
May 17, 2004
So the game is a prequel to God of War 1. I assume that means that Kratos wont have any God of War powers. What will he have instead?


Aug 26, 2012
So the game is a prequel to God of War 1. I assume that means that Kratos wont have any God of War powers. What will he have instead?

He'll still have the Blades of Chaos and will probably acquire new magic and weapons throughout the game.


Jan 10, 2013
So the game is a prequel to God of War 1. I assume that means that Kratos wont have any God of War powers. What will he have instead?
Don't forget, they've done this before with Chains of Olympus. He got the Triton's Lance to allow him to swim and breathe underwater, and he still had the Blades of Chaos. They'll probably do something similar again.
Aug 24, 2003
I hope they add new combos and grapple moves. The blades are getting dull. It is boring having to collect orbs to upgrade the sames stuff in every game. Maybe they can also have environmental moves like sleeping dogs.


Jan 10, 2013
I hope they add new combos and grapple moves. The blades are getting dull. It is boring having to collect orbs to upgrade the sames stuff in every game. Maybe they can also have environmental moves like sleeping dogs.
Have you played the single-player demo? They kinda expanded on the grapple moves from GoW3. Plus, the execution moves are a lot more interactive. Like when you kill the giant elephant thing at the end, you have to repeatedly stab its head with triangle and square attacks while using the stick to dodge his arm as he tries to fight you off. It's kinda like the Callisto boss fight in Ghost of Sparta.
Aug 24, 2003
I have noticed this among a couple of other things and I hope they have a lot of it this game. I would like to also see Street Fighter & Mortal Kombat type moves that can be done. I have not played 3 yet but am working my way up in my HD collection. I have only played GOS, COO, and part 2 so I have not seen a lot of advanced moves from these games..


Jan 10, 2013
Well see, the grapples in GoS were kinda improvements over those in GoW3. Like, when you hold the L trigger and hit circle, you ram an enemy and tackle them and can hit them or throw them. In GoW3, they do something similar, but you have a wider choice of things you want to do to them.
Mar 1, 2013
Anyone else a little disappointed in the game? I know they were up against the wall wit h the release of it but the developer should NOT have gone the Multiplayer route on this. I was dreading the release hoping that it wasn't going to be a 50/50 multi-player/singlplayer focused game and it ended up being a 80/20 Multiplayer/Single player game. I know there developers we trying to be all outside the box, but come on, the single player aspect of the game suffered severely. Some of the game mechanics and over all cohesiveness semem off; Like being able to walk of the scene and die felt a little off, also, the over all "Epic" scenes seemed to be phoned in. But I know they weren't. You could tell how much time and effort they put into it from the development videos. So that begs the question, what went so right with the first 5 GoW releases that made me want to play them all in one play-through to this; when the phone rang I left my house came back and immediately turned on the TV and went straight to the DVR not GoW. 1st I should not have left my house, much left turned the TV off. The only thing I think I did right was leave my PS3 on (I know that is not "right") because in the back of my subconscious mind I thought I was coming back to the game.
I guess it boils down to the feel of the game, it's not quite Afro Samurai or Fist of the North Star game by any stretch, but it's just not the new GoW I was hoping for. Maybe the Multiplayer devs killed it. personally I think the MP should have been a DLC and there should have been more consideration for what the game was.


May 17, 2004
Multiplayer was inevitable. I personally prefer the single player in every game I play, but multiplayer games seem to be the big sellers now.
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Jun 30, 2011
I'm only up to Chapter 9 right now so I haven't played much, but I can tell you that so far I am kinda disappointed in GOW Ascension. They brought nothing new to the table in this game and I find the story to be weak. I've literally spent my hours playing and thinking "What the hell is Kratos supposed to be doing here?" GOW 3 was way better in my opinion. Oh and I don't even care about multiplayer.


Tap Dodger
Jul 29, 2007
My impressions:

I'll start with cliffnotes: They fucked it up.

First, a short introduction.. God of War is easily one of my favorite franchises of all time. If I reviewed the previous games when they released, I'd give the console games a perfect score and the PSP games a 9,5. Santa Monica seemed to do everything right.. whether you agree or not is irrelevant to what I'm about to say. What's important to know is that I think the gameplay for every GoW on console is an improvement to the previous ones. And I believe this should be known as a fact but it's clearly not the case with Ascension. I haven't played the Multiplayer so this is only about the Single Player and on that regard, I can safely say that the latest GoW game is the worst of the series (PSP titles included)

Graphics: This is the best looking God of War game.. arguably. Personally, I find God of War 3 more impressive and more breathtaking. Reasons for this can be found in the Gameplay section of this post. I'm not a graphic whore so I won't go into details here. I couldn't care less about better textures and such..

Story: "Before he was a God, he was a man". If you think Ascension is going to make you understand why Kratos is acting like a careless psychopath, you'll be VERY disappointed. The game does a very poor job at making us see how he became a tormented murderous bastard. If you didn't get it before Ascension, you still won't. That being said, this is not a complaint to me.. I didn't really care about that, I already understood it and I don't have any problem about Kratos being a "douche". To me, he is not... Moving on to my real complaints..

Gameplay: Wow... I did NOT expect Santa Monica to fuck this up but they did. I can only assume that the people responsible for the impeccable combat mechanics weren't involved in this game. Or maybe the changes were made to make the Multiplayer experience more balanced or fun... If that's the reason for the fuck ups, then Multiplayer killed this game.

Let's begin with QTEs. God of War is was the only game where I didn't mind the QTE at all. I always though they were done right until now. The main problem comes with this new "Mini-game" mechanic. For certain enemies like Elephantaurs, Kratos will enter this "Mini-Game" where you jump and grab on the enemy. Stabbing him and dodging his attack, this looks cool the first couple of times but it becomes lame really quick. But it's not "that" bad in normal battles. It becomes an issue when they insert this "Mini-Game" mechanic on bosses in between QTE actions. The thing is, when you enter a QTE, you're ready to press any button required but the "Mini-Game" can make you screw up because here you are, pressing Square to attack in the "Mini-Game" but you must stay alert because there might be a QTE asking you to press circle. If you mash Square when the Circle appears, you need to start over because you failed the QTE.

Then there's this Centaur enemy. They have this attack where they rush you while you're fighting other enemies.. well, this attack prompts a QTE to evade it. Well guess what, you rarely see it coming so if the QTE is asking for Triangle while you're attacking another enemy, you're screwed because you failed the QTE. I have other gripes about the QTE but I'll stop there because I have other important aspects to address...

They fucked up Parrying/Blocking BIG TIME. Blocking is still done by hitting L1 but there's a delay this time around. It's only for half a split-second but it's enough to make it impossible to block when they throw a bunch of enemies at you. In previous games, blocking was instant. You could be attacking and hit L1 right before another enemy attacks you.. not anymore. If you want to block effectively, you'll need to go easy with your attacks. But the biggest fuck up is Parrying, in previous titles you simply had to time it right. Well, this time you need to hold L1 and press X when the time is right. Can I say retarded? Yea, it's definitely retarded.

They fucked up evade roll. It's still done with the right analog but similar to blocking, there's a slight delay after you rolled. Kratos can't do any action for a split second making it easy for enemies to hit you after each roll since you can't fucking block. Furthermore, the rolls are completely silent. This doesn't affect the gameplay but it does take a little something from the experience.

A lesser important fuck up is the running mechanics. You can run by hitting L3 but Kratos does this "power" move before he starts sprinting and he comes to a full stop after he took 5 or 6 steps. Making running completely useless. Might as well just walk.. This just makes me go "WTF were they thinking??".

There's a new combat move called Tethering.. Hitting R1 makes you grab on an enemy and you can throw him around. This isn't too bad.. Only, you'll soon come to realize that Tethering is actually your most vital move of all. Because while you toss an enemy while using tethering, you become invulnerable. This is your best option to "solve" the blocking/rolling issue and you'll spam tether.. it gets old, fast.

I have more but that's enough for now... sorry for the looooong read.. if you made it this far, thank you lol.

Camera work: This was one of the strongest point for me in the God of War franchise. The camera was basically always well placed and you always knew where Kratos was.. But now, they fucked this up as well. Too often, the camera pans out while you're in combat and Kratos is so small, you have no idea wtf is going on. Or they put you in a constricted area and toss a ton of enemies and you can't tell what the hell is going on. So all you can do is mash buttons and tether senseless.. and hope for the best.

Platforming: Kratos moves weird when climbing. The double jump isn't quite as smooth as it used to be.. and well, the platforming is mostly focused on sliding sections which are spreaded everywhere. I don't get it.. Sliding in itself is well done but why does it have to be so much of it? It's nothing new and to be honest, it's not impressive or fun.

Boss Fights: How about underwhelming? Yea, that sums it up. These are by far, the least epic boss fights in the series. They all suck. 'Nuff said.

Soundtrack: I saw a video where Todd Papy said he hired a new guy for the music... Bad idea Todd. It's not bad... but it's far from the epic score in the previous games.

Okay.. I think that's enough for now... Oh yea, the puzzles are mostly lame and repetitive. They abuse the tethering mechanic to pull triggers and the whole thing where you can decay and/or heal the environment to open a path is pretty underwhelming and gimmicky.


Ascension is a Multiplayer game. The MP gameplay and the over the top graphics hindered the SP.
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Jan 10, 2013
Shame about the poor reviews. I think David Jaffe really needs to come back.
I actually disagree. Yes, Ascension is underwhelming, but (I'm bracing to get blasted by rage comments...) GoW1 was too much. Yes, I know it was the original, it's how the franchise all started, etc. It was too frustrating. The puzzles were ridiculous. Remember that part where you had to push the guy in the cage uphill while literally 20 guys were attacking you and it would take you FOREVER to get him up the hill because you kept having to leave the guy on a rock while you fought a few guys, rinse and repeat 5 times? Or the part in the very beginning where you had to push the box to the end of the boat where you had to use the box as a step to jump up onto the ledge, but the box would get destroyed after the archers would attack it just twice, and you had to go ALL the way back to try again? It had a couple fun parts. I like the giant minotaur fight, and the Hydra is a classic. But as a whole, God of War 1 was not fun. It was a chore.
GoW2, on the other hand, was the best. Cory took what Jaffe had done and actually made it fun. He gave us tons of fun bosses, including the Kraken, the Colossus of Rhodes, Lakhesis, and especially the epic Zeus fight at the end. We had a multitude of great twist moments, like the side-scrolling fight against the silhouetted Spartan right before the Kraken, or meeting Gaia, or flying the pegasus... We don't need David Jaffe back. We need Cory Barlog.
EDIT: I must have been half asleep. Cory Barlog directed GoW2.
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Apr 18, 2013
Hitting them alternately, you get to the moment when Spider Fury creates a barrier – she is invulnerable for now, so focus on her sister. Try to separate them and attack the uncovered one, when the other one is away from you.

can you please me i don't understand At the very end, finish the stunned Furies. An arc signalizes a move which you have to make with your analogs. Left Controls do you use push up or down please Help me thank you
Apr 18, 2013
Hitting them alternately, you get to the moment when Spider Fury creates a barrier – she is invulnerable for now, so focus on her sister. Try to separate them and attack the uncovered one, when the other one is away from you.

can you please me i don't understand At the very end, finish the stunned Furies. An arc signalizes a move which you have to make with your analogs. Left Controls do you use push up or down please Help me thank you from


May 17, 2004
He might've been the consulting producer or something for other games, but no, he pretty much peaced-out after the first game.

Your right, Jaffe was creative director on GOW2. Still I think the quality of the game went down a little after 2, even though I still enjoy the franchise.
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