Sep 17, 2016
i know fallout 3 is old by now but im just getting around to it and the beginning is too hard. like all i have is a 10 mm pistol against like 7 super mutants and its pissing me off that all i have is a tiny ass pistol to kill huge ass super mutants.


Landing Guy
Jul 9, 2007
well i'm doing the beginning of the main mission i would have thought it would be a little more easier
Life in the apocalypse is never easy, my friend.

You'll want to do some side quests and exploring before you really tackle the main story line


No Longer a Noob
Dec 20, 2004
Get Dogmeat asap and avoid mutants at all cost right now. The main quest is pretty tough at the beginning of the game. Megaton has some side quests to help you level up but I'll warn you here. The waste land survival guide is pretty tough to complete at a low level lol. Then ya gotta buy or find better weapons asap. And be aware your companions can die in this game and it's permadeath.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
I always do the Super Duper MArt quest first, as it is great way to arm up early in the game.

In the mart you find assault rifles and laspistol and lotsa other weps and explosives. Once you're done there, youre set for the game.

I also visit Dukov's Place asap, to get the sweet gun he's got. Just shoot him and get his gear.


Oct 24, 2016
Get Dogmeat. I suggest investing into Int early on so you can unlock the Gun Nut perk early on. Upgrading your weapon (even the 10mm) can be extremely useful.

A fully upgraded 10mm with a silencer paired with the Mister Sandman and Ninja Perks can do massive damage late into the game. I remember rocking it past level. By level 30 I also had Gunslinger and was pretty much taking everything out with one shot as long as I was sneaking.

You wanna win the game without anyone seeing you. Follow the Railroad story line and you'll get my favorite weapon in the game: The Deliverance