
No Longer a Noob
Jan 6, 2009
I run the motion, but I dont use a lot of set plays, I like to get out and run. My big problem is when teams slow me down, I start to struggle, so im wondering what offense do people run and what are the advantages and disadvantages?


Almost Not a Noob
May 25, 2008
I am the same way. I like to push the tempo as much as possible. Off a miss or make, I try to run run run. I don't take the first shot available all the time but just try to get the Defense over committing to one side or the other.

As far as set plays, I have a few stand-bys I always use. Some of them are based on the defense.

Man to Man:
Pick & Roll
PF Decision - If you have a solid PF who can shoot a bit, this is a great play to get him Iso'd in the post.

2-3 Zone:
SF Pop Out - I really find this play works well against the 2-3 but works against Man to Man as well. The PF picks for the PG who rolls to the left. If he's open or has a lane he can drive or shoot. Otherwise you swing it back to your SF and he either shoots it or dumps it to the Center in the post.

I also run plays called Screen Low and SG Iso. Not sure how I like them yet.