May 22, 2011
I know the game is not out on PlayStation yet as of writing this, but it absolutely will be once the game goes out of early access and I had to make a thread about it because the game is amazing.

It’s technically just more hades with a different story and main character, but they have changed the profession systems just enough to make it worth while and the story seems just as awesome as the first.

The gameplay is different in one major way though, the main character is a witch and the game is very ranged focused (though you can still make melee builds too) which makes it feel different to the first game.

So yeah, after a few hours of playing it seems really amazing so far.
May 22, 2011
The second boss is one of the best bosses I have ever seen in a game. It’s clever, creative and challenging, just absolutely amazing.

In fact the whole game is creative and full of surprises. They constantly throw unexpected moments at you that break from the original games format. Every run feels like some crazy new experience. It’s nuts.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 25, 2018
How much did you pay for it? I see if for just over £12 on one of the key reseller sites.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 25, 2018
Paid the normal steam price. £12 is kinda crazy.
Crazy for a reason - turns out this buys a Steam account with the game rather than a code you can add to your account. Fortunately I got it refunded. Seems there are no actual deals on this yet through resellers.
May 22, 2011
Crazy for a reason - turns out this buys a Steam account with the game rather than a code you can add to your account. Fortunately I got it refunded. Seems there are no actual deals on this yet through resellers.
Well even the £25 steam price is a steal for this game. It has so much content and is such an amazing game. I wouldnt be suprised if they raise the price before 1.0 releases so if you want the game I would recomend buying it now.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 25, 2018
Well even the £25 steam price is a steal for this game. It has so much content and is such an amazing game. I wouldnt be suprised if they raise the price before 1.0 releases so if you want the game I would recomend buying it now.
Nah. I got the original when it was about £8 on Epic. Happy to play the long game.
May 22, 2011
I gotta say, this game is just so good. There’s so much to it and it feels there is at least twice as much content as the first game even in this early access state.

It just keeps dishing out new mechanics, and modes, and secrets and challenges. The loop from the first game has somehow been improved a lot and is even more addictive. It is unlike like any other rogue-lite game I have ever played and it is just constantly surprising me.

My mind is blown.
May 22, 2011
The final boss in much harder in this than in the first game. I have been playing it a lot and I still haven’t beat him yet.

Luckily the game has so much content that I’m not getting frustrated… yet.


Sep 14, 2004
I still want to play the first game. I didn't buy it yet because I feel like it will be on PS+ any month now.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 7, 2009

9.0 early access review.

The Good​

  • An intelligent expansion of all the ideas that came before it, making it a deep and engaging sequel
  • An engrossing story that feels like it incorporates all of your choices and actions in believable ways
  • New weapons, abilities, and resource management combined to create a deep combat system that's satisfying to experiment with
  • An ambitious amount of content that's going to keep you playing for hours on end

The Bad​

  • Easy to become briefly but frustratingly lost in one open-ended biome
May 22, 2011
Tip for anyone when they start out playing this game. The Dash system here works differently to the first game, you press the button to dash and if you keep it held down you sprint after.

All of the boons around the input say “sprint” not “dash”. However most are actually activated when you dash. The only reason it says “sprint” is because that is the name of the input.

I was completely avoiding these boons because I thought they require you to sprint and it took me 40 hours to actually realise what they do. :^O
May 22, 2011
Just out of interest, have you tried *Death must die"? Under a fiver on Steam and I think you might enjoy it.
No, I might check it out though as it looks like it takes inspiration from both hades and vampire survivors.

How is the current state of the game though? One of the reasons Hades 2 is such a good early access title is that it’s already pretty much a full game and does not feel far away from finished.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 25, 2018
No, I might check it out though as it looks like it takes inspiration from both hades and vampire survivors.

How is the current state of the game though? One of the reasons Hades 2 is such a good early access title is that it’s already pretty much a full game and does not feel far away from finished.
More like a combination of Hades and Halls of Torment (which is a better version of Vampire Survivors). I've put about 10 hours into it, completing the first "world" with all of the characters and so far completed the 2nd world with just one. From what I've played, it seems decent quality and I'm not sure if there is a 3rd world to unlock (but looks like there should be) but even if there isn't, 10 hours for a fiver is reasonable value.