
No Longer a Noob
Apr 22, 2001
I can't seem to find the Dreamcast board, so this one will have to do.

Its 12:52 am here in Kansasland and that means its 13 years after 9-9-99! Board times got quite a ways to go, but its party time here!


Anyone got anything planned? Heres my game-plan for today in random order since I'm not sure which one to start with:

Crazy Taxi 1-2
Hydro Thunder
Rush 2049
Virtua Tennis
Sonic Adventure 2

Definitely going to be getting some multiplayer action in with these games then I'll spend some time alone with SA2.


No Longer a Noob
May 9, 2001
Sunday was my oldest son's b'day. I thought about the Dreamcast, but it's currently boxed up and I sold off my collection of games. So there's not much I can do with it. Still, it was a great system (my 2nd favorite of all time, behind the NES) and it's amazing to think of the games on that system being 12 to 13 years old as many of them are just as fun to me today (and more so than most modern games on other consoles).

The DC board got eaten by the archive machine when the boards moved over to this new format. The CSB was also on the chopping block... yet it's still here. Some of the community (the little that was left) moved over to gogamingcommunity.com which is the forums side of gamingoutsiders.com . Feel free to check it out sometime if you want. It's pretty much all older gamers that don't want drama but just want to talk games and relax.


Jun 28, 2009
Sorry for the late reply. I actually played a ton of Power Stone 2 and Gigawing in honor of the DC's birthday.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2000
Happy birthday, Sega Dreamcast! I love you, and am looking forward to hanging with you and your games the rest of the day!

Oh, and Happy Fatal Friday too, Mortal Kombat 2! ;) And all the other game birthdays today that just don't mean as much to me...

*cough*Sony PlayStation*cough*

Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
I can't believe it, I didn't notice it this year. ARGH!

But I did play some Genesis, I recently picked up a copy of TMNT Hyperstone Heist and have been playing that. The Dreamcast was on rotation before that, played some Sword of the Berserk: Guts Rage!


No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2000
I can't believe it's been 20 years! That's pretty much how old I was when I bought the Sega Dreamcast in the first place! Wild!


I STILL love you, even though you have been GREATLY neglected lately! :( I plan to rectify that a bit today, though! ;)

*substitute Ikaruga for whatever you feel like playing*


But first... gotta beat Mortal Kombat II on the Game Gear! [face_cool]

Dang I love the "Fatality sound" that plays on the Game Gear! [face_love]

I need a new Game Gear! :(

Happy Fatal Friday, too! ;)
Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
Ah I was super busy this week, but I thought of the Dreamcast on Monday. I don't even have it hooked up! But the Saturn is currently on the CRT, and it's for my Grandia comparisons with the HD collection on the Switch! I will eventually get to Grandia 2, so that will be prime Dreamcast time!