hard to tho when the best coaches in terms of player development are all gone and replaced by dudes that have never held their respective positions before