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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]EA Accidentally Announces Command & Conquer 4[/link]
by IGN Staff

In the latest in a series of pre-mature proclamations, EA's UK PR team let slip that Command & Conquer 4 is currently under development. The news and links to an as-yet unavailable press release was discovered on the team's protected <a href="" target=_new><b>Twitter page</a></b> earlier today. Though many gamers had been expecting such an announcement, based not only on the strength of the franchise but also some recent surveys by EA, this mention on Twitter seems to be a bit ahead of schedule. Or maybe that's just what they want us to think.
[link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 25, 2004
Good timing, as I was just about to post this message I got from EA's official C & C newsletter:

It was on August 31, 1995 when the Command & Conquer franchise was introduced to the world with Tiberian Dawn and propelled the real-time-strategy genre in to the hearts of each and every one of YOU. Now, Command & Conquer fans, after 14 years, and 18 games across the Red Alert, Generals, and Tiberian universe, someone very near and dear to the heart of the C&C franchise will soon have a message for you, to be communicated world-wide in "early July". Make sure to bookmark, as this person will drop his message at just the right time.
Aug 21, 2008
I just wish they hadn't ruined Red Alert by making it so cartoonish and campy. If you play Red Alert 1, it is much more serious and dark. RA:2 and RA:3 were like something out of a comic book.

I think I'd rather have a C&C: Generals 2 than C&C: 4, but C&C: 3 was pretty good.
Mar 19, 2007
you may disagree with me but I always preferred the red alert series than tiberium and generals, Since C&C4 is announced i am quite intrested on what they'll might show
Apr 29, 2003
Well based on the questions of the demo. I would not be surprised if it's a RTS/MMO style came set in the tiberium universe.


Mar 2, 2005
I expect it to follow Tiberium Wars's huge open-ending plot hole at the end of the Scrin campaign. I thought it would have led to the expansion, but they did Kane's wrath instead.


Sep 9, 2003
gelowanimator said:
you may disagree with me but I always preferred the red alert series than tiberium and generals
I am with you (exept maybe for generals) but the Tiberium side of the franchise has allready been getting more of the humourous/overtop touch (Kane's Wrath for exemple) so I'm not worried about the direction they are going to give to this new installement
but I really wish they changed more the gameplay that really feels dated when looking at Relic's title for exemple

ps: by the way, since they're technically what's left of Westwood, can't they make a new Land of Lore ?
May 15, 2007
I'm not a fan of how they took the series in C&C3. Tiberium Sun and Red Alert 2 were spectacular efforts that I still play to this day every now and then.

But C&C3 and the new Red Alert changed focus to the more "fast paced" RTS games that rarely lasted more than half an hour. I like to take my time with those games and think about strategy, not just worry about tactics.


Mar 20, 2008
I thought C&C 3 was ok. But I really enjoyed RA3, especially the co op mode, playing that with my buddy was a blast.


Feb 19, 2009
I really enjoyed C&C 3 Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath - far superior to RA3.

I hope that this is indeed C&C 4 set within the tiberium storyline.

Id like more of a feel of the original 1995 C&C with vastly improved graphics. And Kane has to be in it!
Aug 30, 2008
God. I absolutely hate. /Despise/ EA for what they did to RA3. Adding in Japan was bad enough with that Empire crap, but now we throw in Scantily clad Generals?

God how I wish they could just go back to the storyline of the first two Red Alerts, even though that won't happen since technicaly RA2 never happened with the whole time travel-ness.
Apr 29, 2003
f_drake said:
Id like more of a feel of the original 1995 C&C with vastly improved graphics. And Kane has to be in it!

I would have to guess that Kane will be the one breaking the news "officially"

Quote from the C&C news letter.

"Now, Command & Conquer fans, after 14 years, and 18 games across the Red Alert, Generals, and Tiberian universe, someone very near and dear to the heart of the C&C franchise will soon have a message for you, to be communicated world-wide in "early July"."


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 15, 2002
f_drake: Are you taking medication for that mental handicap? C&C 3 stands as the second worst C&C game, rush mammoths/end, that is how you win every game.

Rush with the big units.

They took the original game, and somehow dumbed it down while adding micromanagement.

If ever EA failed utterly to produce something worthwhile, that was the moment.

FlipsideKill: They got it almost entirely right, they streamlined and evolved things instead of going in reverse as they did with C&C 3, and granted, they butchered Tanya into a T&A raccoon-eyed porn model, but that's a quibble above all else. The Empire of the Rising Sun was a complete failure, true, it being the least popular side has a logical side after all, it sucks, is gimmicky, and is an afterthought.

Though I did love the Emperor, but who can't love Sulu?

I think this is a great opportunity, EA LA does learn from it's mistakes, they dropped a POS BfME, and the sequel was excellent if flawed, they put out C&C 3, wonderful B-movie acting intertwined with some of the dumbest, most asinine gameplay this side of Hello Kitty Island Adventure, and then they put out another game in the series with greatly evolved gameplay and tighter, more responsive everything else.

So the question is, will this actually be a great game? If it's Generals 2, it will of course be a horrible game because it will fill the political story with obnoxious jingoism ala CoD4, if not, it has an honest shot.


Feb 19, 2009
Revrant: I enjoyed both campaigns in C&C3 (not counting the aliens) - imo its classic C&C gameplay (although granted, not as good as the originals).

I have to agree with FlipsideKill on RA3 - I was really looking forward to it when it was announced but when I actually played it I was very dissapointed - they took the 'over the top' aspect way too far for my taste. I think a C&C game should stick with 2 campaigns - RA3 was a mess and an insult to its predecessors.

I do agree with you on Generals tho - never liked it.


Prime Member
Oct 22, 2005
i agree with you as well f_drake.

ra2+xp was 20 times better then ra3 imo. the game play, story line, and over all units lacked a great deal.

but i hope in c&c 4 they leave it as is, add a few new modes. a few new concepts nothing out there that sorta blows.
Sep 11, 2008
i liked all the c&C's except RE3. looked way to cartoony for me. and it was just weird going back to standard C&C gameplay especially the gameplay for C&C3 was way different. i loved generals too but that game had way to many bugs. and the current patches didnt fix much in my opinion.


Jun 23, 2008
I wish they'd go back to a Tiberium Sun and Red ALert 2 for those respective Franchises. The most recent versions of those were fun but lacked something that really made them special. Wether it was the large varity of Weapons and Combinations found in RA2 (it was almost always worth getting a spy into bases and if possible caputuring a construction yard just to get access to some powerful combinations) or the game play or Tiberium Sun they just had something special about them. I felt like the newest versions were stripped down drastically which took a lot of the fun out of it. What reason was there to really tech up or turtle and build an awesome base to mount an attack from in those versions?

I just wanna see a game that gives me a reason to come back night after night, build and tech up, just to have an epic battle with crazy super weapons and units. Oh and not to mention more then one epic Unit!!! Cyborg Commando anyone?
Sep 30, 2008
I love the command and Conquer games and I always return to play them every so often because of how great and addictive they are but please do us a favour EA an dont reapet the mechenics and flaws of red alert 3. Its the only game in the series I have failed to enjoy.

Otherwise I look foward to this and hearing more details about the game because I know you guys just cant keep those secret