Sep 7, 2003
Kakariko Village, New York
This game, aside from pretty graphics, fun shoot outs and a vast late 19th century world to endlessly explore, is garbage.

What could be fun to play is over shadowed and ruined by some of the game’s core mechanics. This issue in particular, acts as a hub, in which it effects every positive aspect of the game. You cannot committ crimes, from robbing a bank to murder to bumping into a pedestrian on the sidewalk, without having a bounty set and the law stalking and oppressing your every damn move. You cannot explore and enjoy the actual game due to being hounded by deputies. I’ve spent over 1500$ in clearing bounties all across the map.

The bandana is absolutely for fashion, as it does nothing else. Despite the in game description for it, you are identified the second you even think of committing a small crime, and your honor meter fluctuates as well. In RDR1, the bandana allowed you to commit crimes without having to suffer, not in its illustrious and grand sequel!

The amount of time I’ve played outside of the story has been dedicated to evading bountymen and paying bounties. I suggest rethinking if you plan on buying this absolute let down of a game.
Sep 7, 2003
Kakariko Village, New York
Good to hear some differing opinions, sad you didn't enjoy the game though. From what I've seen and played (friend's copy) it was really fun.

It is fun. But not worth the money fun.

Robbing trains, sticking people up, committing crimes for loot is all rendered pointless. It’s a huge part of the game that you really can’t enjoy. If you rob a train, you will pay triple of what you stole in bounty fees. It’s a major flaw that R* didn’t think thru and perfect. It’s a crime game where you’re penalized for committing crimes.


No Longer a Noob
May 15, 2004
Good to hear some differing opinions, sad you didn't enjoy the game though. From what I've seen and played (friend's copy) it was really fun.

It is fun. But not worth the money fun.

Robbing trains, sticking people up, committing crimes for loot is all rendered pointless. It’s a huge part of the game that you really can’t enjoy. If you rob a train, you will pay triple of what you stole in bounty fees. It’s a major flaw that R* didn’t think thru and perfect. It’s a crime game where you’re penalized for committing crimes.
I am 30%through the game and have only had 2 bounties on me so far


Nov 16, 2018
I cant even...

I've played a lot of open world games but I really feel I'm missing something here. I'm in Chapter 2 and can't really figure out what to do! The only thing left on my map is to go down and get Javier Escualla - I guess I've done all of the other missions, the gunslingers, etc. Where are all of the missions - I'm used to having a variety of things to do and I can't figure out what it is, other than hunting for animal skins.

I go into empty houses, usually nothing to loot there. I can just randomly rob people I guess. I went to the house south of Rhodes that the convict told me about and killed a guy who was kind of mean to his son - that really didn't feel like much fun. I've helped some people out. Seen the 'entertainment.' It's a beautiful game, but I'm really not having much fun. I don't mind playing an outlaw but the game punishes you for being bad.

Seemed like there was a lot more to do in GTA V. Can anyone give me some guidance/ideas here? I feel like a moron, almost everyone talks about this being the best game ever, really? I was having a lot more fun w/Far Cry 5 (but got bored fairly quickly) and State of Decay 2. Anyone?


Jul 3, 2019
I'm having a hard time getting started. I'm not a controller wizard and I seem to spend a lot of time remembering what buttons to push for what (on PS4). No problems with Fallout 4 as the controls seemed natural and instinctive. I also can't seem to get it to switch to 1st person during the tutorial shooting parts. I was hoping RDD2 would be a good open world follow up after Fallout. Maybe I just need to give it some more time. Now if I can just shoot those wolves from horseback in 3rd person.....