
Cunning Linguist
Oct 3, 2005
My suggestion is that we make a sticky for this issue since it comes up like once or twice a month, is that possible Mods?

Since a lot of us read sci-fi and fantasy at an alarming rate and we're always starving for new books to read it just feels natural that we should have a sticky for everyone to visit when they have finished or is reading a really good book. That and we can compile all the good books too so that people can scroll through the thread and find earlier titles they can re-read.

I just finished Half a King by Joe Abercrombie and it was splendid very different from his earlier works where you pretty much end up disliking every character in the book, this is a bit more traditional fantasy in that sense. The book however is only a setting for the coming series in a way, it builds the universe really well and I think there will be quite a few good books in the coming series.


Cunning Linguist
Oct 3, 2005
So since the drunkard-mod won't help us

maybe @-Foxy- if she's not to occupied with giving us titles we don't deserve, except me who is a expert if not master pussyeater or @SirGarth if he's not too occupied with gassing small Palestinian children..


walleyed christ
Jan 25, 2002
Gary Sinise's makeup drawer.
Garden gnomes and plastic flamingos. An above ground pool filled with crushed beer cans. Hedge clippings stuffed into mildewed refuse bags that have been sitting on the sidewalk since last summer. A bloated pit bull rotting in a drainage ditch. And you want to add the neighbor's 300 lb wife sunning her roast beef on the driveway.

You can have it. But in order for it to be accommodated, one other sticky should be removed.


Jun 27, 2002
Cabby's Mom's House
I am finally reading Mark Lawrence book two. I know you love it Manegarm but I have one large problem with those books. For every page of story progress there are four pages of asides, flashbacks, anecdotes, etc. It would be one thing if all of that stuff was building the world in an interesting way or developing the character but most of it just seems like clever little ideas the author had and wanted to include. He gives token nods to shaping the main character but I feel like he has rehashed the same characterization a dozen times.

I don't dislike the book and I will continue the series but they are a 6-7 out of 10 for me because the books don't engage me. I want to know now it ends but I have to read 200 pages of novel to see what happens in the next twenty minutes.

Also, I still think the post apocalyptic thing is a little off. It isn't in any way part of the story and has no bearing on the narrative, he just brings it up every so often in anecdote form. It is also weird the Jorg seems to have absolutely zero concept of the modern world but he is full of historical trivia. He read books about Roman wars and chemistry but doesn't know what a bomb or a car is?


Cunning Linguist
Oct 3, 2005
I am finally reading Mark Lawrence book two. I know you love it Manegarm but I have one large problem with those books. For every page of story progress there are four pages of asides, flashbacks, anecdotes, etc. It would be one thing if all of that stuff was building the world in an interesting way or developing the character but most of it just seems like clever little ideas the author had and wanted to include. He gives token nods to shaping the main character but I feel like he has rehashed the same characterization a dozen times.

I don't dislike the book and I will continue the series but they are a 6-7 out of 10 for me because the books don't engage me. I want to know now it ends but I have to read 200 pages of novel to see what happens in the next twenty minutes.

Also, I still think the post apocalyptic thing is a little off. It isn't in any way part of the story and has no bearing on the narrative, he just brings it up every so often in anecdote form. It is also weird the Jorg seems to have absolutely zero concept of the modern world but he is full of historical trivia. He read books about Roman wars and chemistry but doesn't know what a bomb or a car is?

Well, the book comes together in a fine way because of the flashbacks, they are sadly a necessary part of the narrative, albeit a bit much at times.

Well the thing with modern information is that most of it is stored digitally, the gist seems to be that only deep crypts filled with books survived and most of that seems to have been in churches etc, there has also been as I remember purges and most of the knowledge is held by the roman church.

I have no idea how far you have come but Lawrence writes his books towards a impressive ending, the way there can be a bit haphazard.

His newest book prince of fools is not written with as much flashbacks


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
I support this. Need to read more of those genres anyway.

I am finally reading Mark Lawrence book two. I know you love it Manegarm but I have one large problem with those books. For every page of story progress there are four pages of asides, flashbacks, anecdotes, etc. It would be one thing if all of that stuff was building the world in an interesting way or developing the character but most of it just seems like clever little ideas the author had and wanted to include. He gives token nods to shaping the main character but I feel like he has rehashed the same characterization a dozen times.

I don't dislike the book and I will continue the series but they are a 6-7 out of 10 for me because the books don't engage me. I want to know now it ends but I have to read 200 pages of novel to see what happens in the next twenty minutes.

Also, I still think the post apocalyptic thing is a little off. It isn't in any way part of the story and has no bearing on the narrative, he just brings it up every so often in anecdote form. It is also weird the Jorg seems to have absolutely zero concept of the modern world but he is full of historical trivia. He read books about Roman wars and chemistry but doesn't know what a bomb or a car is?

Almost as weird as a supergenius consulting detective solving the unsolvable crimes with awesome observational skill and a ton of chemical, geographical, and sociological knowledge while still not knowing the earth goes around the sun.


Was that you or the duck?
Oct 3, 2005
I need something to read, anyone read the Black Company series?

The first few are good. After that, they start getting into multiple worlds/multiple gods stuff and I had to push myself to finish them.


Typing With Monkeys
Jan 24, 2005
I support this. Need to read more of those genres anyway.

I am finally reading Mark Lawrence book two. I know you love it Manegarm but I have one large problem with those books. For every page of story progress there are four pages of asides, flashbacks, anecdotes, etc. It would be one thing if all of that stuff was building the world in an interesting way or developing the character but most of it just seems like clever little ideas the author had and wanted to include. He gives token nods to shaping the main character but I feel like he has rehashed the same characterization a dozen times.

I don't dislike the book and I will continue the series but they are a 6-7 out of 10 for me because the books don't engage me. I want to know now it ends but I have to read 200 pages of novel to see what happens in the next twenty minutes.

Also, I still think the post apocalyptic thing is a little off. It isn't in any way part of the story and has no bearing on the narrative, he just brings it up every so often in anecdote form. It is also weird the Jorg seems to have absolutely zero concept of the modern world but he is full of historical trivia. He read books about Roman wars and chemistry but doesn't know what a bomb or a car is?

Almost as weird as a supergenius consulting detective solving the unsolvable crimes with awesome observational skill and a ton of chemical, geographical, and sociological knowledge while still not knowing the earth goes around the sun.
That's a personal quirk, commented on within that story. ALSO HE DELETED IT FROM HIS BRAIN BECAUSE IT WAS IRRELEVANT TO HIS LIFE AND CALLING.
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Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
I support this. Need to read more of those genres anyway.

I am finally reading Mark Lawrence book two. I know you love it Manegarm but I have one large problem with those books. For every page of story progress there are four pages of asides, flashbacks, anecdotes, etc. It would be one thing if all of that stuff was building the world in an interesting way or developing the character but most of it just seems like clever little ideas the author had and wanted to include. He gives token nods to shaping the main character but I feel like he has rehashed the same characterization a dozen times.

I don't dislike the book and I will continue the series but they are a 6-7 out of 10 for me because the books don't engage me. I want to know now it ends but I have to read 200 pages of novel to see what happens in the next twenty minutes.

Also, I still think the post apocalyptic thing is a little off. It isn't in any way part of the story and has no bearing on the narrative, he just brings it up every so often in anecdote form. It is also weird the Jorg seems to have absolutely zero concept of the modern world but he is full of historical trivia. He read books about Roman wars and chemistry but doesn't know what a bomb or a car is?

Almost as weird as a supergenius consulting detective solving the unsolvable crimes with awesome observational skill and a ton of chemical, geographical, and sociological knowledge while still not knowing the earth goes around the sun.
That's a personal quirk, commented on within that story. ALSO HE DELETED IT FROM HIS BRAIN BECAUSE IT WAS IRRELEVANT TO HIS LIFE AND CALLING.

Yep. I know.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 2, 2005
Right now I'm reading the Nightside books by Simon Green. Supernatural detective stuff. Actually really liking them.

I know you like Warhammer 40k Manny, Have you read much of the Horus Heresy stuff?


Was that you or the duck?
Oct 3, 2005
Right now I'm reading the Nightside books by Simon Green. Supernatural detective stuff. Actually really liking them.

I know you like Warhammer 40k Manny, Have you read much of the Horus Heresy stuff?

I'll have to check those out. Have you read any of the Dresden File books by Jim Butcher? Hard-boiled wizard in Chicago. Walks the mean streets with a staff and a duster. Pretty entertaining series.


Cunning Linguist
Oct 3, 2005
Right now I'm reading the Nightside books by Simon Green. Supernatural detective stuff. Actually really liking them.

I know you like Warhammer 40k Manny, Have you read much of the Horus Heresy stuff?

I can not say I've read any good wh40k books I'm sad to say :(


Outpost Executive Committee Chairman
Apr 12, 2012
In front of the computer. Duh.
I'm going to reiterate my recommendation of Hard Magic by Larry Correia. I recommended it before based on having read and enjoyed it but it was mocked by people who never read it based on some blurb from the publisher.

I stand by my original recommendation.

It's high on action and low on philosophy. The heroes are as brutal as the villains and neither waste a lot of time feeling guilty about it.



Cunning Linguist
Oct 3, 2005
I'm going to reiterate my recommendation of Hard Magic by Larry Correia. I recommended it before based on having read and enjoyed it but it was mocked by people who never read it based on some blurb from the publisher.

I stand by my original recommendation.

It's high on action and low on philosophy. The heroes are as brutal as the villains and neither waste a lot of time feeling guilty about it.


ooh shall peruse..


King of the World
Oct 3, 2005
I finally read Starship Troopers, I enjoyed it. I'll have to check out some of the books recommended here.


Outpost Executive Committee Chairman
Apr 12, 2012
In front of the computer. Duh.
I'm going to reiterate my recommendation of Hard Magic by Larry Correia.

I read the first MHI book by Larry Correia and while I enjoyed it I was left without any interest in reading the sequels. I got the impression it would be the same ride over and over again.
Different series.

I haven't read any of the MHI books so I can't say how they compare.



Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China


Was that you or the duck?
Oct 3, 2005
I'm currently in the middle of a four book set of historical novels about Genghis Khan. Not S-F/Fantasy, but, I think it should appeal to S-F/Fantasy fans. I'd rate the books, so far, 3.5, maybe 4 out of 5 stars.

Sounds cool. I'll have to let one of my anthro profs at my alma mater know about this. His main focus is Inner Asia, so he'd get a kick out of it.

Well, they are novels and don't pretend to be super-accurate with the actual story and background. On the Amazon page there are a few reviews that are basically rants about how he got this thing or that thing wrong.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
I'm currently in the middle of a four book set of historical novels about Genghis Khan. Not S-F/Fantasy, but, I think it should appeal to S-F/Fantasy fans. I'd rate the books, so far, 3.5, maybe 4 out of 5 stars.

Sounds cool. I'll have to let one of my anthro profs at my alma mater know about this. His main focus is Inner Asia, so he'd get a kick out of it.

Well, they are novels and don't pretend to be super-accurate with the actual story and background. On the Amazon page there are a few reviews that are basically rants about how he got this thing or that thing wrong.

Yeah, and my prof will likely have the same complaints. He'd still likely find the work interesting at least, though.


Cunning Linguist
Oct 3, 2005
wtf.. we are sticked.. in a way..




Edit: You all just read that in Samuel L Jackson's voice.
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Cunning Linguist
Oct 3, 2005

Or rather It could be good, or just utterly fucking bad because that **** needs to be in the book.. and if she is I'm off the fucking bandwagon.. I mean there could be death threats!

"The Thorn of Emberlain “ought to be out in the fall of 2014,” said Lynch in an interview with Fantastical Imaginations. While some guarded skepticism is natural, Adam Whitehead of The Wertzone said, “Scott’s publishers are themselves confident that this date can be met: Scott began work on The Thorn of Emberlain some time before the final edits on Republic [of Thieves] were done, and the novel is already in an advanced stage of writing.”"

Plot: "The Thorn of Emberlain, the fourth book in the Gentleman Bastard sequence, picks up about half a year after The Republic of Thieves and finds Locke Lamora and Jean Tannen trying to get back on their feet with a major con. They’re trying to sell the services of a non-existent mercenary company to the besieged city-state of Emberlain, hoping to escape with the hiring fees before the chaos of the Vadran civil war overruns Emberlain. Naturally, things don’t go according to plan…"

Sounds awesome, plot driven not driven by some fucking notion of romance...


Cunning Linguist
Oct 3, 2005
I might have to spend my money and the rest of my life finding every person who liked the republic of thieves and fucking stab them in their faces with a rusty feces covered piece of jagged coral..


Super Star
Oct 3, 2005
I might have to spend my money and the rest of my life finding every person who liked the republic of thieves and fucking stab them in their faces with a rusty feces covered piece of jagged coral..

They weren't quite that bad, but I sure wouldn't recommend them to anyone I actually liked.


The Forgiven
Oct 3, 2005
Read the kuran and ask a few of the growing muslim population in sweden whether its fantasy or real



Cunning Linguist
Oct 3, 2005
I might have to spend my money and the rest of my life finding every person who liked the republic of thieves and fucking stab them in their faces with a rusty feces covered piece of jagged coral..

They weren't quite that bad, but I sure wouldn't recommend them to anyone I actually liked.

The first two are genial, nothing in the genre can really compare.

Read the kuran and ask a few of the growing muslim population in sweden whether its fantasy or real


srsly just fuck off unless you want to discuss how the religious picture book you read over and over again has a plot twist we don't know about.