
May 27, 2008
What a thread! Academy award quality! Everybody seems to hate the game! Team Ninja accomplished that!


No Longer a Noob
Oct 13, 2003
They changed EVERYTHING i loved about the NG series. why get rid of the dismemberment? what is this new bone cutting garbage ? Why can i take out a group of 20 enemies standing around me while just mashing one button? why get rid of all the weapons? why is the camera SO much worse than it's ever been? why does the story they tried to make still suck? is it too much to ask to just ADD to the things that everyone liked instead of going through and seemingly taking away ALL of those things??! (Add weapons, improve dismemberment, improve the camera, f the story!!! NG has never had a good story) It doesn't make any sense!!!!!!
Mar 17, 2010
Lol. I dont even have the game, but I sympathize with you my friend. I was going to purchase it until I saw that the world pretty much hates the latest installment.


Original poster
The free DLC looks to add a lot to make it better. However I'm with you, the game isn't good, however I wouldn't say it's bad either. It is a huge disappointment. With God of War ending, Bayonetta being a one shot deal, DMC going to Ninja Theory and NG3 being well, this, I fear the action genre is dead the generation, much like the fighting genre last gen. DOA5 is really good though, so at least there's a glimmer of hope.

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No Longer a Noob
Oct 13, 2003
for real man, I bought it because I normally don't let IGN reviews, or any reviews for that matter, dictate what i buy. But this game definitely doesn't deserve more than a 5/10. I'm just confused, were they questioning themselves while they were making all of these regressive changes? apparently not, but i'd definitely say save your money.

... and that is kinda cool about the DLC weapons.
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Jan 2, 2009
Im enjoying it, i don't think you guys are playing this game correctly and i say this because if your just mashing one button your not taking any chances to pull off any combos. The new system threw me off at first, but im beginning to shake off the rust and deliver ass whoopins only the way Ryu can. The difficulty has never bothered me in this series as a whole because im always on the move whether it's evading, countering, or attacking.


Original poster
Im enjoying it, i don't think you guys are playing this game correctly and i say this because if your just mashing one button your not taking any chances to pull off any combos. The new system threw me off at first, but im beginning to shake off the rust and deliver ass whoopins only the way Ryu can. The difficulty has never bothered me in this series as a whole because im always on the move whether it's evading, countering, or attacking.
I'm having severe difficulty adjusting to some of the fighting engine tweaks, for example in the old games I used to always raise the enemies up and izuna, constantly. Now you can't do that on a good amount of the enemies unless they're about to die, Ryu just goes to the air by himself, it's forcing you to use far more ground combat. The new healing/Ninpo system sucks and the new UT system sucks. They need to bring back the old systems.
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Original poster
I never had a problem izuna dropping, maybe its your controller
No. He literally hit's them then goes into the air to raise them up, clearly the enemy is being hit but they are not rising up to the air with me, not unless they're close to death. This isn't all enemy types, but on day 4 it's certainly most of them. It seems like they limit it to being a finishing move on the more powerful characters, and I don't mean just the monsters. The enemies that go invisible and throw bombs as well as the guys that throw the blocks at you can't be brought into the air unless they're about to die.
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Jan 2, 2009
I actually like the new ninpo/UT system when your in any kind of trouble it's fun to get really focused on building up the gauges. Just like Chrome said i don't have a problem doing the izuna drop at all i can do it at will.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 15, 2009
Bikini Atoll
To me this is this series Devil May Cry 2. Having every last entry in the franchise including the Arcade NG this is easily the low spot in series. So Ill just give Team Ninja a mulligan this time and hope they can bring it back to glory. The game is a solid 6 in short burst, but the longer I play it, the more I just despise it. They could at the very least brought back the combo counter.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 9, 2006
I never had a problem izuna dropping, maybe its your controller
No. He literally hit's them then goes into the air to raise them up, clearly the enemy is being hit but they are not rising up to the air with me, not unless they're close to death. This isn't all enemy types, but on day 4 it's certainly most of them. It seems like they limit it to being a finishing move on the more powerful characters, and I don't mean just the monsters. The enemies that go invisible and throw bombs as well as the guys that throw the blocks at you can't be brought into the air unless they're about to die.

yea the invisible ones, the alchemist mages you can't izuna drop them unless they're near death, but thats because theyre more top tier enemies and when you fight the fiends or black spider clan if you don't finish them off after the izuna drop they can do desperation attacks, the izuna drop doesn't instantly kill everyone.


Jan 2, 2009
To me this is this series Devil May Cry 2. Having every last entry in the franchise including the Arcade NG this is easily the low spot in series. So Ill just give Team Ninja a mulligan this time and hope they can bring it back to glory. The game is a solid 6 in short burst, but the longer I play it, the more I just despise it. They could at the very least brought back the combo counter.
Yes i guess this is the DMC2 of this series, but just like in the DMC series i actually like the black sheep game lol. I just understand this game and DMC2 i love killing things in video games therefore i have a knack for instantly picking up on any kind of control scheme they through at me.
Mar 22, 2012
COLIN MORIARTY FKN SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


May 27, 2008
Well when I play a game of this caliber I expect to get stronger as the game goes on! No spoiler but those who finished know what im talikng about! No more charged combos aka UTs I say it like that cause the game has UTs but just instant kills, lost opportunity there. The UTs in NG2 were way more funner and just better, to have gone with this shows that they struggled to seperate from Itagaki, not being able to admit he had a good system, gameplay wise. barely ever did NG and NG2 had glitches! just to improve upon his system was the easiest thing to do! Take out all of Itagaki and this is what your left with! One thing i understand though is that this game measures more to NG1 than anything! If this is what we got on Xbox all those years ago, would it be more excepted? Or....would you keep the NG we got? Or NG2 for that matter? I said in a post a while ago that I was just gonna wait for 4 , cause Team ninja trying to find themselves again, and to get it in one game was to much to ask for! Everyone nowadays wants variety, and Team ninja did not deliver there! So how in the world did they aim for the casual crowd, They seem to not even be in their concept of things! Aimed to make them hate you, is all they did. I mean as soon as he said that I just got that feeling. many others companies targeted that crowd and got destroyed! They all said it the same way! Its a hit or miss and they missed by a far left far from right! The STB thing makes Ryu look weak! Especially cause its a 3 and not a refurb so to judge from 2 he is weaker, is it because of the arm? Maybe, but do we really know he got that curse how long through the game? Rhetorical question! No items to collect, no incendiary shurikens, no windmill. Really no help at all! Funny thing is ya kinda dont need all that in this one! enemys are duller than ever! but will repel the crap outta you. Like the brutes in AC2. Its seems the under world drop is Izuna drop buttons! No real creativity in the combo system! I was going to get this game but i think I spoiled it for myself. Didnt mean too, but I was looking for answers that I got, but way too late! I've seen too much of the game that i didnt want to see, but I wasnt getting the game unless I got my answers; Not much if at all changes through the game, variety of enemys is weak, and the fact that people complained about the QTEs and Team ninja and everyone else said they were not QTEs??? Disappear the button prompts and all ya got is memorized QTEs. and they sure will remind you! Not really having an option during those "slow down" moments is whack, dosent matter if they are or arent QTEs. Its jJust like ninja blade! Hmm let me see??? I know lets take some ideas from a game that didnt sell well at all! The 1st Lost Planet was such a great game and suffered no QTEs, but give us true gameplay action! The ending was epic how you was taking out mechs with one swipe, where as before they can take dozens of bombs! It left you with the feeling you got truly stronger at the end! Can you honestly say this is a next gen gaiden, or are we still waiting? I am!


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 9, 2006
Well when I play a game of this caliber I expect to get stronger as the game goes on! No spoiler but those who finished know what im talikng about! No more charged combos aka UTs I say it like that cause the game has UTs but just instant kills, lost opportunity there. The UTs in NG2 were way more funner and just better, to have gone with this shows that they struggled to seperate from Itagaki, not being able to admit he had a good system, gameplay wise. barely ever did NG and NG2 had glitches! just to improve upon his system was the easiest thing to do! Take out all of Itagaki and this is what your left with! One thing i understand though is that this game measures more to NG1 than anything! If this is what we got on Xbox all those years ago, would it be more excepted? Or....would you keep the NG we got? Or NG2 for that matter? I said in a post a while ago that I was just gonna wait for 4 , cause Team ninja trying to find themselves again, and to get it in one game was to much to ask for! Everyone nowadays wants variety, and Team ninja did not deliver there! So how in the world did they aim for the casual crowd, They seem to not even be in their concept of things! Aimed to make them hate you, is all they did. I mean as soon as he said that I just got that feeling. many others companies targeted that crowd and got destroyed! They all said it the same way! Its a hit or miss and they missed by a far left far from right! The STB thing makes Ryu look weak! Especially cause its a 3 and not a refurb so to judge from 2 he is weaker, is it because of the arm? Maybe, but do we really know he got that curse how long through the game? Rhetorical question! No items to collect, no incendiary shurikens, no windmill. Really no help at all! Funny thing is ya kinda dont need all that in this one! enemys are duller than ever! but will repel the crap outta you. Like the brutes in AC2. Its seems the under world drop is Izuna drop buttons! No real creativity in the combo system! I was going to get this game but i think I spoiled it for myself. Didnt mean too, but I was looking for answers that I got, but way too late! I've seen too much of the game that i didnt want to see, but I wasnt getting the game unless I got my answers; Not much if at all changes through the game, variety of enemys is weak, and the fact that people complained about the QTEs and Team ninja and everyone else said they were not QTEs??? Disappear the button prompts and all ya got is memorized QTEs. and they sure will remind you! Not really having an option during those "slow down" moments is whack, dosent matter if they are or arent QTEs. Its jJust like ninja blade! Hmm let me see??? I know lets take some ideas from a game that didnt sell well at all! The 1st Lost Planet was such a great game and suffered no QTEs, but give us true gameplay action! The ending was epic how you was taking out mechs with one swipe, where as before they can take dozens of bombs! It left you with the feeling you got truly stronger at the end! Can you honestly say this is a next gen gaiden, or are we still waiting? I am!

Ok so are you saying you didn't like it?


May 27, 2008
Well at 1st I was! but then I saw that nothing changed through the game, nothing but the story! Im quite sure my bro still gonna get it though, so I will have a chance to play it. Its just that I already know whats going to happen and usually if its a game I just have to get then that really wouldn't be a problem! I'll most likely find my answers way before I'll spoil anything for my self! I had to watch the whole game (NG3) just to see that nothing changes! You usually get stronger after every NG game and this one is the exception! talking next gen gaidens. I like the action but the variety in the game is just weak in every aspect! This game with NG2's fighting scheme ya kno the DMs, UTs, Decaps, Weapons, Items, power-ups could have made this a way better game! Not the fact to mention that seeing different weapon's STB would have made it less fight repeat continue! More weapons keep the game from repetition, imagine playing a FPS with only 1 weapon! AC1 started to fall under that, but you unlock a new ability all the way up to the climax! I saw it coming as soon as they said they doing it from scratch! I really didnt expect this! I mean how many times do you have to sit and watch that dragon ninpo! over and over and...wait just maybe it'll change and get stronger like the others gamesssss.....no! Its boring! I replayed NG2 like 30 times just trying for speed, and that beat the game with one weapon thing, that was fun and hard, I mean the kusari gama has to be the hardest! especially on Mastor ninja, I mean those should have been achievements too! NG2 had replay value even if you already seen the story, which sucked but the game was so fun you completely forget about the story! But I found out that Itagaki got that story from the oringnal NG2, just a few tweaks! Same concept and the got dag-on demon statue is the same! Take it it was 2. You guys talk about the story but he got it from the nes! Last night I watched all cutscenes from nes gaiden 1, 2, and 3. As well as extensive gameplay. Its been a while since i seen them I mean I was very young vaguely do I remember the nes, but snes it what I mostly remember! I'll conclude that Itagaki really didnt destroy the story! The story kinda sucks when you look at it now! It made since but dont I think its award worthy at all! Just something to get the game going! It wasnt stupid but ya know! For the record I like Itagaki, Not the story which made since just was stupid! NG1 though was kinda cool when you find out the last boss is the first boss! Murai's betrayel was by far the most interesting part! What the heck is a fiend who says that corny stuff! Anyhow rarely do you see a good ninja story in any medium, its just the action thats so cool that keeps you entertained for ever! That said, Itagaki's NG, NGB, NG2 in this new medium (last-next-gen) delivered more than NG3 did in every aspect! They went so far back! its hard to get a game like that pass without scrutiny! Decent game but I feel it backstep after NG2 and I keep saying it will be more understandable if it wasnt a sequel!


May 27, 2008
And also to include me and my brother dont buy the same games so if he makes NG3 top his list than I dont have to buy it! If he wasnt I will soon or later but not top of my list, it kinda really never was, I just had that strange feeling! I guess that goes with the fact its a different game! If this game at least had multiple weapons and power-ups I could just focus on the combos without DM or Decaps, etc, etc...Even UTs I could have gone without! I beat NG2 like that a couple of times. Well DMs and Decaps are a given but still kept it fun! I like the fact that Ryu had a butt load of weapons in NG1, cause he always had that dragon sword. So to see him annihilate with other weapons was so cool, and became the standard! For most fans and "press" Everyone has their favorite weapon. and the Han's Bar thread was just.....Entertaining, I almost died of laughter! How many arcades got destroyed?!!! Anyhow I love NG but I think DOA5 is going to entertain me more. Keep in mind no Itagaki either so I expect a more serious approach to the charaters like Tekken. It means no DDs! Too bad! Now one last thing and im done! I rather have NG3 without the STB, cause if you think about it the whole gameplay focuses on Ryu's curse. Sounds like DriverSanFran to me! but Ubisoft capitalized though! What kind of game can they give us with a older healthy Ryu. If he was NG2 Ryu...this game would've been too easy. So thats why I'm waiting for 4. Thats the healthy Ryu. and has anyone notice Devil's third drops Mar 31 on ign, 2013 on others, but its even more quiet than NG3 was. This is Itagaki we're talking about, whats up! Why he so quiet! Im searching for an Itagaki interview on NG3 just to hear what he gots to say, but nothing! and only one interview on DT! Leave it at that and look to the future. Its already done, Its not a bad game but its not a great game! Everybody else thinks it completly sucks and the fact I find it hard to argue, its just people venting. if they say it sucks than to them it sucks your not gonna change their mind! They're just venting! I think overall rating is a 6.5, Cool action, all right graphics, good soundtrack, gameplay solid but no Vareity,replay value is low, Story a lilttle boring, I mean the last boss! NG1 anyone! I like that team ninja finding themselves but they added nothing to the table as far as what new and exciting thing you can do in a video game! if that makes since! That is their(VidGam medium) ultimate goal right??? I just think Team Ninja took out way too much! Itagaki -1 team Ninja -0, I mean the media....just killed this game! But I personally thank all you who kept to their word and remained loyal, Trues fans do conquer! Spend the 60 bucks just to fund their next project! Thats what a true fan will do right?


Original poster
I never had a problem izuna dropping, maybe its your controller
No. He literally hit's them then goes into the air to raise them up, clearly the enemy is being hit but they are not rising up to the air with me, not unless they're close to death. This isn't all enemy types, but on day 4 it's certainly most of them. It seems like they limit it to being a finishing move on the more powerful characters, and I don't mean just the monsters. The enemies that go invisible and throw bombs as well as the guys that throw the blocks at you can't be brought into the air unless they're about to die.

yea the invisible ones, the alchemist mages you can't izuna drop them unless they're near death, but thats because theyre more top tier enemies and when you fight the fiends or black spider clan if you don't finish them off after the izuna drop they can do desperation attacks, the izuna drop doesn't instantly kill everyone.
Having spent more time with the game I can say it's getting better as it goes, better enemy types, the fights are more interesting and fun. I did some challenges, probably the best mode in the game, the net code for the online seems excellent as well, haven't done any competitive play yet but overall this game is shaping up to be much better than initial impressions. It seems the first half of the campaign is real weak but everything else is pretty solid. The free DLC will be a great addition as well, two more weapons and a few more stages, as of right now I'm not regretting my purchase anymore. It's still flawed, but it is definitely fun.