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Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2010
New name, new game, understandable. However, I thought Live 10 was definitely heading in the right direction and I found myself still playing it like even a month ago. Now there's Elite 11 and I understand it's suppose to be "skill-based," but the shots are weird as hell. Even the graphics seem to of somehow gotten worst. I'm hoping EA is able to turn this into almost a completely new game come March, because I been buying both games since 2008 (i know, not long ago) but it was almost becoming like a tradition to me, go out and get 2k and Live, see what i like/dislike about 2k and then see what i like/dislike about Live and then play those games for specific reasons.

Example, I mainly played Live 10 because the dribbling was WAY better, the controls responded quite well, just seemed like a real polished game. I also liked the Intervention Simulation feature in their Dynasty mode. Obviously, I liked NBA 2K10 for its My Player Mode and their Association Mode since I could create my upcoming draftees. I figure that even if Elite 11 winds up being bad, if i skip a few years from buying it, maybe in 2012 it'll start competing with 2k again, because they definitely took a step backwards this year, but if they can fix the graphics and add some more features to the gameplay, the game could be pretty solid come that time.

-TeeJ {Live/2k fan, Elite.....we'll see}
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