
The Relentless Tactician
Nov 1, 2004
North Carolina
It sounds as though you have fallen into the trap that most people who despise the game have, and expect that mashing the X button and spamming attack cards is how you play the game.

Step 1: Understand that this is not the original Kingdom Hearts game, so any bad habits that you may have picked up while playing (swinging the Keyblade blindly and relentlessly) should be dropped.

Step 2: Take some time to understand how the card battle system works; it isn't complicated. Sleights and 0 Card Breaks are the key to all boss battles.

As I said, the people who struggle with Chain of Memories tend to be the ones who try to play it like the other games which require absolutely no thought other than moving in the general direction of the enemy and attack, attack, attack. If you don't like to be challenged and prefer more rudimentary games I suggest that you just start over and play on Easy.


Destiny Deserter
Aug 10, 2003
Canada, eh?
It's your prerogative if you choose to dislike a game, but if you consider it one of the worst games ever, your experience can't be that vast.


Nerd Extraordinaire
Mar 29, 2005
North Carolina
Chain of Memories is actually one of my favorites. I enjoy the strategy involved in the card system, although I don't like actually having to build up my deck. The perfect median is definitely Birth By Sleep's battle system.

Plus, Chain of Memories has one of the best stories of the whole series. I love the mostly self contained story and the themes of memories, plus all the best Organization members get introduced in it. (Which sadly didn't leave a lot of interesting villains for KH2, but you win some, you lose some)


Oct 26, 2012
When I first played CoM I had no problem just spamming attack on the earlier bosses....it was the later bosses that really caused me a lot of grief when I was younger but all you really need to do is just learn the basic mechanics and you'll be fine. Not really one of my favorite combat systems but when I was younger I was really motivated in trying to beat it at least once before I move on from it because I found that it was a bit too tedious for me to go for a second playthrough when I was younger. If you were to say that the game is a bit tedious because of the card system then yes I would agree with you, but worst game ever no I can't agree with that.


Aug 3, 2003
It sounds as though you have fallen into the trap that most people who despise the game have, and expect that mashing the X button and spamming attack cards is how you play the game.

Step 1: Understand that this is not the original Kingdom Hearts game, so any bad habits that you may have picked up while playing (swinging the Keyblade blindly and relentlessly) should be dropped.

Step 2: Take some time to understand how the card battle system works; it isn't complicated. Sleights and 0 Card Breaks are the key to all boss battles.

As I said, the people who struggle with Chain of Memories tend to be the ones who try to play it like the other games which require absolutely no thought other than moving in the general direction of the enemy and attack, attack, attack. If you don't like to be challenged and prefer more rudimentary games I suggest that you just start over and play on Easy.

All it has to do is "click" with the person playing it. I remember I had the same thoughts when I played through the GBA version. I still haven't touched the remake (ps2/ ps3) s here's to re-learning! :D


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 22, 2013
easily one of the worst games i have ever played, and it takes alot for me to hate a game

Chain of memories is what made kingdom hearts relevant to me again. It was awesome.

The card battling system was superb. It was complex enough without being overly complicated and in-depth. It struck a nice balance between action and strategy, while still being fun.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 27, 2009
Memories is great, really fun game that allowed for a lot of customization when it came to your fighting style (on the Sora side at least, Riku's a bit limited) It definitely takes some getting used to, but It's still one of my favorite battle systems KH has used. That being said I could understand someone's frustration with it considering how it's a complete shift from what KH1 did.


Aug 9, 2016
Okay i know it's fun for some people and that the story is a good way to transition to KH1 to KH2. But, CoM is not fun. It fools you with the illusion of choice that you can choose whatever boost you want and it will help you. Especially health. When i was young i had the basic RPG formula in mind make sure that your health is good enough so that you have enough time to heal while being attack. CoM had no balance in healing. Most people go through this game with building CP decks that spam the triangle button and that is frustrating when you have struggle because of one thing you probably didn't know was more important to build. especially in CoM. (This is my own opnion about the game)