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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Digimon World Championship Review[/link]
by Jack DeVries

For better or worse, I like the Digimon video game series. The two Nintendo DS iterations have been pretty solid RPGs and I was somewhat hopeful when Bandai Namco announced they were taking the series in a totally new direction. Digimon World Championship proclaims itself as a "new Digimon revolution" on the back of the box. In this case, "revolution" means "Hey we took your franchise and murdered it. Here play with the corpse, kids!" [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Aug 14, 2008
digimon... wasnt that the pokemon spin-off from like, five years ago and no one paid attention to it? they're coming out with a game now?!?!
Jan 24, 2006
This game should not received a 4.5 score rating.. Yes there are no story or a avatar that represent yourself as a tamer.. but this game take you back to the good old day of Digimon V-Tamer(etc) and Digimon World for the PS without storyline and a avatar that represent yourself... It could have been Digimon World 1 ported from the PS to NDS but hey.. at least Bandai is doing something different... (Pokemon)
Sep 3, 2003
Wow, I LOLed hard at this review. It's almost a good thing crap games like this roll around from time to time, because they sure make good reading material. And Digi-fans, you don't have to defend this game just because you like the wouldn't be the first underachieving game in the series, and I doubt it will be the last. You've had some good ones; just go play those instead of defending this. You needn't insult the reviewer just because the game is a disappointment.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 26, 2007
I think I'll get championship, despite critisim. It sounds like a fun especially after playin Data squad, and DW4 I don't see how you'd go wrong.
Aug 4, 2008
I will probably purchase this one because this is actually what I've been looking for in a Digimon game for a long time. I like the randomness of it and the time needed to be spent. Are we all forgetting that without guides Digimon World is pretty random? I think that the training and battling will be fun and it will be easier than tending to a V Pet because I can actually turn it off when I'm done with it. This is the kind of game for a person that doesn't really spend as much time on games anymore obsessively.
May 7, 2002
MagicWizard, I'm sorry to inform you, but this game is not as the Reviewer says it is. It's a very good game! Yes, I'm a big Digimon fan, but this game is just that good. It's really like the a glorified V-pet, which was what Digimon was at first. So, if anything, this is really the first game to emulate something so close to the core of the Digimon spirit.

I really can't agree with the immaturity of the reviewer, just throwing out obscenities every which way possible. I demand that a Re-Review be made using a different person, only when they have played enough of the game to really go over everything. This review has shown me nothing about what the game really is, and I know a good deal about this game.

That said, everyone should look at the reader reviews in the meantime.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Digimon is not a spinoff of Pokemon nor a ripoff considering it came out first.... They've been coming out with games for years now and the fifth season ended a few months ago in the U.S.

Anyway, looks like I won't be getting this one.


Jul 27, 2008
Let me make somethin clear. bangbang9083, your wrong. Digimon Data Squard is still on in the U.S as far as I know. As of this typing there should be at least seven more episodes left in the season to air.
Dec 27, 2006
i love how IGN has like a million previews and hands-on (read: ads) for this game and how fun it's shaping up.... - and then they drop a 4.5 on it. maybe they need to do more research while they're NOT dropping a deuce.
Dec 18, 2007
I can tell just by watching the video that this game sucks. watch the whale thing do an epic sort of flop! whoa! digi-cool!

but seriously, are there still digimon fans?


Oct 29, 2007
A game with 16-bit graphics running on a 64-bit machine having slow downs? Wow. That's pathetic. Even for the DS.

The franchise just needs to die. It went stale after 2002.


Jun 30, 2008
Uh, yes. There are still fans. Such as myself. XD
The franchise DID die, but apparently not in Japan. Personally, I like this game for the fact that it gives that nostalgic feeling of the original V-Pets. Thats exactly what this game is aiming to do, but with more features. It appears to be the sort of game that you just pick up now and then to play, but thats how the handhelds were in the first place, random pooping and all. The unknown requirements are still there from the handhelds, too. To me, it works exactly as I had hoped.
As a fan, I myself would rate it an 8.5 instead of a lower score like the one in this review.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 24, 2005
This isn't that bad of a game. It's not the best, but it definately didn't deserve a 4.5. From what I understand, it harkens back to the old PS digimon days. The fact that the reviewer thinks this is a "new directon" tells me he hasn't played the old games.

At any rate, if you go into this expecting gameplay like the RPGs, you're going to be disappointed.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 24, 2005
Also, Pokemon did come out first and Digimon was released a year later. However, they're not even related as Digimon first started out as a tamogotchi like device.

So Digimon is in no way a "rip off" of Pokemon


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 26, 2007
On second thought, I'm not going to get it. I read reviews and the game dosent sound like fun. If I wanted to play a tomagachi like digimon game I would've bought the V-pets, or play with the Digivices I have upstairs.
Sep 1, 2005
Unknown requirements are unknown for a reason. I mean, look at the pokeball in pokemon. No one really knew much about it, until some mathmatical information popped up. Equations based on how pokeballs catch pokemon.

"The franchise DID die, but apparently not in Japan."
It did die, but it seems that it was temporary, with the new 'Digimon Savers' and all that.

It doesn't seem all that bad, I mean, they started off as nothing more than virtual pets, this is just like some sort of tribute to the old days. Sure there's a lot that they can do, but it doesn't seem like it'd happen.

I mean, I'm hoping for a nice digimon world based off of digimon world 3, but that'll NEVER happen. I mean, heck, why not an online digimon game based off of world 3? Create the ultimate digimon team in an actual online world, which was pretty much the goal of DMW3. The digimon online game that is out in korea was based off of season 3, sure it was nice, and that I love guilmon, but still...
Jun 12, 2005
"It did die, but it seems that it was temporary, with the new 'Digimon Savers' and all that."

Um, no it didn't. Digimon is much more popular in Japan than in America, since they still make Digimon V-Pets and other things. The merchandise are more popular than the anime, although Digimon Savers had some solid ratings when it aired. It did much better than Frontier, so I hope it means we'll see a season 6.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 26, 2007
Wasn't there said to be a Digimon MMORPG called Digimon World Online for the PS3? I remember reading about that on Wikipedia.

(goes to look)

can't find it. guess it got cancelled or there's something I'm missing.


Jun 18, 2007
hm, let's see. you're a Trai- sorry, a Tamer who captures monsters and levels them up so that they can fight in battles and eventually level up to evolve into better monsters.

nope, can't see the resemblance to pokemon
Jan 11, 2006
This review has a lot of things wrong with it.
It isn't actually a part of the Digimon World series, so slamming it for being a virtual pet game is the dumbest thing you can do.

You've clearly never played any Digimon games other than the DS ones. Get your facts straight before slamming a game series you moron.


Jan 8, 2010
I like the game, but... well... IT SUCKS. You can't even sell ANYTHING but Digimon, and even then, the money you get is NOT worth it. How nice was it that I worked hard for that Vademon, but now it can't digivolve? What? This is ridiculous. I can train a DOG better than these Digi-CRETINS.