
Not a mod
Aug 20, 2001

Damn this looks good :D

EDIT: More details -
Apr 27, 2008
**** YES! I so can't wait.

"The unthinkable becomes reality and Nod's enigmatic leader Kane takes off for GDI headquarters."

3 words: It's a trap!

[Watch the profanity, mkay? --that1guy64]


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 17, 2003



Almost Not a Noob
Jul 25, 2004
I didn't like them because it took away the fun and challenge of completing missions on your own. Having to play with a co-commander was annoying because you couldn't just focus on your things, your units, base, etc. It got old after a while, and I prefer doing things on my own.


Jan 8, 2008
Hmmm, personally I can't wait for this as RA3 was a massive disappointment for me. But ah well, it wasn't bad.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 25, 2004
New details emerged today, credit to PlanetCNC for posting them:

A slew of new C&C4 details, straight from German gaming magazine, GameStar, have been posted over at CnC-Inside. Here's the important stuff:

* Firestorm/C&C3-style parallel campaigns.
* The Scrin play a role in the story.
* GDI will have their "clean slate desecrated."
* You will play a renegade who fights against both "Kane and his GDI allies".
* The Obelisk of Light is in the game. Furthermore, Nod defenses can be burrowed.
* GDI Support players can use the Ion Cannon.
* No navy.
* EALA are not using GameSpy for their online service in this game, but instead they will be using their own system.
* There will be some form of clan support.
* Dynamic music returns from C&C3 and RA3; unlike C&C3, however, each faction will have unique musical themes. GDI will have militaristic/orchestral music, while Nod will have techno/religious choirs.
* Crawler upgrades are not persistent.
* Tiberium is collected from the "Core Network" using rigs that merge with outlets.
Apr 27, 2008
That's pretty cool about burrowing defenses, and really col about faction musical themes, but doesn't GDI have their "clean slate destoryed" every game?

What with Nod always ruining their reputation in missions and all.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 25, 2004
From PlanetCNC:

New info from the screenies, courtesy of CnC-Inside
-There will be Tiberium crystals for visual purposes
-The shown interface is an early version
-All upgrades have visual implications
-Mammoth tank is back along with the Mastodon, a new version of the Mammoth walker
-Engineers are able to repair vehicles
-Seemingly, Nod employs a multitude of cyborgs again


Jeremy Feasel also delivered some bad news on the Official Forums:

Q: Is there a population cap? What are the numbers (X/100) seen above the units on the UI?

A: The numbers shown above the units tab indeed represent a population cap. In C&C4, players are limited in the number of units they can make by Command Points, which allows the player to make smart decisions about which units they want to produce depending on the current state of the battlefield and limits single-unit spam and snowballing of attack power.

Feasel also said that C&C4 will feature classic, treaded Mammoths as well as the Mk2 walker, which is now named the "Mastodon". Crawlers currently have 20 second respawn times, and they can gain veterancy. You can check out his full post here.



No Longer a Noob
Oct 13, 2002
lloks like fun, but let me know when someone cracks it so a constant internet connection isn't needed.


Angel of Death
Jun 17, 2004
After watching the trailer a few times, and trying to figure out what the orb is, I don't know, but is anyone else thinking Tacticus? (sp?) I don't know it just kind of feels like thats what that looks like. Just my thought sorry for intruding on the info sharing.

By the way, thanks to the guys who have been posting info, I have been curious about some stuff from C&C4.
Apr 27, 2008
dta2us said:
After watching the trailer a few times, and trying to figure out what the orb is, I don't know, but is anyone else thinking Tacticus? (sp?) I don't know it just kind of feels like thats what that looks like. Just my thought sorry for intruding on the info sharing.

By the way, thanks to the guys who have been posting info, I have been curious about some stuff from C&C4.

It's obviously the Tacitus. What he plans to do with it is a whole 'nother thing.


Jan 8, 2008
#-o Unit cap!?!?!?
I thought that was only for consoles because they couldn't handle the amount of units. If they do introduce it into the skirmishes I hope there's an option to change the amount of units that you can have.

Btw stand over a microwave for a while and you'll have glowing orbs too! [face_mischief] [face_cry]


Jul 10, 2007
[face_hypnotized] When I think c&c4, I visualize, a man running thorough a minefield, with a bag of money on the other end. That man incidently does not care how many mines he hits as long as he gets the bag.

Yep, the whole idea seems like yet anoter money-[face_cow]-operation-while-messing-up-a-good-franchise.

The devs add generally good ideas, but acctually getting them to work right is another thing altogether.
Crawlers, unit cap, online XP grinding, ecs. they Could be great, however it sure moves the gameplay away from what the core gameplay of the franchise is.

To comment further, more info is needed.

One thing I am sure of is, I'm plannig to play this to see the story "end", altho EA said it won't be the last game in the Tiberium universe...well you get the idea->more[face_cow][face_money_eyes]


Jan 8, 2008
You have a point, it would be a huge shame if this game was a flop like NFS: Prostreet in the NFS series. But finally their getting back to the Strategy root of computers only. :D I mean, you can't play a strategy game like C&C without a keyboard & mouse. Sorry but no matter what anyone says keyboard & mouse beats a gamepad in RTS & Strategy games.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 25, 2004
Posted at PlanetCNC:

Another round of PC gaming magazines have hit shelves worldwide, ushering in more C&C4 previews.

Zaptagious (formerly Tesla7zap) has posted up the details from the Swedish edition of PC Gamer. Here's his summary:

? Resource system not yet decided, although there will be NO harvesting.
? Started to work on it after Tiberium Wars.
? New dynamic system called "Strategic Environment", accommodates the game to make it fun and challenging regardless the level your gamer profile is.
? Samuel Bass admits the multiplayer system and online browser has been pretty bad and that it's been too complicated to get into matches. A completely new matchbrowser with bigger possibilities and constant chat windows will be included.
? The player will be more involved and present in the games FMV movies; The camera will be an entity in the world.
? Decisions made in the campaign will be harder to make to create a more memorable story. (This leads me to believe that depending on what you do, different things will happen story wise, like in TW if you did or didn't launch the Tiberium bomb in the last GDI mission)
? They ask about Frank Klepacki but they can't answer that right now, but they say they have exciting plans on how it will be controlled. (If they didn't have him in they could've just say so, but since they can't talk about it it seems like they have at least thought about it.)
? They want to keep down the system requirements (Blizzard style ).

The UK edition of PC Gamer also hit shelves recently, and RoXor managed to get some scans online. However, there's not a whole lot of new information, so if you don't want to read through the whole article, here are the basics:

? The game opens in 2062, but actually takes place around 15 years later, in a semi-repaired Earth.
? The GDI campaign will be more action-orientated, faster-paced, and it's called "The Man Who Killed Kane".
? The Nod campaign will be more more nuanced, with a lot more depth - it's the campaign that's going to be most geared to the fanbase. It's called "All Things Must End".
? Sam Bass says "we're trying to cast characters who can really play the characters, as opposed to just be famous, and thus get us attention".
? GDI use a command ship known as the Global Stratospheric Transport.
? One gametype is known as "Domination", and much as you'd expect, it requires one team to control all the capture points to win.


Jul 10, 2007
"The Man Who Killed Kane" #-o

MAN THE HARPOONS, IT'S A [image=]!!!

I mean, seriously how many FlyingSpaghettiMonster damned times we need to kill this guy[face_confused]


Mar 24, 2009
Well there are one preorder that i ran into so far, even though its way early for any type of specials but this is a good place to start hearing some news.

Over at the offical website ( (which redirects you to gamestop, you can get if you reserve online:

Reserve Command and Conquer 4 and receive:

* Command & Conquer 4 Original Soundtrack - Experience the soundtrack to the final chapter of the Tiberium saga, performed by the London Philharmonic!
* Exclusive Access to Bonus Single Player Mission - Battle it out in an exclusive prequel mission that leads into the main storyline of Command & Conquer 4!
* Autographed Headshot of actor Joe “Kane” Kucan - Get an autographed photo, available exclusively through GameStop Online!

* Reserve Command and Conquer 4 and receive access to the 5 vs. 5 multiplayer beta.