
Mar 25, 2013
Hello everybody,

I have reached the Russian Hulk on board the Endurance. I use the shotgun, shoot him in the head to stun him, move closer and hit him with my axe and then wait to get the signal to press F and finish him but instead I get just a red circle and the Hulk grabs Lara and throws her away. I have played this so many times trying every time to press F a bit earlier then a bit later but nothing changes.

Any ideas? I can use an already saved game which I have found on the internet to bypass this but if I do that I will not be able to go back and get all the items I have left behind. If it matters I play the game on my Windows XP laptop with KB and touchpad.

Many thanks in advance


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
Hello everybody,

I have reached the Russian Hulk on board the Endurance. I use the shotgun, shoot him in the head to stun him, move closer and hit him with my axe and then wait to get the signal to press F and finish him but instead I get just a red circle and the Hulk grabs Lara and throws her away. I have played this so many times trying every time to press F a bit earlier then a bit later but nothing changes.

Any ideas? I can use an already saved game which I have found on the internet to bypass this but if I do that I will not be able to go back and get all the items I have left behind. If it matters I play the game on my Windows XP laptop with KB and touchpad.

Many thanks in advance
You shoot the head until the "F" key (or whatever appears for your PC version) appears.

Once it does, I believe you have to time the press of the button (not spam it), when the circle shrinks and the icon lights up.
Apr 17, 2013
Hello everybody,

I have reached the Russian Hulk on board the Endurance. I use the shotgun, shoot him in the head to stun him, move closer and hit him with my axe and then wait to get the signal to press F and finish him but instead I get just a red circle and the Hulk grabs Lara and throws her away. I have played this so many times trying every time to press F a bit earlier then a bit later but nothing changes.

Any ideas? I can use an already saved game which I have found on the internet to bypass this but if I do that I will not be able to go back and get all the items I have left behind. If it matters I play the game on my Windows XP laptop with KB and touchpad.

Many thanks in advance

Oh My!! I'm stuck at the same place after shooting the 2 others 1st before having to try to get rid of this crude dude. HELP!! Would luv to hear answers on this one and would greatly appreciate it all. Great Gaming Ya'll....


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
I really wish I could help you out buddy. But the game was all reaction with out any brains that I don't remember. I wish TR was a little more thoughtful nowadays. Sorry.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 13, 2004
St Neots
You only push the QTE button (F in your case) once, when it glows green.
The red slow-mo before hand is your warning that you need to press it.