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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Final Fantasy XIV Impressions[/link]
by Charles Onyett

One of the biggest MMO events of the year is almost upon us. Square Enix's Final Fantasy XIV is the second online-only game in the main numbered series, following up on Final Fantasy XI which was originally released way back in 2003 for PC in North America and later for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 consoles. This new game launches on September 30th this year, though you can get in early on the with the more expensive Collector's Edition. Final Fantasy XIV, like its predecessor, will also be straddling the platform gap. In addition to the PC version, PlayStation 3 owners will get a chance to dive in, but not until early next year. On PC the title's in open beta right now. I've had a chance to play for a number of hours to get the feel for the play and understand a number of its system. It's an incomplete picture at this point for sure, but so far Final Fantasy XIV seems alternately fascinating and frustrating. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Aug 17, 2009
If/when this comes out to the xbox 360 I'll give it a try. Interesting to hear the game actually plays better with an Xbox 360 controller.
Aug 4, 2010
I have to question if the person that wrote this preview has ever played an mmo before. If he had, he would flat out tell you that FF14 sucks. Doing anything requires opening the main menu, and it slower and more cumbersome than any other mmo out there.

Add to that, that there's no sort of open market or uaction house, like every other mmo has, and you have a very unfriendly experience. I spent an hour sifting through retainer after retainer looking for armor, and found none. Yeah, SE, the retainer system is totally sweet...


Prime Member
Sep 14, 2010
Hah! lol play it longer, wait till you see what that game really is... Its crap, its like a candy inside a beautiful wrapper, and the candy is horrible. I been playing this game since alpha, and it just got worse thru each phase idk what the hell is up with square enix... those who want to try it, go for it. I know it was on testing stages blah blah, but shit.... a game shold get better thru testing not worse.... maybe hardcore fans of SE will end up playing this.


Mar 12, 2009
It wasnt that hard to get through the menus and you dont have to go through menus for everything. The Bazzer system is a system I really like and like any game you arent always going to find what you want on thier


Aug 4, 2010
This is one MMO that really need to adhere to the rules of not buying an MMO on Launch day. 6 months? It might be better. right now? its an insult
Aug 4, 2010
I'll admit, the bazaar system in FF14 is a step up from FFXI's, but the problem is its the only way to buy and sell items, save for what the npcs have. And with no server wide search, good luck finding what you need.


Jun 16, 2010
YAWN. Square, please. No more bells and whistles and MMORPGs. Just give us the damn re-make of 7 already, and if you still have time after that, make another FF single player with airships and a free-roam world. k...thanks.
Jun 23, 2005
I tried to like it. I really did. I was excited to play the beta. After 2 hours of playing I can safely say it is not up my alley. Possibly the most complicated MMO I've ever played, though I haven't played all that many. The levequest system or whatever it's called is so unintuitive as to boggle the mind. First, there is no indication the NPC has a quest to begin with, making finding quests a pain. Then, you have to go to the right area, and talk to a crystal to initiate one of the quests. Maybe I misunderstood the almost nonexistent tips, but I think you can only do one quest at a time. Meaning, if you have several quests in the same area, you need to keep going back and forth between the camp and the area, instead of being able to fulfill all of your quests in one trip. The combat is also confusing. Maybe this all stems from the lack of a tutorial or tips, but you kind of have to figure it all out yourself. To top it off, my cursor lagged, which may be a computer problem, but I'm not 100% on that. On the plus side, it looks nice...


Jun 13, 2008
I agree almost entirely with Tywall52345's comment.

There's some interesting aspects to the game, but there also many frustrating, seemingly stubborn and outdated concepts in the game.

Most frustrating though, is the performance of the game. I've got a pretty high end computer - not top-end, but high-end (5870, quad-core, etc) - enough to run most games at max settings and 60fps. FFXIV will run at 60fps in instanced, closed off areas, but as soon as other players are around, the input lag becomes almost unbearable and the game runs hopelessly clunky.

And - you can't jump. This means, if there's a ridge in the plains ahead of you, you have to spend about a minute walking around it to go straight.

And that is just ridiculous.

I was really hoping this would be my new game, but I don't think it's for me. Shame.
Mar 9, 2008
MMO by committee. Seriously that 'explaining the fatigue system' video is just painful. Not to mention the UI, wtf? Why build what is for all intents and purposes a casual MMO and then go and hide it behind one of the most unfriendly UIs in history.

Then there's the system requirements, I'm running an i7 and SLI GTX470s; this thing makes Crysis cry, but FFXIV still runs poorly and the input / general lag on everything makes it almost unplayable.

This is not to say FFXIV is all bad, I like the class system (well, for combat classes at least), and it is certainly a good looking MMO (if you have the rig to run it), but it just feels like management said 'do something different' and they looked at the what else is out there and went 'I know, lets make a super casual MMO with the accessibility of submerged submarined; no one else has done that!'.


Jul 19, 2008
I totally agree with jlpubarch, a remake of FFVII and a new FF with airships. THATS ALL SQUARE ENIX!!!!


Jul 7, 2010
His impression for the early lv's in this game are pretty spot on. However, SE just released some notes, earlier today I think, of what they plan to do before the release, fixes and such.

Everything that he nit picked or had a gripe about has been/will be addressed for release. If those things he mentioned was a turn off for you guys, give that link a read. I think that's the "Miracle Patch in time for release" the SE Defense Force was talking about/hoping for.

Anyway, its turning out to be a pretty good game and I will see you guys six months for the PS3 release lol.


Dec 15, 2004
The game is boring i put a good ten hours into it, but the gfx are cool story is what you would expect from a jrpg which is lame.
Sep 18, 2003
"Instead of huge open zones the areas of FFXIV are broken up into smaller open spots connected by patchworks of narrow passageways that occasionally have ramps up to higher elevations."

Nice to see you started in one of the 3 starter zones and never left, and that was enough for you to know what the entire world of FFXIV looks like. This is the only zone that I have come across that is how he explained (gridania). Everything else is very open.


Dec 17, 2005
when did you start playing video games? do you have some that you'll love till you die? yeah thats right, of course you do and the reason that happens is because the experience of playing it was great, should i say entertaining?

ffxiv takes this into a whole new level, a bad one i might had... while visually awesome, the game will keep challenging your patience, you don't play the game, the game plays you... at first you feel like you can do a bunch of things and that sounds awesome, then little by little you realize that everything you do has a certain condition, that when it hits you "i'm not doing what i want to do, i'm doing what the game wants me to do"

this is the main problem of this game, you have NO choice of what to do because the game will shut you do down if you do it, i'll give you an example, you are getting the hang of the quest system and you start to like it, you then take every quest available to you and you do them, you complete them in two hours and you had great fun, you decide to do more but then... no can do... you have to wait 48 hours to do 8 more quests, and then you go "WHAAAT!" you keep looking for more info about it and someone will say that you still can do other players quests with them... you start looking for other players quests but no one cares about you, eventually you get into a group but it takes time and tons of your patience to put it all up an running for a good half an hour, thats if the others wont reject you because you already did your 8 quests alone so they can't do them with you

now lets reflect about it, you could do your 8 quests and do other players quests with all the frustration associated with it, but if everyone does that there'll be no quests available to do with others, so can you do quests alone? on practically... no

every other game mechanic is like this, it looks like you can do it like you want it to do it but you can't you HAVE to do it like the game wants you to do it, be it quests, leveling, crafting, harvesting

this is when you realize the game has NO end content, so the only thing you are fighting for the entire time is your patience level cap

when you first try it everything looks fresh and fun, when the novelty wears off it gets boring and frustrating... FAST!!

sorry for the wall of text, but if you don't believe me, go see for yourself, the game is one open beta till 22


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 18, 2006
@Charles Onyett
I just wanted to note that the areas around Gridania are the least likeable and most cramped. Check out the areas around Limsa Lominsa. Very open, very beautiful...

As for most of the gripes you and other people have, do you all realize that nearly all of it will be addressed? Look [link=]here[/link]

And the game doesn't require a lot of power. I have a 3 year old PC that can run it at nearly max settings:
Win7 64bit
2.4ghz dual core CPU
Nvidia Geforce 8800GT 512MB

Don't listen to the requirements


Sep 14, 2010
I wonder when this was written since almost all of the author's complaint's have already been addressed and will be implemented in the release. My only issue is the performance hit that nVidia cards take despite being the sponsor for the game, as well as the gtx 460 being the recommended card atm.
Jul 1, 2010
If this game is released in any way, shape or form like the beta then I'm so disappointed. The game is simply unplayable... and this is coming from someone who played FFXI for years.

Let's go over the main aspects:
-Retainer system: this is my biggest gripe with the game- how in the world can they expect people to travel from npc to npc in a variety of instanced areas with their crappy UI just to find one item. The economy with an MMORPG is the lifeblood of its existence. Why craft when you can't sell? Why harvest when you can't turn a profit? Why save money when you can't buy anything? If this is indeed an MMORPG then this system is broken because everyone or linkshell (their version of a guild) will be self-sufficient.
-Combat is utterly cumbersome, slow and boring. Since it's so slow the stamina system is rendered useless because you still end up waiting so long between actions. The mobs look really cool but their existence doesn't feel organic because once your "quest" is activated, the creatures pertaining to that will be out in the open field but no one else can attack them. So you're essentially in a mini-instance within an open area so again you're playing an MMORPG but you're kind of not.
-The UI and overall mechanics are so amazingly bad. You actually have to click three buttons just to continue on a path to the Market areas. Your character is walking on the path and you hit an invisible wall and you get a message stating, "You can not go any further." Why you ask? Well for starters you actually don't know at first but after a bit you realize there's a button flashing that you have to press to bring up the menu then click the teleport button then select Market Wards then click which section of the wards you want to go to as if you actually know. The best part is that this is all a painfully slow game so doing this takes a minute... a freakin minute! Something that could have easily been implemented differently. Every action is hidden behind walls of menus... why would they do this?
-Guildleves and quests are boring... I know this can and probably will change but from the looks of it I wouldn't hold my breath.
-There are so many other things I can point out but others have touched on these things and I'm tired of wasting time on this godforsaken game.

I had such high hopes for this game and was so psyched for it's release. I am crushed at how bad this game is... unless you're a masochist or a SE diehard, stay away!
Jan 13, 2007

amen. this game is a total mess of stupid design flaws and a complete disregard of the many things 11 did right. dont get me started how terribly it runs even on a heavy duty system that runs crysis on maximum and pretty much all other games for that matter. i wanted so bad to love this as much as 11 but i simply find myself going to pass on it. i talked about this game for over a year and how excited i would be.. just to get kicked in the teeth by S/E. that company has lost my confidence completly now. what a fricken joke.
Oct 12, 2007
I didn't play FF11, but I did give this one a try. Man, i'm really disappointed with this game, and especially with the combat. It all seems so limited, no jumping, no crafting item list, questing is really lame, this game is just all over the place.

Don't get me wrong though, the game looks beautiful, the music is great, and I like the process of crafting and gathering, but I would never buy FF14 as it does not feel like a proper game.


Jun 30, 2010
I've been playing the Open Beta and for the most part have enjoyed it. There are a few things that I don't like, but a lot of things that I do like.

Given this is a new MMO and is still in BETA (a real beta, not a free trial labeled a beta), there are things that will need to be worked on.

I started in Ul'dah, and the areas outside of it is quite massive and took a long time for me to walk from the city to the dock to Limsa Lominsa.

While there were a couple of awkward moments getting started, it didn't take me long to get into the main storyline that is currently available. In the Journal, the quest details tell you who you need to speak to next, or at least point you in the right direction. Some even give you the option to open up a map and display the npc's exact location.

The guildleves are stupid simple to follow, contrary to some of the posts here...You have regional guildleves which are quests for Disciples of War/Magic and Disciples of Land. They are straightforward (kill x of this mob, or collect x amount of a resource), then you have local guildleves for Disciples of the Hand. These are a little trickier because each craft has its own mini-game system that you have to familiarize yourself with to succeed in the quest.

You can have 8 regional and 8 local leves per 48 hours currently, but it has been stated that they are going to reduce the cooldown.

I honestly wish the death penalty were more severe and that some of the hand holding wasn't there (teleport points spawning after you complete the tasks of a regional leve).

This isn't a WoW...err EQ clone like 99.9% of other MMOs on the market. This is something different. If you're uncomfortable with something different, you may not like it.

Also, with this being a new title, it's not going to have the polish of a game that has been out for almost a decade.

After trying to give WoW a chance...I for one am glad that SE has decided to not include the ability to removes a big piece of potential annoyment and just isn't neccessary for this game, just as it was not neccessary for FFXI.
Sep 12, 2010
Never could unferstand why the fuck ppl that don't like a certain game get on its comments area to bash it, i mean why even take the time, and if SE has let you down that much stfu and don't buy their shit its that simple... ppl bitch way too much on the dumbest shit, if you don't like it don't buy it but stfu.


Prime Member
May 25, 2010
With regard to the "yalms" issue, it was the same unit of measure used under the hood in FF11, and if you played on PC and used the distance plug-in for Windower you were shown this non-unitized number. The lesson there is that the exact distance units aren't so important as long as there is somewhere that allows you to see distance update interactively. If there is such a widget in FF14 then people will pick it up rather quickly, just as they did in FF11.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Everyone having framerate issues in the beta:

Disable DEPTH OF FIELD and AMBIENT OCCLUSION for a significant performance boost.


Jul 7, 2010
Hope you can see the irony in your statement.

@kebrus, rlwelch, and TotalEklypse
You guys should read this link( ). Pretty much everything you've listed as wrong with the game is gonna be fixed/adjusted. And they did say that they would be adding an AH later in the game.

And for the rest of you that may not be aware, Beta does not equal DEMO. The flaws and glitches we see in the BETA is a good thing, it means they wont (we should hope) make it in to the final product.

The Free 30 Day Trial that will most likely be available after the release is going to be a DEMO of the game.
Jul 6, 2007
"Outdated" is a perspective. You could also just as easily says its UI is not a wow clone. Not everyone converts to the said standard system; especially when its an eastern game. (Of which FF usually always has a preset interface.) I admit its a pain sometimes and the software mouse is horrible. BUT there are sooo many ways around using the UI and playing the game; you just have to take the time to learn them. So much is misunderstood about this game lol. First the porting? At least they let u port..Of which ur points can be used by people in your party or you can use the others w/o using yours; they regen and can be gained back. The Quest leve system ARE not quests lol..There more like daily's but 48 hr instead of 24... Quests are scattered through out the game and a pain to find; as in FF11 much has to be found by the player base rather then handed out.
FF is more adventure based; team play; not 4000 quests like wow. And the onse u r doing are kill # based. People who complain about 8 adventure leves limit are not understanding that you personally get 8 but can do an infinite amount by playing with other players. Sure there are no recipe lists..because they want the player base to learn them. Sure the bazaar annoys even me; to much wasted time looking for items. Or turning down the hall and finding an item for 1/2 the cost. Constantly repairing or; or even worse mats needed for repairs sux. But once you get the hang of things it becomes super easy. Its just over whelming at first because SE doesn't throw the how to in your face. To be playing since alpha and still complaining maybe you should have quit and give someone who cares a try at it. Im afraid the lack of, "how to" given will detour many would be players..but it will be as successful as 11 so im not worried. I have ZERO issues running the game. People simply dont bother to research what on there systems are slowing them down. Besides it IS beta. Your action bar being reset actually isnt as bad as it sounds. First it doesn't reset if your changing to another adventure job; only gathering; 2. you can combat this by creating a macro that changes gear and abilities. Like I said tons of stuff can be gotten around (the frustration of the UI) by simply bothering to learn the shortcuts. To a FF11 player its easy but the layout is alien to most new players; and therefore even more frustrating. It DOESNT HAVE jump because its FF... not because there behind the times. Dont like it just dont play it; It does not suck in anyway. Just have to adjust your warcraft corrupted brains. Its so different mater of fact that its refreshing. I played FF11 and im hate some changes that you think would have been fixed..but every game has these issues in one way or another.I have zero bugs and zero issues; I crash 1 time a day if at all... Its not the game people its you trying to run it w/o understanding your own hardware, glitches or limits. Turn off ambient occlusion (its buggy) n FoD n bam more fixed...


Dec 16, 2008
Man this game is just great. If many of you dont like it, thats too bad but it's your opinion. I just think that a lot of people just dont "get it".
Jul 6, 2007
@ kebrus
..and what MMO has ever been released with end game content...? FFXIV has gone out of its way not to hide anything but rather stop people from exploiting the game via burning through things... Btw all complaints given about restrictions..simply not true. "Player experience may change online" your mindset is what guides your judgment of this game. PS Leves are not standard Quests; its a daily system but on 48hr timer; which I bet will change also.) Also FFXIV is group focused game. Tbh does the best job at it especially later in game. They dont focus on solo play...But they do allow you to a point to do so. You could even lvl to cap solo...but dont expect to do major quest lines solo.
Jul 6, 2007
@ rlwelch4646 (1)
- Retainer system: I agree frustrating; im sure they have a plan; (more to add) People dont get stuff your NOT seeing in beta isnt there because they failed to add it; they chose to NOT. They have addressed tons of complaints and continue to do so. BUT this systems barebones can not truly be tested until game goes live, people start crafting and gathering, the economy begins to take shape. I myself have made 4mil gil since sep 4th... Some people make much less; its about how much you put into it. And I guess from their PoV they want a merchant to be a class to lol... But this will actually make guild (LS) members much more useful to each other; along with giving players a chance to always have work to do. Matter of fact this systems for crafting makes it so they will always be needed. You can even have gear repaired via retainers n bazaar. Theres more to it (THat isnt seen yet) but hopefuly they will add a search system to it; since its been a high request. *And at first prices will be screwy because no one has money).

- Combat: ?? stamina system wont really be a big deal until further in...
WtH do so many people say its clunky or to much wait time between... You can practically chain one move to happen after another. There are many tricks that you can learn... Its not just 1, 2, 2, 1 ,3. Even getting in and out of combat mode can be faster using a power up ability then weaving in a strike.. Btw "Weaving" is something you guys complaining about slow speeds should look into. These are dead on the mostly lively, organic looking mobs in mmo history. With everything cranked up its just insane. Sure some location have giant cotton ball sheep; but thats just the "Cute" side of FF. Not like thats everywhere. Once again mobs are everywhere...i dont understand your point. Those a Leve spawned mobs..its so your quest mobs dont get stolen or camped. And anyone on the Leve can see; even if not in party. (If anything; it gives more mob options then the standard mobs being rapped out of existence while everyone levels in the start areas.


Jan 20, 2003
This will be huge in Japan, just like the first one. I don`t think it will be that big back in the states though.
Jul 6, 2007
-The UI: For one; I do not recommend "CLicking anything" People that learn to convert to playing via keyboard or even controller (which the game is built for) will have np traveling through the menus. (Yes some steps are to long; but they have been fixing this.) Learn your shortcuts. It takes 1 sec to go through 3 pages if you use your KB. Anytime an action is avlb you get a icon at top of hit the menu key and then enter; it automatically does the action. Dead ends.. Eh that usually means its part of a quest chain or avlb later in game.. or a zone in... So you dont accidentally zone into it. (via lvl, rep, or content being added.) Really people; learn to use your keyboard; stay away from the mouse.. *or get a control) and life will be much better. Use mouse just for camera if anything; but you dont have to either. Example complaints about the AoE mode for spells... You dont have to click anything but everyone thinks you do and complains about it... well make a freaking macro or or or better yet hit "Z"... Does anyone bother reading the guide on the Beta site? Also I dont know about you now; but it takes me 2 seconds to zone into a market... Menu button>Enter> then select he ward. (Channel). Boom in... People judge this game before they even bother to get familiar with it >.< The reason it takes you 5 min to do anything is u dont learn the controls, know wtf ur doing, or plain lazy.

FFXIV is in no way bad... Its just not your today standard cookie cutter mmo. All and every complaint I hear can easily be gotten around. Everything... People that complain about patching; waiting all day.. When all you had to do was torrent the patch and your in game in 5 seconds...
(Not because the patcher sucks but because they are testing (throttling etc) its beta; but you got all these wieners trying to just play for free. Harvesting/crafting; still no one knows how it actually works..but by grinding it for a while you will get used to the system; its intuitive and at same time based of chance. (But you do have control) A feather from a tree and not a log... Well each node has a chance to give a certain amount of high quality. At first I got zero logs,,and was frustrated... But after lvl 8 I got many. Besides they are rare and worth a good chunk. And one log can be turned into a mat of 4-12 other things. So one log can (unless fail) get you 1/2 lvl to 2 lvls of xp. (when used to craft). You want to learn how to make something..Do you crafting leves, Experiment with mats, or dont be lazy and look in the forums.
Jul 6, 2007
Dont listen to anyone saying this game isn't ready lol. People rush to judge. SE already had 90% of everything learned or asked for otw in final patch before early release. This is one of the best done launches in years. I know because ive been in alpha-beta of every MMo since VG to current date.
Just dont bother playing if you NEED wow UI clones, play, or dont have an open mind or solo lifestyle. Because we dont need to hear your crying. And dont expect huge western type game play changes because they will never happen. SE puts its Japanese players first. And take the time to learn the freaking game. Like any FF console game the job, and ability's are retooled every time. And this takes a lot of getting used to because no game has ever given so much control over its classes and systems. Harvesting and crafting even feels like a class; and actually is.


Jan 9, 2009
SE has fixed a crap load of issues already. See for yourself:

I think the main issue is the UI, which really isn't much of a problem for me, being that I played xi.(I'm used to crappiness...) And the lag. I REALLY hope it's this laggy because of beta and won't be so bad come release or else I'll cry.


Mar 31, 2007
95% of negative feedback is misdirected Frustration at the many, many, technical faults of the FFXIV Beta client. I can sympathize with the people who wanted to try it, but can't because it's virtually unplayable, but the mechanics and game design are solid, and the character development is revolutionary, in an age of WoW clones with reskins.

What is actually wrong with the FFXIV game right now, is the User interface (Currently being changed by the Development team, acknowledged as of Last night at the Launch event in Japan) and the Retainer system. For all those worried, An Auction system will be in the game, but not at launch. Better late than never, but it is irritating looking for equipment in the market wards.

As for people having issues, right now there is driver incompatibility with the GeForce 400's. Nvidia will release new drivers in about a week, that should fix your issues. Also, the Beta Client has memory leaks causing poor performance sometimes, however, I can assure you the game runs very well when it's working. I run it on an AMD Athlon X2 4200+ with 4GB RAM and a measly GeForce GTS250, at an average of 38 FPS, down to low 20's in high-crowd area, with Moderate-high Settings. (Highest Texture, Resolution, low shadows, Enhanced Draw Distance, 2xMS/AA).

The majority of the content remains locked for the Beta. Story-driven and Faction-driven content won't be available until retail, and the GuildLeve system is only issuing what SE has said is approximately 10% of the leves that will be available at retail, so calm down about that too.

Overall, In it's current state, FFXIV isn't ready for release, but assuming SE made good on some of the fixes they've noted at the Launch event last night, it might just squeeze by. Onyett's impressions were very accurate, an intriguing, and wholly different MORPG Experience, but frustrating at times.


Oct 14, 2007
Are there really people out there that enjoy crafting, grinding, and the like? The only parts of an RPG, MMO or otherwise, that are of any interest to me are the visuals/world, the lore, and the combat. Concentrate on making those as polished and unique as possible and get rid of all this item mining and time sink garbage.


Jun 19, 2009
When $quareenix decided to port FF13 & v13 to X360. And how they ruined FF13.(even though they said they won't) My respect for them is gone.


Dec 21, 2007
@ HokieKC:
You mean other than hurting a fanboy's feelings?
@ Baksora:
But no seriously, I doubt their decision to port it to the 360 affected the overall game's quality that much. I mean after all it was a half-assed port, so I doubt they spent a lot of time and effort that they could have used to continue working on the overall game to instead port it to the 360. The game sucked because Square Enix's inspiration is running dry, that's all there is to it.


Oct 31, 2009
@MattyR95, youre not the only one, i could only get into 7 and 8 cause the plot was decent and futuristic. the rest just seemed nerdy (IMO)


No Longer a Noob
Sep 7, 2000
Great write up Charles. I appreciate that you pointed out the good and the bad without going overboard. It's true that there are still a lot of improvements to be made to FFXIV, but luckily MMO is constantly tweaked to make the experience better.
May 19, 2009

so your saying that RPG's are nerdy?
how does that exactly make sense?

however if you ment MMO then i would agree, considering how much time people spend on on WOW

Final fantasy ftw.