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Sep 21, 2007
i have that problem constantly. since he may not be able to pick up the average tree just use a fire miracle on one and once the tree gets to about 100 wood extinguish it with a water miracle. keep it inside his pen and have him work out with it constantly. once he gets to 10% muscle, do the same with with another tree and stop it at 150-200. repeat this pattern until his muscle is at 100%, let him go and change all his "always wil do lessons to occasionsionally will do and move anything else to never. And while doing that exceedingly long muscle makers proccess, give him breaks to play with toys and sometimes sleep, reward him for lifting trees and he'll be pretty daggone strong.

and by the way, when you decrease from always to sometimes don't change weightlifting trees unless it is not on always, if it is, keep it there


Mar 20, 2008
Creatures can lift much heavier weights when you give the weigh to him. he can carry a tree he can't pick up
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