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Oct 23, 2007
I am curious to hear the opinions of un-bias sports fan.

I love sports games and having year-by-year releases make it tough for games to get completely polished or recreated. They will year after year create the same game with additional features. This is not a bad thing but what I find to be the best sports games is when there is strong competition. Madden is starting to get boring because they eliminated the competition and bought the NFL license. Everyone knew that NFL 2k had madden on its heels. EA also tried to purchase 2k thus eliminating the competition across the board. I wish EA would let up and fight fair and maybe through competition they would greatly improve their sports game. I think they should spend more time making good games like I know they can. I love NBA 2k I have been a fan since they first started making it and they have always had the right mindset to the steps they took to improve the games over the years. But with that said I think Live has greatly influenced a lot of there success. Live has some good things to offer just not this year. It seemed like they made the wrong move this year even though it has potential. I love some of the new things that they brought to the table I just think that kind of change requires more than a year to deliver what could be awesome features. Physics legend mode and other cool things I saw was pretty cool.

On another note I thought elite was actually going to win the war this year with the game since 2010 made a huge improvement. I think they came strong after not making a live 09 and brought some of the right things to compete. After hearing commentary I was sold and thought I would be picking up both games this year. I really do hope EA can get there shit together because they are starting to kill our sports genre with their antics. Just my opinion what do you guys think. Closing if I didn't make some of my points clear is that when most sports games completely win they will start to get boring I use Madden because they don't have games to reference. I hope that NBA Elite releases strong so we can get a change in pace or styles that will keep all the businesses a float for years to come. I also wish t here where more sports giants like other genres. gow cod and all sort of other games that are almost the same but came with change that made them as good as they are. This should have went on another post but let me know. NFL license is getting ready to expire in a year so I hope 2k will again bring light to the football world

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Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Basically, 2k11 has been rated 9.5 and is considered by game reviewers to be not only the best basketball game ever, but the best sports game ever. EA's NBA Elite, on the other hand, has been delayed until the end of March because it's not good enough to be released.


Jun 27, 2010
[blockquote]BallerD23 posted:
Basically, 2k11 has been rated 9.5 and is considered by game reviewers to be not only the best basketball game ever, but the best sports game ever. EA's NBA Elite, on the other hand, has been delayed until the end of March because it's not good enough to be released.
[/blockquote] Basically, you're a homosexual


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
[blockquote]BallerD23 posted:
Basically, 2k11 has been rated 9.5 and is considered by game reviewers to be not only the best basketball game ever, but the best sports game ever. EA's NBA Elite, on the other hand, has been delayed until the end of March because it's not good enough to be released.
[/blockquote] Basically, you're a homosexual

I always know I've won an argument when the other person goes off topic like that [face_peace]

The facts don't like buddy, no matter what your preference it's a fact that 2k is the best representation of the NBA in a game.


Jun 27, 2010
[blockquote]BallerD23 posted:
[blockquote]DUCKS1CKED posted:
[blockquote]BallerD23 posted:
Basically, 2k11 has been rated 9.5 and is considered by game reviewers to be not only the best basketball game ever, but the best sports game ever. EA's NBA Elite, on the other hand, has been delayed until the end of March because it's not good enough to be released.
[/blockquote] Basically, you're a homosexual
[/blockquote] I always know I've won an argument when the other person goes off topic like that The facts don't like buddy, no matter what your preference it's a fact that 2k is the best representation of the NBA in a game.
[/blockquote] EA has better audio..doesn't that represent the NBA?i also like 2K more but you have to understand that some people like EA products more and stop relating it back to yourself, just like Sharp said, 9.5 means nothing seeing as high a rating GTA IV got, some people don't like it...the facts don't lie buddy


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
[blockquote]BallerD23 posted:
[blockquote]DUCKS1CKED posted:
[blockquote]BallerD23 posted:
Basically, 2k11 has been rated 9.5 and is considered by game reviewers to be not only the best basketball game ever, but the best sports game ever. EA's NBA Elite, on the other hand, has been delayed until the end of March because it's not good enough to be released.
[/blockquote] Basically, you're a homosexual
[/blockquote] I always know I've won an argument when the other person goes off topic like that The facts don't like buddy, no matter what your preference it's a fact that 2k is the best representation of the NBA in a game.
[/blockquote] EA has better audio..doesn't that represent the NBA?i also like 2K more but you have to understand that some people like EA products more and stop relating it back to yourself, just like Sharp said, 9.5 means nothing seeing as high a rating GTA IV got, some people don't like it...the facts don't lie buddy

EA has better audio LMAO the commentary on 2k is a lot better and the laker fans were cheering when Boston scored on the Elite demo #-o If you want to get Elite then that's cool lol I'm done trying to reason with fools.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 11, 2005
[blockquote]BallerD23 posted:
[blockquote]DUCKS1CKED posted:
[blockquote]BallerD23 posted:
Basically, 2k11 has been rated 9.5 and is considered by game reviewers to be not only the best basketball game ever, but the best sports game ever. EA's NBA Elite, on the other hand, has been delayed until the end of March because it's not good enough to be released.
[/blockquote] Basically, you're a homosexual
[/blockquote] I always know I've won an argument when the other person goes off topic like that The facts don't like buddy, no matter what your preference it's a fact that 2k is the best representation of the NBA in a game.
[/blockquote] EA has better audio..doesn't that represent the NBA?i also like 2K more but you have to understand that some people like EA products more and stop relating it back to yourself, just like Sharp said, 9.5 means nothing seeing as high a rating GTA IV got, some people don't like it...the facts don't lie buddy

Get the s**t out of your ears and put the **** back in your mouth DUCKSICKER. ELITE sucks and so does EA


Jun 27, 2010
you mad?

and btw i'm not an elite fanboy lol, i get 2k every just saying..a 9.5 has nothing to do with nba elite 11
Oct 3, 2010
I agree With the post without competition the games will not evolve !!! In the last 17 years I have Played video games on PC, SEGA Dreamcast , SEGA Master System, SEGA Genesis, SEGA Saturn, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, SONY Playstation One, SONY Playstation 2, SONY Playstation 3, Neo-Geo, Microsoft XBOX, Microsoft XBOX 360. And in All my Years the games Evolved When the companies had competition. When EA started Buying other Developers I Seen a big Drop in the evolving of Games. I am not trying to Bash EA on here because at the core They are a Dam good company, But if you own the Major Developers you Must put Out the Best Games ever year and so far they have not. I remember when they not to long ago tried to Buy out Rockstar and they Said "hell no are games are great why should we sell to you when we make great games". And in closing if theirs no competition in the game industry it will be like no teams from different citys in sports. Just think about it, would u watch basketball if all season only the Lakers and Celtics played each other are if the Saints and Colts played each other all Football season long ? I would not !


Oct 23, 2007
Thankyou that was what the topic of the discussion was suppose to be about. EA strategy hasn't been about the quality of games imo. I think it is all about owning the industry and monopolizing the gaming industry. I believe isomotion strongly influences the controls in 2k and presentation since EA is pretty strong there. It just seems like they are not the visionaries they use to be. Maybe they are trying to make a good product maybe everything is starting to look the same. Thankyou for your feedback. I think games are not as good as they use to just like horror movies maybe we have seen it all.


Oct 4, 2010
I'll say this, EA sports revolutionized basketball games when they came out with nbalive95. That was the first time a basketball game had some kind of fluidity to the players and gameplay, instead of robotic, automated movements.

Unfortunately, and maybe it was because EA sports had no competition, but they managed to follow up nbalive95 with a crappier version of it every year until it got so bad, so unplayable, that people like me had to find an alternative. Luckily segasports came out with the 2k series and the rest is history.

I guess the best way to describe NBAlive is like this: the great thing about jellybellys is that each color/jellybean actually has a distinct unique flavor/color. That's what makes it so great. NBAlive is like those jellybeans that are all different colors but has only flavor: sugar.

It didn't matter if it was kobe, mcgrady, carter, etc. they all played the same way, just different uniforms and facial features (kinda). It was boring. it was unrealistic. it was ridiculous, in a very bad way.

NBA 2k realized that sports gamers WANT realism, they WANT kobe to shoot like kobe and not mcgrady. They realized that, in real life, basketball consists of more than just dunks and generic crossovers; 2k offered realistic gameplay, player movements, player features, and overall game experience.

You know when you have a great sports game? It's when someone who doesn't play sports games looks at the game and thinks, just for a second, that it's a real life game. Not because the graphics are insane, but because the little digital guys on the screen have human-like movement, the gameplay shows teams running plays, setting picks, etc. I want to say that 2k10 was almost a great sports game, but 2k11 clearly looks like the real deal.

without even comparing it to NBA2k11, NBAElite is a third tier game. It just looks bad. It plays bad. It plain ol' stinks.

This is the year that nba2k takes over.


Oct 23, 2007
I agree I feel like to adopt new things they are trying to bring they need to come correct. Instead of throwing these titles trying all sorts of new things. Atleast Nba 2k has been honing what needs to be fixed to make a solid game. Game physics is no joke especially with a physical game like basketball. If you accomplish it people will love it. It just has to play better. Legendary mode is a copycat of my player but I like that twist to it. I hate that they are failing due to not making something great then change the game once you have a solid foundation. NBA 2k listens to the people which is why they are successful they know how to wing things that they cant accomplish for the future.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 3, 2006
NA elite is just fuggin crap in a box!!!! its a slap to the face for every gamer out there. If EA didn't have the rights to football, the same thing would be going on on the Madden side.

WHo every heard of pushing your basketball game back untill march??? the friggin season is over in April!!! NBA Elite is a Joke and they know it! Time for EA to cut there losses and get back to making those Sims ghames!
Mar 4, 2010
your opinions are strong and very true i think EA sports has become such a huge company that they think they can buy there way to the top but that is not how it works for many years i thought they were #1 until 2K came out in 05 with espn football that blew everyone away and for only $19.99 ea quicky snatched up the rights to the NFL i still think there top dog in hockey,golf, and boxing but Football & Basketball they suck u know it i know it its just sad when these "rights" expire if EA wins again i will no longer purchase Madden that ive bought since 1991 i think not one company should have rights in sports games Developers all should have a fair shot at creating the next best experience please disreguard the horrible spelling but im at work and typing way to fast NBA2K11 and NHL 11 are the best sports games to date tiger isnt to far behind and thats all i got
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