
Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2012
This game doesn't deserve to be called a sequel.


Go back to GTA. Seriously, that's what made that series shit too. San Andreas, a game full of customization, a lengthy story, lots of fun things to do ruined. GTA 4 comes out, BUT WE GOTS COOL GRAPHICS AND NICE GAME PLAYZ. Yeah, so to all of you idiots saying all that, don't even bother replying. You're the same reason the GTA series is not fun anymore either. Losers...

SR1 and SR2. Filled of customization. A game, where you could make yourself, and do whatever the hell you wanted to. Sure, the graphics weren't amazing. The gameplay was alright. But with all the stuff you can do, how you could make yourself look, the story line, the character development in a JOKE game great.

SR3 comes out. This is EXACTLY what happened to GTA. This is why I laugh at THQ when they parody Rockstar in the [YOU COULD GO BOWLING, OR YOU COULD DO THIS trailer.]. Hell, GTA 4 allowed me to do a bit more. Maybe it was realistic and boring, but there were different options. The characters? Not as strong as SR2. -SPOILERS COMING UP- In SR2 when Carlos dies, I felt, I need to get revenge. When Gat dies it's just RIGHT AT THE START, no time to get some more development with Gat.

So, you get to the Morningstar leader, and guess what?! He's killed in like.. 30 minutes into the game? Are you shitting me? And then we forget about Gat. Let's just move right onto LOOK KILLBANE, AND NOW STRONGER SECURITY, AND OMGAWD. Rushed story, complete shit. Immature jokes which is fine, to an extent.

Character Development? God, they killed characters off like it's nothing. I can't even get to tell if this character may be good or bad, because they kill them off too fast. I feel nothing for them. You see the auto tuned slave/pimp, once? Yet on the advertisment he's plastered onto it. Just how there's a whole bunch of clothing and hair options plastered on the advertisments, but they lack in the actual game.

And the DLC is shit. Go ahead, say I'm wrong. I shouldn't have to pay money for things that could've been in the game.

Just..ugh. I could go on forever of why this game shouldn't be called SAINTS ROW THREE.


Almost Not a Noob
May 14, 2010
Honestly I really didn't like SR3. Ok its true, it had awesome graphics. But they took alot of things away. Alot of the side diversions were gone. Like on SR2 if you hopped in an ambulance or firetruck you'd get a mini game for it! Where's my mini-games! Also, I didn't really like the environment: Pedestrians barely interact like how they did on SR2 &There are no pimps! [face_not_talking] Pimps were just like a gang if you messed with them. [face_tongue] And the soundtrack on SR3 just sucked to me[face_frustrated]


Jun 16, 2005
I bought Sains 3 and got the free digital version of Saints 2. Played saints 3 first and i loved it, well until I became invincible. Months later I decided I would try out Saints 2, not expecting much because I assumed 3 was better since it was newer.

I was wrong, Saints 2 is a much better game IMO. I'm still playing Saints 2, a lot more to do in it.


No Longer a Noob
May 6, 2009
I had fun with 3 but it deff lacked the replay value of the first 2 games. There were some really enjoyable things about sr3 but in the end the story was a disappointment and the new city was a disappointment


Jul 24, 2012
SRTT just wasn't "alive" like SR2 was.

There's no random pedestrian brawls out on the streets. They just stand around. They NEVER interact.

There's no minigames. You steal and ambulance and then you....ride it? What happened to driving around saving dying people?

Too many little small things that made SR2 AMAZING are gone out of SRTT

But most important...WHERE THE HELL ARE MY PIMPS?


No Longer a Noob
Sep 3, 2010
I enjoyed SR3, but was disappointed by all the stuff that was taken out. I liked how SR2 had a surprise around every corner. Hopefully SR4 gives us a lot more to do.


Jul 8, 2012
It's not really that good of a sequel, SR1 and 2 follow the same gang and the same thing pretty much in the same town, with similar graphics and features.. atleast they changed the city in SR3


Aug 23, 2012
hey u guys really think soo???i was planning on buying that game,answer to me if i 100% percent shouldnt
Well, I just bought Saints Row The Third without any prior experience to SR1 or SR2. If it's your first Saints Row game, it should be pretty fun but according to other fans, a disappointment compared to SR2. There's no denying that it's a fun game, you probably will have a good time, and on the plus side, it comes with a code to Saints Row 2. Also, if you don't mind waiting a few months, I hear Saints Row 4 is coming out soon, so you could wait for that.
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No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2005
I love Saints Row the Third... but I love 1 and 2 as well. They're all great games, just because one's better than the other doesn't make the other a bad game.


Sep 11, 2012
Planet Vegeta
i agree with the story and activities/diversons problems but the game is still a hell of a lot of fun after the "story" is complete the morningstar and luchadores are still around thats a plus compered to 1 & 2 and who dosent love the specter a hover-jet motorcycle how could you hate that?


Oct 21, 2012
It's hard to say. Saints Row The Third is fun but just sooo wacky. I'm just not into that over-the-top stuff. The goofy combat combined with the terrible story (Johnny Gat dead in the 2nd mission...really?), terrible characters (lookin' at you Angel), and lack of interaction with the city of Steelport really turned me off. The Genki stuff I found personally to be simply stupid, not funny stupid either. The "penetrator", the decker Tank weapons, Gatmobile, etc. SR2 had its share of wackiness but it wasn't as dumb as this game feels sometimes. I really feel dumb playing it a lot of the time.

Saints Row The Third upgraded in many ways to me. It's really easy but it made it more enjoyable because honestly, certain activities on Saints Row 2 were unbelievably frustrating (Crowd Control, Escort, Heli Assault, the last mission pissed me off too). SRTT is easier to 100% than SR2.

I like the new controls and the interface. The way they set up the grenades and the Saints Book is nice so you don't have to go activate Hitman lists like in SR2.The challenges are easier to complete than any diversion in SR2 in my opinion.

I don't know...SR2 just feels more alive. You can literally drive around the city and amuse yourself but in SRTT there just doesn't seem to be much to look at. They both have their pros and cons though so don't let anyone tell you SR2 or SRTT are bad games.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 3, 2010
It's hard to say. Saints Row The Third is fun but just sooo wacky. I'm just not into that over-the-top stuff. The goofy combat combined with the terrible story (Johnny Gat dead in the 2nd mission...really?), terrible characters (lookin' at you Angel), and lack of interaction with the city of Steelport really turned me off. The Genki stuff I found personally to be simply stupid, not funny stupid either. The "penetrator", the decker Tank weapons, Gatmobile, etc. SR2 had its share of wackiness but it wasn't as dumb as this game feels sometimes. I really feel dumb playing it a lot of the time.

Saints Row The Third upgraded in many ways to me. It's really easy but it made it more enjoyable because honestly, certain activities on Saints Row 2 were unbelievably frustrating (Crowd Control, Escort, Heli Assault, the last mission pissed me off too). SRTT is easier to 100% than SR2.

I like the new controls and the interface. The way they set up the grenades and the Saints Book is nice so you don't have to go activate Hitman lists like in SR2.The challenges are easier to complete than any diversion in SR2 in my opinion.

I don't know...SR2 just feels more alive. You can literally drive around the city and amuse yourself but in SRTT there just doesn't seem to be much to look at. They both have their pros and cons though so don't let anyone tell you SR2 or SRTT are bad games.

I know what you mean when you say SR2 felt more alive. I remember visiting places like the Stilwater Universty and the peds were all college kids. There were even cheerleaders practicing. Lots of random stuff to see.
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No Longer a Noob
Dec 20, 2010
It's hard to say. Saints Row The Third is fun but just sooo wacky. I'm just not into that over-the-top stuff. The goofy combat combined with the terrible story (Johnny Gat dead in the 2nd mission...really?), terrible characters (lookin' at you Angel), and lack of interaction with the city of Steelport really turned me off. The Genki stuff I found personally to be simply stupid, not funny stupid either. The "penetrator", the decker Tank weapons, Gatmobile, etc. SR2 had its share of wackiness but it wasn't as dumb as this game feels sometimes. I really feel dumb playing it a lot of the time.

Saints Row The Third upgraded in many ways to me. It's really easy but it made it more enjoyable because honestly, certain activities on Saints Row 2 were unbelievably frustrating (Crowd Control, Escort, Heli Assault, the last mission pissed me off too). SRTT is easier to 100% than SR2.

I like the new controls and the interface. The way they set up the grenades and the Saints Book is nice so you don't have to go activate Hitman lists like in SR2.The challenges are easier to complete than any diversion in SR2 in my opinion.

I don't know...SR2 just feels more alive. You can literally drive around the city and amuse yourself but in SRTT there just doesn't seem to be much to look at. They both have their pros and cons though so don't let anyone tell you SR2 or SRTT are bad games.

I know what you mean when you say SR2 felt more alive. I remember visiting places like the Stilwater Universty and the peds were all college kids. There were even cheerleaders practicing. Lots of random stuff to see.
Cheerleaders? Ive spent a lot a time around Stilwater University and Never Noticed the Cheerleaders...


No Longer a Noob
Sep 3, 2010
It's hard to say. Saints Row The Third is fun but just sooo wacky. I'm just not into that over-the-top stuff. The goofy combat combined with the terrible story (Johnny Gat dead in the 2nd mission...really?), terrible characters (lookin' at you Angel), and lack of interaction with the city of Steelport really turned me off. The Genki stuff I found personally to be simply stupid, not funny stupid either. The "penetrator", the decker Tank weapons, Gatmobile, etc. SR2 had its share of wackiness but it wasn't as dumb as this game feels sometimes. I really feel dumb playing it a lot of the time.

Saints Row The Third upgraded in many ways to me. It's really easy but it made it more enjoyable because honestly, certain activities on Saints Row 2 were unbelievably frustrating (Crowd Control, Escort, Heli Assault, the last mission pissed me off too). SRTT is easier to 100% than SR2.

I like the new controls and the interface. The way they set up the grenades and the Saints Book is nice so you don't have to go activate Hitman lists like in SR2.The challenges are easier to complete than any diversion in SR2 in my opinion.

I don't know...SR2 just feels more alive. You can literally drive around the city and amuse yourself but in SRTT there just doesn't seem to be much to look at. They both have their pros and cons though so don't let anyone tell you SR2 or SRTT are bad games.

I know what you mean when you say SR2 felt more alive. I remember visiting places like the Stilwater Universty and the peds were all college kids. There were even cheerleaders practicing. Lots of random stuff to see.
Cheerleaders? Ive spent a lot a time around Stilwater University and Never Noticed the Cheerleaders...

Yea lol, they were chanting and everything. Pretty awesome encounter.


Jun 1, 2014
@TheSaviorJD I like your style, graphics don't mean shit! agreed, whats ur GT? I should add you, if u have an xbox 360
Plp these days think graphix man everything, they are oh so blindly wrong