
Oct 10, 2010
honestly think fear 2 is way better by set pieces scares and just more things happen in fear 3. there is nothing to look forward too. all the set pieces are in game cutscenes not gameplay and way to many black screens.first the good. its bloody good fun shooting people in slow-mo its ragdoll and blood everywhere which games these days are missing talking to you crysis 2. the controls are much smoother then fear 2 and you move alot better.fear 3 has an awesome music score done by jason graves same guy that did the dead space 1 and 2 so thats a plus. more lighted enviorments compared to fear 2 dark ones all the time its a nice change. good length campaign, its split screen co-op but with one serious flaw. thats really all i can say good about the game. the bad now. no scares or suprises no hair rising moments. no gripping set pieces, don't get that many weapons,no bulid up to any tension at all, sometimes game don't sound good like glitches with sound, HUGE one a split screen co-op and me and my bro have been so excited to play co-op just to find out when you shoot the people they dissapear before they even hit the ground so say you and your buddy are playing he lifts the body up so you can shoot it with a shotgun and send the bad guys fliying like a ragdoll. would be amazing huh but no they ffing dissapear before you can even shoot them on the ground or just enjoy the ragdoll with a friend seriously pissed about that. but co-op is still a blast they don't dissapear in single player so why co-op and multiplayer they do the same so it was boring right away. what are you guys thoughts on fear 3 (don't care about grammer please dnt make fun )


May 7, 2010
I won't make fun of your grammar, but at least make paragraphs or something instead of a giant wall of text.
And I'm not sure we're playing the same game, because it scares me pretty bad. There's plenty of tension, and the set pieces are creepy. Have you even gotten into the Suburbs level yet?


Nov 20, 2010
I don't feel as badass as I did in Fear. Where is my slide kick and round house?

But all in all, the game is good and I am having a good time.


Oct 10, 2010
i have beaten the game yeah i have got to the surburbs level. the set pieces are not creepy they are not even gameplay only one i like is the lst one when you slide down the tunnel and your bro fettal helps you up.

i don't think the game is scary at all. it could of been so much better and them dissapearing in co-op that doesn't bother anyone. were playing the same game man just you like it more then me. i was expecting a horror filled action set pieces ride. but it did'nt get it :{ still a fun game tho


Apr 2, 2010
@redreaper85 There's 8 intervals
@freshbones the slide kick is still there, run then melee

It doesn't seem near as scary as the first two but I think thats partly due to the fact that we've been through this kind of thing twice so we pretty much know what to expect. Example, the first game you'd see little alma and wonder if she's going to attack you or scream at you or something but now we know that you approach her and she disappears so now you see alma and go "oh hey, theres alma" and continue on your way. I will admit tho there was a few parts when they got the atmosphere right and I was scared. Also if your not playing this with full surround sound you are missing a major part I think, cuz in the atmospheric parts you get the sound of footsteps behind or beside you and little things like that that put you on edge thinking your gonna get mauled by something.

Also I don't think the fact that you don't get to see a dead guy go ragdoll should be a major concern when playing a game, how they react alive is much more important, although them just disappearing is kind of odd, maybe paxton's powers are disintegrating them lol


Oct 10, 2010
8 missions man beat the game with pointman and fettal second one is so much better i think. nobody agrees with me that on co-op they disapear nobody thinks thats friggin stupid at all it destroys co-op.
Mar 7, 2011
I dont know what your talking about with the people dissappearing when you pick them up with Fettel, I was doing it loads earlier with my brother and was sniping them out. The only bad thing with Co-Op is the patheticly sized screens - yeah I know that it keeps everything in shape to what it would be in single (if that makes sense) but games like GoW, Borderlands, Halo (Mostly uses all the screen) for coop it just irratates me that I have a huge TV and only like 70ish% is used!!!! haha ;)

Please refrain from posting profanity on the boards. Thanks.
Mar 4, 2014
Personally, I still feel some atmosphere so I have to give it credit for that, it does irritate me that the action has become more of the focus, but I am not as disappointed as I thought I would be. The story so far is weird, but hay who wants normal in all horror based stories. The gameplay I haven't found too repetitive so that's always a plus, I do understand where you are coming from, it doesn't scare me as much as the others, it has been toned down a lot, the first one still creeps the crap out of me. It's not as bad as a lot of people say but the horror just isn't there anymore, and that's the main thing that bugs me.