
Mar 25, 2006
Well Matrix trilogy is dead. And games gone the same drain as it is. I remember how much hypo was around it in mid 2003, oh yeah i wish i had time machine. Actually the first part is still shines now and then, but i won't talk how much the final 2 parts had lost it's reputation (Reloaded was awesome movie tho!).
Ok so i am just wondering are the any piece of news about new matrix game? Path of Neo is so dreadful that i am quite surprised to see few posts still been made in 2007.
I would like to see Rockstar releasing Matrix game, not those damn money grabbers Atari who seems like beside making nice game box and manual can't do anything right.
Lord of the Rings are far more succeed on both games and movies. Wish to see same thing with Matrx.


Mar 25, 2006
You have the point. Gameplay was quite all right but cutscenes are so terrible drawn that i been forced to close my windows just to block peoples from viewing the god's waste product i have to play.

Matrix Online is on top though, but it's has monthy fee which i will have struggle to pay. But what the heck, i'll buy it just to dig the month of free play and then go on with my life.

BTW i have the matrix 4 currently in staging development. It will be fully animated movie which will be about 2 hour long and take me some years to complete. I'm working on script now, and the animated movie will be a presequal to The Matrix where i will show the youth of Morpheus. You can contact me via email if you want to know more. I'll try to include everything that Matrix trilogy had missed (In my opinion). Currently release date is set up to mid 2014.
Apr 26, 2007
Yea, if they made a new game, rockstar or someone needs to make it, Atari has never been up to par like others have.


Apr 29, 2006
Yeah that's right. Atari is crap. Path of Neo was crap also. I have it stored away and i don't think i'll ever play it again. Why?

1. You can't FLY. What the hell is that.You are neo and you can't fly. HELP needed ubisoft,2k etc. Get the hell away Atari. What the hell is antigravity jump.

2. The Smith battle was just horrible and they added a lot of unecessary puzzles and stages. What were they thinking. The graphics were slightly decent to bad.

3. The camera and shooting were really bad. The combat was decent being good sometimes. What happened to all the cool high wire action from the movies. The agents did one or two things over and over again. They lacked variety.

4. Too much cutscenes and the thing that made it even worse was that they did it at various action spots.

5. What happened to jumping on rooftops and all the cool acrobatics. We need more action.

I'd rather play enter the matrix than that dissapointing path of Neo. Why not have a two disc next-gen game. I was shocked to see a score of 7.8 for Path of Neo. I guess that is mainly because of in-experienced gamers.

PLEASE make another matrix game and it has to be someone other than ATARI.



IGN's lil' stinker
Mar 26, 2003
Konami or Capcom could do the game right if they gave it to the right development team they have under them. A more sandbox type game would be cool. Since a lot of people disliked the ending (I thought it was fine, it was like one of the better types of anime endings you come across) maybe someone could do something innovative (for once) and make a continuation on the end of the movie, work with the Wacouski's to make up a brand new script that takes place years after the last movie to bring the story to a final conclusion after it's story introducing new enemies, new characters, in addition to some reappearing ones. It would be a rather good game if done right. Maybe multiple endings and multiple paths to take throughout the game, all radically different and leading you down very different roads as a reborn "The One."


Feb 25, 2007
What the hell I mean What happened to the cool weapons and proper acrobatics?[face_thinking] the ants look like people for god sakes![face_talk_hand] I miss the awesome trilogy[face_cry]