
Prime Member
Apr 18, 2010
I just bought the digital download Hd version of God of War. If I had the disk I would have beat it with a hammer. I am so upset with this game. There is a rotating tower with spikes that Kratos must ascend right after engaging in a huge battle. Then when you get to the top, instead of a save point, there is an even more difficult 2nd tower to ascend. After 3 hours and a massive headache I gave up. It is such a bummer to get this frustrated over something that is supposed to be entertainment. I have completed many difficult games but GOW is the first game where I gave up out of frustration.


Live Dangerously
Jun 15, 2005
Welcome to Hades.:D Yeah that part is frustrating at first but you can easily memorize the pattern of the spikes and get through. If you still find it difficult then watch any youtube video and just do as they do.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 3, 2004
I remember feeling that way, too. This may be the most frustrating part of the GOW series. And, I've beaten every one except for GOW III. It takes a lot of practice and patience. But, I did it without looking at the youtube vids.


I had it under control until they blew up the boat
Feb 22, 2009
Dragon Rocks is right. There is a pattern to the rotations of the blades. If you have to hang a bit to see the rotations then you should do that. Don't give up now, you are so close to the end. And a hint, you can hang on the sides without falling. It'll give you some time to see the rotations.
Apr 20, 2012
Here are some tips, (I've beaten EVERY GOW game on at least 'hard' and the three main PS 2/3 games on 'Very Hard'). First, for the rotating spikes you run across: be patient, they slow at points that make passing easier, just don't get in a hurry. Next, save your magic during the big fights until you absolutely need it, use quick (square) hit/roll & block techniques, finally for the spiked towers: learn the rotation (it may take several times) but they are designed to show you when you need to jump and when to wait, if you're careful it should really be no problem- the problem is the 1,000 Kratos fight on Hard or better! Yes I've beaten it! There are plenty of tutorials on Youtube that really break it down...

"My Vengeance Ends Now"
Aug 16, 2010
damn three hours? not sure why anyone even bothered replying (and ironically everyone pretty much said the same thing)

Just dont go back to it, that took me ONE TRY and i suck at videogames.

you R right dude, if it took you that long and it frustrated you that much just say fuck it, its honestly not worth it. it wont improve your life in any way if you persevere through a videogame. i doubt you are gonna do what the above poster said and start analyzing a youtube video for strategy, but its the best recommendation ill agree with that....

I thought when i originally read the header for the post you were playing GoW 3 on chaos mode or something like that. that sucks though man im not knocking you ... its a great game
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Jun 22, 2012
Yeah, but it's not nearly as frustrating as the final battle, that's where I gave up and swore that I'll never play this game again (was playing on normal).


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 30, 2002
the only part in the entire series where the game director offically said "ya prolly should have left that out"

Once you get past that its all gravy. Be patient.


Aug 26, 2012
This part is incredibly frustrating, the only advice I can give is hang to the sides of the columns and wait for the space in front to become free. Try to avoid jumping as that can send you head first into a blade but if there seems to be no escape then just go for it.


Feb 6, 2013
ok folks how do you get past the chainsaw mills? no matter how fast I move I can't get the doors open in time. also is the room supposed to vibrate when the levers are pulled? pls help, boyfriend is mocking me saying that I should stick to Zumba,


Jan 4, 2009
While this is by far one of the most frustrating parts of the GOW franchise, if you got all the way to that part in the game than clearly you were having fun with it. And if you weren't having fun then you should probably start renting games before buying them. But it's really to bad you couldn't figure out the patterns because these games are great! Their Metacritic scores justify that.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 13, 2007
It's a pattern lol. I've beaten all 5 games on hard or higher. The whole game is figuring out patterns, even the boss battles.


Super Star
Nov 3, 2003
about half way through Ghost of Sparta (only GOW game i have yet to play/finish) and there really has only been 1 moment that i found reallly hard and frustrating.

its either 1 or 2.. forget which.... but all those little dogs... that if you don't kill quick enough turn in the the Big Cerberus dog... i actually had to turn the difficulty down to get past....


Nov 26, 2010
Sounds like most people don't want to be challenged by a game anymore, would you rather be challenged by a game or play an easy linear experience like COD? I know...I know it's a different genre but come on how are those games given the best reviews etc when they are so easy on the hardest difficulty?

If you think that Hades part was tough you should try GOD MODE OMFG the Harpies, mini Cereberus' and Doppelgangers at the end make you feel as infuriated as Kratos!
Mar 5, 2013
i beat all the god of war games in years past but i still play them cause i cant get enough of the games..i just finished the first hades those damn tower of spikes are a bish! it takes me a couple of hours just on that part get frustrated quick..but the second tower takes of alot of patience and gambles..ur so close to the end..dont get discouraged..just keep trying..u gotta get the timing down pact!
Mar 5, 2013
which chainsaw mills? its a couple of them in the game in different levels!

ok folks how do you get past the chainsaw mills? no matter how fast I move I can't get the doors open in time. also is the room supposed to vibrate when the levers are pulled? pls help, boyfriend is mocking me saying that I should stick to Zumba,


Mar 19, 2012
It's honestly not that bad I'm not sure why people blow it out of proportion. I did it first try and I'm def not an expert by any means.. I just find the topic interesting cause I heard so much about this section prior to playing so I was kinda nervous it would ruin the game... I can think of combat section on very hard in GOW3 that are MUCh MUCH harder lol
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Jan 10, 2013
It's honestly not that bad I'm not sure why people blow it out of proportion. I did it first try and I'm def not an expert by any means.. I just find the topic interesting cause I heard so much about this section prior to playing so I was kinda nervous it would ruin the game... I can think of combat section on very hard in GOW3 that are MUCh MUCH harder lol
Like in the Labyrinth, when you're in that box that rotates 4 times and you have to dodge the patterns of spikes on the floor while everything and their mother is attacking you at the same time *-.-
That's the only part of the entire game I have trouble with... until you get to the side-scrolling Zeus fight #-o
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Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
ok folks how do you get past the chainsaw mills? no matter how fast I move I can't get the doors open in time. also is the room supposed to vibrate when the levers are pulled? pls help, boyfriend is mocking me saying that I should stick to Zumba,

No one gives a fuck that you are a chick playing the game, and that your fat stupid pretend boy friend is mocking you...*SLAP*

Sorry was just kidding.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 11, 2007
I have a tough time playing on the hardest difficulty. Even when I pass a part I have low health so I have to start that part over again because chests don't max out your health. It leaves me unready for the next one.
Mar 5, 2012
I do think of the series 1 was ridiculous compared to the rest. I almost stopped playing the series haha. I was like this isn't even worth my time

I always have had a love/hate relationship with this game. So many time Kratos would just get under my skin story line wise I would purposely let him die at times but i LOVE Greek Mythology and the graphics and story elements. I loved all the characters expect Kratos haha


Weekend Gamer
Mar 22, 2008
The biggest thing to remember when playing these harder modes is one word...


Without it, just turn off the game and go play solitare or something. [face_peace]


Sep 29, 2008
I actually thought this one was pretty easy. Even the trial of archemides just took a little patience. Last boss was incredibly easy as well.


Prime Member
Nov 2, 2010
I honestly feel like all the platforming on GoW1 was atrocious, and what makes it worse is how much of the game fixates on it in often frustrating ways. I am glad that the rest of the series put more emphasis on combat and puzzle solving; platforming with a fixed camera just sucks (especially during the moments where they refuse to turn the camera around when necessary or pan out so you can see where you are going...)

I actually started the series in chronological order with Chains of Olympus (which I loved) leading up to Ascension's release and the 8 or so hours of GoW1 was easily some of the most frustrating, tedious, and annoying time I've spent playing a game in recent history. I feel like if I started playing the series when it first came out I never would have given it a second glance. Sucking up the frustration and powering on is definitely worth it though, the rest of the series is spot on amazing though.

Side note; the Hades portions are not half as frustrating as the second portion of the Ares fight in my opinion...


Jan 10, 2013
I honestly feel like all the platforming on GoW1 was atrocious, and what makes it worse is how much of the game fixates on it in often frustrating ways. I am glad that the rest of the series put more emphasis on combat and puzzle solving; platforming with a fixed camera just sucks (especially during the moments where they refuse to turn the camera around when necessary or pan out so you can see where you are going...)

I actually started the series in chronological order with Chains of Olympus (which I loved) leading up to Ascension's release and the 8 or so hours of GoW1 was easily some of the most frustrating, tedious, and annoying time I've spent playing a game in recent history. I feel like if I started playing the series when it first came out I never would have given it a second glance. Sucking up the frustration and powering on is definitely worth it though, the rest of the series is spot on amazing though.

Side note; the Hades portions are not half as frustrating as the second portion of the Ares fight in my opinion...
THIS. This SO hard. I was the EXACT same way. GoW1 was probably THE most frustrating game I've ever played. It wasn't even fun, it was a freaking chore. GoW2 is such a huge improvement over the first game. It still had a couple annoying segments, but it was VASTLY overshadowed by the abundance of awesome boss fights and amazing setpieces.


Apr 13, 2013
God of War: Ascension is absolutely the WORST game I have ever played!!! PERIOD! So unbelievably frustrating it felt like I was sticking needles in my eyes the whole time instead of enjoying it. I have beaten all the gow games previously, but I finally got so frustrated with this game and figured their are better things to do than waste my time with this piece of crap.


Jan 4, 2009
Honestly, the only bullshit part to beat this game on God Mode is the Ares boss battle because it is predicated purely on luck.
I made a guide for this game on God Mode at but I haven't been able to beat Ares because 1)as previously mentioned, IT"S BULLSHIT that demands luck and 2) like every God of War game, there is absolutely zero reward for beating the game on the Hardest difficulty, except for a dumb video that you can easily find on the internet.
The rest of the game is pretty damn good though. There is a reason why many consider the original God of War one of the best PS2 games ever. Obviously, considering we are near the end of the PS3 lifespan, this game almost looks 16-bit now.
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