
Mar 25, 2011
Hey all,
I've been noticing that this is a problem that a few people have been having.
I'm currently in China, where I have just completed the "bar tab" side mission by paying the bartender the years worth of credits. As I'm leaving the Hive, heading to the tram to further the story my game crashes/freezes.
I've tried the logical solutions, loading a different save, un-installing/re-installing the game memory and just simply not heading directly for the tram but unfortunately the game always crashes.
Has anyone else had this problem on PS3, what did you do to fix it?
Thanks in advance... I'm dying to get back to the game!


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Played PC version without issue so can't help by testing. What entrance did you go thru? There is one in the bathroom...maybe that helps. Also did you just do the BAR TAB mission or complete everything in the Hive? Try spying on Tracer Tong in the basement or something else that will push the story further...maybe it gets you past the stuck spot.

Lastly on 360 I know you can load the game completely onto the Hard Drive. That tends to fix game problems with freezing/crashing. If PS3 can do the same, try it.


Mar 25, 2011
Thanks for the response but I have completed everything at the Hive and the way I exit out of the club makes no difference.
I've tried re-installing the disk to no avail. I also hope this doesn't mess up my bonus expansion pack in which I downloaded.
Perhaps I can just skip the mission, because I tried to go to the tram without returning to see the bartender and it worked but I'd like to complete the game with that mission complete.
I'll keep on trying but any advice would be appreciated.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
I bet it's some sort of glitch with a mission earlier in the game (similar to the one that creates dead bodies from knocked out enemies). If you have a save history (like before you enter Heng Sha), you can try and replay the area to enter TYM from there.