Dec 2, 2009
How do i get people back into my kingdom there are just random dead people on the ground at random points and there are only people that give me quests and random guards there are no other people left in Albion or Arora dose anyone know how to get people back?


Oct 12, 2010
I have the same problem too. The more I think about it the more angry I get. I was saving up money, around 2 mill, and i was at day 121 before the attack. So I thought it wouldn't hurt to go to the throne room, but NOPE, it jumped me to day 1 before attack and all my time waiting to save up 6.5 mill was wasted. Now all my villagers are dead and I have lost complete interest in the game. Lion head REALLY messed up by not putting a warning before you go to the last battle so you would know when to donate your gold to the treasury. I really hope they fix this somehow, DLC our an update that allows people to choose to go back to day 121 or whatever.


Oct 12, 2010
And I kept all my promises as well. I was really hoping that lion head would have had something happen so even if you were in debt you would still win and save your people, well atleast SOME, kind of like having hope in the worst of times pays off when you stay good, but no.... If you wanna be good and keep promises, you gotta work to get that gold back. And at the rate I was going, owning just about everything in the game, it still would have took me around 7 hours of waiting and doing stupid friend fetch quests for the rent and shop incomes to roll in until i made 6.5 mill. What were they thinking....


Apr 2, 2007
Guys, don't worry. I've heard from others that over time people will come back and shops will open up again. Just play through it for a while.


Oct 28, 2010
I have the same problem, but i used the lute(job) and some ppl came around me, i than ended the job and they were still there. So maybe most come back over time but if you need some norms walking around thats a way:D


Oct 28, 2010
it just takes time, I kill villagers all the time and they come back. I also beat the game but didnt save everyone and some of my shop people didnt back until later, do the lute hero achievement and that should get them back.


Jul 30, 2010
can anyone confirm if any of this actually works like really works, to the point were ure castle is full of servants again
Jun 13, 2005
brad89101112 said:
So at that rate my guy needs to sleep for 267123.287671 years to get all 6500000 people back in albion?

This is my problem too , i followed the quests and became king did all promisses did the creature statue quest donated all my money to the treasury i became broke followed till the end i guess it was the end because the credits started on my screen when it came back up i was in the woods no money and theres no people only guards ,i was looking forward to getting hitched and having some lil bratts runnin round this sucks big time just plain sucks !!!


Oct 30, 2010
this has really anoyed me and i dont want to play it any more its a good game right up untill the end.... plus i agree 121days went stupidly quickly...
Jun 21, 2009
The whole game is stupid. After I removed Logan's drinking limits and saw that everyone was stumbling around and vomiting, I'd had it up to here with the immature bathroom humor and the endless array of disappointments. Another $60 down the drain.


I'm scrumptious!
Apr 9, 2005
No doubt this was the stupidest thing Lionhead could have done with the ending. I can't even bring myself to finish all the quests and achievements because I'm so furious over the outcome of being good. I can't even finish most of the achievements due to my shops not making any money and well, no shopkeepers.

Oct 30, 2010
I kind of figured out what you have to do, if you are in debt (in the treasury) you need to first put money in there, an easy way is to go to sunset house and go to the talking door he will let you in open the chest inside it contains 1,000,000 gold, go to your treasury and deposite it, then wait a while sleep, and you will also just have to wait in real time, be pacient, hope i helped its working for me i have many people now
May 16, 2008
CH1EFBL1TZ said:
I have the same problem too. The more I think about it the more angry I get. I was saving up money, around 2 mill, and i was at day 121 before the attack. So I thought it wouldn't hurt to go to the throne room, but NOPE, it jumped me to day 1 before attack and all my time waiting to save up 6.5 mill was wasted. Now all my villagers are dead and I have lost complete interest in the game. Lion head REALLY messed up by not putting a warning before you go to the last battle so you would know when to donate your gold to the treasury. I really hope they fix this somehow, DLC our an update that allows people to choose to go back to day 121 or whatever.

You can go back in time. When you are fighting the shadow people in the market go across the bridge and turn left, like you are going to the industrial zone I think and it won't let you go through but it says you can go back in time to before you went to the throne room.
Oct 31, 2010
RoleModelFailure said:
CH1EFBL1TZ said:
I have the same problem too. The more I think about it the more angry I get. I was saving up money, around 2 mill, and i was at day 121 before the attack. So I thought it wouldn't hurt to go to the throne room, but NOPE, it jumped me to day 1 before attack and all my time waiting to save up 6.5 mill was wasted. Now all my villagers are dead and I have lost complete interest in the game. Lion head REALLY messed up by not putting a warning before you go to the last battle so you would know when to donate your gold to the treasury. I really hope they fix this somehow, DLC our an update that allows people to choose to go back to day 121 or whatever.

You can go back in time. When you are fighting the shadow people in the market go across the bridge and turn left, like you are going to the industrial zone I think and it won't let you go through but it says you can go back in time to before you went to the throne room.

yeah, but you can only go back top remake the last decisions you made. it doesn't do anything for you.
Oct 31, 2010
ben210ben said:
this has really anoyed me and i dont want to play it any more its a good game right up untill the end.... plus i agree 121days went stupidly quickly...

i'm saying dude. like, i really didn't have ANYTHING to do for four months. dang, i sure feel productive.


Jun 7, 2010
should a year be 360 days? but ya I was shoked after you do all your quests as king it end game no if and or buts


Nov 2, 2010
GUYS! if like me you got so annoyed at how it jumped to day 1 and you quit during the battle you can go back in time!!.

Admittedly its too late for people who finished the battle but if you didnt when you cross the bridge from bowerstone market head left and you will get an option to go back in time. this will spawn you outside the throne room at day 121.

Im so happy i caught this in time as lionhead f'ed this ending up i was on the verge of going and trading it in today.


Nov 3, 2010
I made the same mistake thinking i would finish one more royal duties day and then save the money and save the people i kept playing the game after everyone was dead and i have just hit the 2 million in the royal treasury and people have just started to reappear some shops have reopened not everthing is as it was but it's definatly a start in a better direction basically don't give up save save save and it'll all be ok! Only thing i would have to say is that after everyone died i was still getting paid rental income and shop income bit weird if everyone's dead.


Nov 3, 2010
I had the same problem. I thought it was becuase I was to kind and kept all the promises. But then I started buying all the houses and repaired them, then all people camed back.


Nov 24, 2010
i made all the right and noble decisions. i kept my promises. and they fought along side with me. lives were lost. it happens. life goes on. but id rather re-establish a kingdom knowing a war was one than win a war and have everyone look down upon me anyways because of all i put them through and for not keeping my promises. i guess either way, people would have died. then again, its just a game. and im still alive.


Dec 20, 2010
I kept all my promises, and ended the game 100% good with 100k in treasure room, everyone was dead, I was mad, but it dosn't stay like that for ever, just make good money and buy all the houses you can and buisnesses put all prices to the highest, and sleep till morning some times eventually people will come back and you will be gaining money fast, today I donated 200k to the treasure room and still have 200k more in my pockets, i know thats not much, but If you buy everything u can get 100k every 5mins, I just dont like ppl in town to be mad at me for high rates or buying all the houses. But dont worry It will get fixed with time, dead bodys wont be on the streets and people will be back to town, other thing I did but im not sure if it worked was to play the guitar my town was empty and3 people arrived.


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
I didn't have any of these problems. Wow. I just saved all the money up, did every thing Good, and when the war came I didn't lose anyone.
Maybe I'm just more patient... [face_thinking]


Aug 13, 2009
0're all mad for what's, for all intent and purposes, your fault? It clearly states how many people will die if you don't save the 6.5 and the whole point of being good in ALL the games is that it takes extra work to be good then it is to take the easy way out and be bad...that's why most of us, who worked at it, saved up the cash, and saved the kingdom still have people around. Plus, there is a giant leap in time from the second to last time period to the 121 days, so what made anyone think that they'd be safe finishing out the last quest in 121? The precedence was set that you could jump to 1. Simple solution? You know you make tons of money in real estate so save it and donate it to 6.5 million! It's not Lionheads fault that you all were WAY too impatient to save the 6.5 million before finishing the game...anyways, the citizens come back so calm down. After all, you only have yourselves to blame.
Jan 2, 2011
I think we all understand the point that being good is harder but if you keep all your promises, you get a pretty big debt so not only do you have to raise the 6.5 million but the money from the debt as well. Even if we are incompetent or impatient, you could make your point without making us feel stupid. This is only directed at the people who insist on being rude rather than being just helpful.
Dec 28, 2010
Agreed. And no need to be jerks about it. Does it really make sense to progress 121 days when before it was going by certainly no more than 100 days per day of kingly duties? I think not. I agree with the fact that lion head ruined what was an amazing game before the end..


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
Sertith said:
I didn't have any of these problems. Wow. I just saved all the money up, did every thing Good, and when the war came I didn't lose anyone.
Maybe I'm just more patient... [face_thinking]
I realize I didn't do everything Good. I totally voted for that whore house [face_mischief]


Nov 22, 2010
:) [hl=darkblue][/hl]all you have to do is sleep for a while and they should come back. you dont have to play the lute:)
Jun 16, 2011
open the demon door at sunsset house for $1000000 put some in the treasury a couple seperate times and buy up houses oh and do the lute job, all the people are back. all shops open, no dead body's, happy,happy now haveing fun.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 24, 2009
Since when is opting for a whore house NOT good?! That was the best damn decision i made in the game!!

And i dont know about the sleeping trick but playing the Lute does work to some extent. I worked in getting about 4 ppl around then it just quit working.


Sep 20, 2013
I just beat the game today. I guess I knew what to expect, because I had over 18 million gold in the treasury, and over 36 million in my personal account. In Fable 2 and 3, I work hard at first, buy up all property, and then I'm set "for life." I fulfilled all promises and saved all citizens. I was shocked at how quickly it skipped to the final battle, but since I already had enough gold and figured I'd be able to finish all other quests and collections after, I wasn't too disappointed. I've spent a long time in the game, taking my time and completing pretty much everything possible before advancing the story line, so I don't feel cheated or rushed. I think what you get out of it depends on what you put into it. The only thing I'd warn people of is NOT to remove the drinking limit. That's kinda gross, but I ignore it and move on.
Oct 24, 2013
I had an AWESOME time with this game. What I don't understand is why people are so worried about making "good" decisions? I made every bad decision going and even stole money from the treasury just before the Darkness arrived, just to make sure most people died. I had a civil war raging in Bowerstone Industrial as I had run up a massive fine which I had not paid off when I became Queen. I carried on attacking and killing the guards every time I came to town and the fine kept going up and up, even though I was Queen! I've tried to keep the population to just me by playing the Lute to entice people out and then slaughtering them. Can't be more than about 6 villagers alive in my world right now.
Apr 2, 2014
Well theres is a way when i played the game. i killed for fun at the begining and i had everyone. second time no one and keeped starting over and over no one in my kingdom why?[face_thinking][face_praying][face_cry]#-o~o)[face_whistling][face_nerd][face_fedora][face_good_luck][face_confused][face_dancing]


Apr 19, 2014
Wooow. I feel such a pro after reading this. I had 10000000 gold in the kingdom bank. I got that by just buying houses for rent from the beginning of the game. Starting by making a 1k with a level 1 Lute solo so i can easinly say that most of u are massive noobs :)
Last edited:


Apr 25, 2014
Yeah... This all happened because you tried to play it like the previous two, where the best results are easily gained whether you're good or evil. I like Fable III almost as much as I like Lost Chapters (and I've put hundreds upon hundreds of hours into Lost Chapters), mainly because there's some actual real morality involved. Seems to me like you guys got all pissy when your actions had real consequences. Come on, it's just a game. Quit taking it so damn seriously and have fun. Come on, am I the only one here who wasn't pissed off when the Crawler slaughtered all of my kingdom? My thoughts when that happened was, "Oh. Oops."

Anyway, I recently finally got around to doing an evil playthrough (as I always do a good and evil playthrough with every Fable), and guess what? Even after breaking all your promises and treating people like shit to get enough money to save everyone, they realize the sacrifices you were making were for their own good and suddenly begin to love you! Yeah, didn't think of that, did you? Without the aid of your own personal finances, evil begets loving subjects and good begets hateful subjects, because, as the game clearly points out, being a good ruler is not about following ideals, but thinking realistically, and realism often dictates you do some unpleasant stuff so that, in the long run, everyone turns out for the better.


Oct 14, 2015
i just transfered $7,000,000 into the treasury to see if people spawn back on gold in fable (figured it`s worth a test, they die on gold in there, why can`t they come back on it?). (on the subject of $$$, buy EVERY shop, even the stalls, in Bowerstone Market and set your prices to 'highest' and i usually get about $24,254. now, i have now houses for rent, (i hate worrying about repairs) but i do have a few other shops. you may make more or less than i do, but it`s still a good trick to do. i left my system on over a few nights (with a WIRED controller) and got RICH!!!!!) Results are back in from the 7,000,000 transfer, and i have more shop keepers, and more people it seems. (note, i`m GOOD at making money, though i didn`t have all the people saved, i did have about 3,000,000 in the treasury at the end game, so i still had a good bit of people saved. it`s been a while since then, so most people are here now. but a few shops without keepers are back now, and it seems like it`s a result of the recent 7,000,000 deposit. if it works for you all, GREAT!!! if not, sorry i couldn`t help. either way, it`s an attempt ;p


Oct 14, 2015
(ps: you CAN get your money back out, BUT...i had my morality up to MAXIMUM good, and when i took my money back, i was at MAXIMUM evil. now EVERYONE hates me and is trash talking now


Oct 14, 2015
(ps: you CAN get your money back out, BUT...i had my morality up to MAXIMUM good, and when i took my money back, i was at MAXIMUM evil. now EVERYONE hates me and is trash talking now wings are black and red not, not white and blue. i changed my character entirley to evil by doing the deposit. BE CAREFUL if you are going to use that method