No Longer a Noob
Jan 29, 2004
Fight Night Champion is getting alot of nominations and awards for it's Champion mode. This can be a bad thing in my opinion because it basically makes them (the producers) concentrate more on story-telling instead of the actual realistic in-game boxing mechanics.
Fans are always going to get a song and dance of why certain things were no done or done correctly because it's called covering their tracks. When you focus on one huge project how can you do the little jobs correctly that needed attention and proper testing? It can't be done, especially when the producers and EA are screaming that the Fight Night team is small.
It's about being focused on creating a project that focuses on a primary goal. EA and the producers primary goal isn't about capturing the sport realistically because they thing the sport is on life-support. They don't realize or ignore the fact that if the fans are giving the proper tools they can create or generate their own boxing universe to be ran the way they feel suited be it online or off.

I really hope Fight Night doesn't become an RPG or the RPG elements make the actual gameplay elements take a back seat.
Apr 22, 2003
Fight Night Champion is getting alot of nominations and awards for it's Champion mode. This can be a bad thing in my opinion because it basically makes them (the producers) concentrate more on story-telling instead of the actual realistic in-game boxing mechanics.
Fans are always going to get a song and dance of why certain things were no done or done correctly because it's called covering their tracks. When you focus on one huge project how can you do the little jobs correctly that needed attention and proper testing? It can't be done, especially when the producers and EA are screaming that the Fight Night team is small.
It's about being focused on creating a project that focuses on a primary goal. EA and the producers primary goal isn't about capturing the sport realistically because they thing the sport is on life-support. They don't realize or ignore the fact that if the fans are giving the proper tools they can create or generate their own boxing universe to be ran the way they feel suited be it online or off.

I really hope Fight Night doesn't become an RPG or the RPG elements make the actual gameplay elements take a back seat.