Oct 18, 2011
i was on PS4 earlier and checked out the live streams on PSLive. Theres at least 4 streamers playing the full retail game live on there already! anyone care to give their unbiased opinion of the final game, if they have it? its currently gone down to £39.99 on shoptodotnet so i preordered it. wondering if its gone down because its too short? bad story? buggy? please share your opinions if you have it early. we probably wont see a review till next wednesday, by which time my preorder will have posted out.


Jan 20, 2013
hi mate i recently went to an event for thief thanks to IGN for the invite didnt get to play full game of course but done a little write up of the event and my impressions if youd like a read http://sty3ler06.wordpress.com/ i have also preordered from shopto and deff looking forward to the game :)
Oct 18, 2011
. . . but that was a preview, like al the other previews. i noticed there's a trophy for taking your time and taking "over" 15 hours to complete the game. unusual but interesting. i noticed the american accents on the male and female leads is pretty jarring and out of place, from what ive seen on PS4 live feeds. does it all take place in one night? anyone? bueller? anyone? . . .
Dec 20, 2008
Hey guys, so the reviews came out and its pretty bad, but I played this game and loved it! so I made this video trying to show why its a good game and why you should get it. It's a terrible quality video, I can admit that,but please give it a chance or you might miss out on a great experience by not getting Thief.
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